#### set the seed value
#### create the sample variables for creating the data
group <- sample(1:7,1200,replace = T)
brn <- sample(1:10,1200,replace = T)
period <- rep(101:116,75)
sales <- sample(0:50,1200,replace = T)
#### create the data.table
df1 <- data.table(cbind(group,brn,period,sales))
#### taking the minimum value by group x brand x period
df1_min <- df1[,.(min1 = min(sales,na.rm = T)),by = c('group','brn','period')][order(group,brn,period)]
#### creating the filter
df1_min$fil1 <- ifelse(df1_min$period == 101 & df1_min$min1 == 0,1,0)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
假定第一个限制适用于整个数据集的最小期限(101),则意味着从0销售额开始大于101的brn /组对仍然包括在内。
# 1. brn/group pairs with sales of 0 in the 1st period.
brngroup_zerosales101 = df1[sales == 0 & period == min(period), .(brn, group)]
# 2a. Identify brn/group pairs with <14 positive sale periods
df1[, posSale := ifelse(sales > 0, 1, 0)] # Was the period sale positive?
# 2b. For each brn/group pair, sum posSale and filter posSale < 14
brngroup_sub14 = df1[, .(GroupBrnPosSales = sum(posSale)), by = .(brn, group)][GroupBrnPosSales < 14, .(brn, group)]
# 3. Join the two restrictions
restr = rbindlist(list(brngroup_zerosales101, brngroup_sub14))
df1[, ID := paste(brn, group)] # Create a brn-group ID
restr[, ID := paste(brn, group)] # See above
filtered = df1[!(ID %in% restr[,ID]),]