
时间:2020-07-11 07:58:00

标签: c uart




#include "tm4c123gh6pm.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tivaduino.h"
#include "Nokia5110.h"


uint8_t HardwareSerial0::read(void){
    uint8_t datoRx;
    while(UART0_FR_R & 0x10==0x10); 

//UART0_FR_R is in 1 if transmission buffer is full (no data is sent). if not, data can be sent to the buffer and it sends to TIVA

    datoRx = (uint8_t)UART0_DR_R;
    return datoRx;



//main program
 while (1) {

//is responsible for moving enemy cars to the far left and then disappear

Nokia5110_enemy_speed (positionk1, positionk2, positionk3, positionk4, positionk5,
             positionh1, positionh2, positionh3, positionh4, positionh5); 

//read a key on the uart (defined to be w, a, s, d)
char_key = Serial.read ();

sprintf (key, "% c", char_key); `//convert char_key into string`

if ((h <24) && (h> = 0)) {// as long as x remains on the map

   if ((strcmp (key, "w") == 0) && (h> 0)) {

Nokia5110_clean_cart (k, h);
h = h-8;
        Nokia5110_drawing_cart (k, h);
     if ((strcmp (key, "s") == 0) && (h <16)) {
Nokia5110_clean_cart (k, h);
       h = h + 8;
      Nokia5110_drawing_cart (k, h);
if ((strcmp (key, "d") == 0) && (k <78)) {
    Nokia5110_clean_cart (k, h);
       k = k + 6;
      Nokia5110_drawing_cart (k, h);
if ((strcmp (key, "a") == 0) && (k> 0)) {
     Nokia5110_clean_cart (k, h);
       k = k-6;
     Nokia5110_drawing_cart (k, h);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


return (UART0_FR_R & 0x10 == 0x00) ? (uint8_t)UART0_DR_R : 0xff;
