我设置了一个事件,以在将某个表情符号添加到某个频道中的消息时触发。从某种意义上说,当添加适当的表情符号时,它会触发,但是 1)我无法弄清楚如何获取该消息以将其实际发送到新频道,并且 2)我不知道如何获得在邮件中应用了某些表情符号的用户的列表
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
user1 = ""
user2 = ""
guild = reaction.message.guild
Channel = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name='old-channel')
if reaction.message.channel.name != 'old-channel':
if reaction.emoji.id == 572468014910537740: # the emoji to trigger on
newchannel= discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name='new-channel')
emojis = reaction.message.reactions
for each emoji in emojis:
if emoji.id == 572468015074115592: # I need this for user 2
user2 = emoji.user
else if emoji.id == 572468014847361036: # I need this for User 1
user1 = emoji.user
await newchannel.send(reaction.message.content) # fails... no content
await reaction.message.delete()
如何获取嵌入了表情符号的嵌入式消息,将嵌入内容+“ \ n user1:” + user1 + \ n user2:“ + user2发送给新频道?