有没有一种方法可以对熊猫/ numpy中的物品共现进行矢量化处理?

时间:2019-10-23 08:54:34

标签: python pandas numpy vectorization


0  [b, a, e, f, c]
1        [a, c, d]
2        [c, b, j]

在下面的示例中,我希望创建一个包含所有字母对的表格,然后有一个“权重”列,该列描述每两个字母对在同一行中一起出现多少次 em>(例如,参见底部)。


import pandas as pd

# Make some data
df = pd.DataFrame({'letters': [['b','a','e','f','c'],['a','c','d'],['c','b','j']]})

# I make a list of sets, which contain pairs of all the elements
# that co-occur in the data in the same list
sets = []
for lst in df['letters']:
    for i, a in enumerate(lst):
        for b in lst[i:]:
            if not a == b:
                sets.append({a, b})

# Sets now looks like:
# [{'a', 'b'},
#  {'b', 'e'},
#  {'b', 'f'},...

# Dataframe with one column containing the sets
df = pd.DataFrame({'weight': sets})

# We count how many times each pair occurs together
df = df['weight'].value_counts().reset_index()

# Split the sets into two seperate columns
split = pd.DataFrame(df['index'].values.tolist()) \
          .rename(columns = lambda x: f'Node{x+1}') \

# Merge the 'weight' column back onto the dataframe
df = pd.concat([df['weight'], split], axis = 1)


# Output:
   weight Node1 Node2
0       2     c     b
1       2     a     c
2       1     f     e
3       1     d     c
4       1     j     b

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用稀疏入射矩阵的numpy / scipy解决方案:

from itertools import chain
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from simple_benchmark import BenchmarkBuilder, MultiArgument

B = BenchmarkBuilder()

def pp(L):
    SZS = np.fromiter(chain((0,),map(len,L)),int,len(L)+1).cumsum()
    unq,idx = np.unique(np.concatenate(L),return_inverse=True)
    S = sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(idx.size,int),idx,SZS),(len(L),len(unq)))
    SS = (S.T@S).tocoo()
    idx = (SS.col>SS.row).nonzero()
    return unq[SS.row[idx]],unq[SS.col[idx]],SS.data[idx] # left, right, count

from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations

def yatu(L):
    return Counter(chain.from_iterable(combinations(sorted(i),r=2) for i in L))

def feature_engineer(L):
    Counter((min(nodes), max(nodes))
            for row in L for nodes in combinations(row, 2))

from string import ascii_lowercase as ltrs

ltrs = np.array([*ltrs])

@B.add_arguments('array size')
def argument_provider():
    for exp in range(4, 30):
        n = int(1.4**exp)
        L = [ltrs[np.maximum(0,np.random.randint(-2,2,26)).astype(bool).tolist()] for _ in range(n)]
        yield n,L

r = B.run()

enter image description here



import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'letters': [['b','a','e','f','c'],['a','c','d'],['c','b','j']]})
pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(["left", "right", "count"],pp(df['letters']))))


   left right  count
0     a     b      1
1     a     c      2
2     b     c      2
3     c     d      1
4     a     d      1
5     c     e      1
6     a     e      1
7     b     e      1
8     c     f      1
9     e     f      1
10    a     f      1
11    b     f      1
12    b     j      1
13    c     j      1

答案 1 :(得分:1)


根据其他答案的建议,使用collections.Counter进行计数。由于它的行为类似于dict,因此需要可散列的类型。 {a,b}不可散列,因为它是一个集合。用元组代替它可以解决哈希性问题,但会引入可能的重复项(例如('a', 'b')('b', 'a'))。要解决此问题,只需对元组进行排序。




sets = [ sorted((a,b)) for lst in df['letters'] for i,a in enumerate(lst) for b in lst[i:] if not a == b ]


奖金:如果将其与Counter结合使用,甚至不需要将结果作为列表使用,而是可以使用 generator表达式(几乎没有多余的内存被使用)所有对的存储):

Counter( tuple(sorted((a, b))) for lst in lists for i,a in enumerate(lst) for b in lst[i:] if not a == b ) # note the lack of [ ] around the comprehension


通常,在处理性能时,最终的答案必须来自测试不同的方法并选择最佳方法。 在这里,我比较了@yatu基于IMO(非常优雅且易读)itertools的方法,原始的嵌套方法和理解方法。 所有测试都在相同的样本数据上运行,这些数据是随机生成的,类似于给定的示例。

from timeit import timeit

setup = '''
import numpy as np
import random
from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations, chain

DF_SIZE = 50000 # make it big
list_lengths = np.random.randint(1, 7, DF_SIZE)

letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

lists = [ random.sample(letters, ln) for ln in list_lengths ] # roughly equivalent to df.letters.tolist()


comprehension = '''Counter( tuple(sorted((a, b))) for lst in lists for i,a in enumerate(lst) for b in lst[i:] if not a == b )'''
itertools = '''Counter(chain.from_iterable(combinations(sorted(i), r=2) for i in lists))'''
original_for_loop = '''
sets = []
for lst in lists:
    for i, a in enumerate(lst):
        for b in lst[i:]:
            if not a == b:
                sets.append(tuple(sorted((a, b))))

print(f'Comprehension: {timeit(setup=setup, stmt=comprehension, number=10)}')
print(f'itertools: {timeit(setup=setup, stmt=itertools, number=10)}')
print(f'nested for: {timeit(setup=setup, stmt=original_for_loop, number=10)}')

在我的计算机(python 3.7)上运行上面的代码会打印:

Comprehension: 1.6664735930098686
itertools: 0.5829475829959847
nested for: 1.751666523006861


答案 2 :(得分:1)



from itertools import combinations, chain
from collections import Counter

l = df.letters.tolist()
t = chain.from_iterable(combinations(sorted(i), r=2) for i in l)


Counter({('a', 'b'): 1,
         ('a', 'c'): 2,
         ('a', 'e'): 1,
         ('a', 'f'): 1,
         ('b', 'c'): 2,
         ('b', 'e'): 1,
         ('b', 'f'): 1,
         ('c', 'e'): 1,
         ('c', 'f'): 1,
         ('e', 'f'): 1,
         ('a', 'd'): 1,
         ('c', 'd'): 1,
         ('b', 'j'): 1,
         ('c', 'j'): 1})