create table #tempData(
Company varchar(max),
Area varchar(max),
investment int,
True_False Bit
insert into #tempData values('Apple','CA', 5244, 0)
insert into #tempData values('Apple','CA', 5244, 1)
insert into #tempData values('Apple','GA', 5244, 0)
insert into #tempData values('Apple','GA', 0, 1)
insert into #tempData values('HP','NC', 100, 0)
insert into #tempData values('HP','NC', 100, 1)
insert into #tempData values('Lenovo','MN', 0, 0)
insert into #tempData values('Lenovo','MN', 0, 1)
insert into #tempData values('Acer','MN', 0, 0)
insert into #tempData values('Acer','MN', 278, 1)
select * into #tempResult1 from (
select *, DENSE_RANK() over(order by Company, Area) as Rank_
from #tempData
) a
where a.True_False = 0
select * into #tempResult2 from (
select *, DENSE_RANK() over(order by Company, Area) as Rank_
from #tempData
) a where a.True_False= 1
select *
from #tempResult1 R1
join #tempResult2 R2 on R1.Rank_ = R2.Rank_
select R1.*
from #tempResult1 R1
join #tempResult2 R2 on R1.Rank_= R2.Rank_
where R1.investment = R2.Investment
and (R1.investment <> 0 or R2.investment <> 0)
union -- UNION
select R2.*
from #tempResult1 R1
join #tempResult2 R2 on R1.Rank_= R2.Rank_
where R1.investment = 0 and R2.investment <> 0
union -- UNION
select R1.*
from #tempResult1 R1
join #tempResult2 R2 on R1.Rank_ = R2.Rank_
where R2.investment = 0 and R1.investment <> 0
union - UNION --
select R1.*
from #tempResult1 R1
join #tempResult2 R2 on R1.Rank_ = R2.Rank_
where R2.investment = 0 and R1.investment = 0
--drop table #tempData
--drop table #tempResult1
--drop table #tempResult2
select * from #tempData t
where exists ( select 1 from #tempData t2 where t.Company= t2.Company and t.Area = t2.Area and t.investment =0 and t2.investment <>0 and t2.True_False = 1 )
select * from #tempData t
where exists ( select 1 from #tempData t2 where t.Company= t2.Company and t.Area = t2.Area and t.investment = t2.investment and t.True_False = 0 )