我是编码新手,这是我的第一篇文章! 作为首要任务,我试图使用skimage功能(例如register_translation和fourier_shift)在python中实现一个简单的图像漂移校正例程(因此,我不需要依赖ImageJ插件)。
下面您可以找到我到目前为止所做的事情, 但这是关于此方法的主要问题:
。当我们通过FFT应用互相关峰以识别相对位移时,我不清楚的一件事是,该方法如何区分“伪像”图像漂移和真实物体运动? (即实际像素强度偏移)。
# import the basics
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data
from skimage.feature import register_translation
from scipy.ndimage import fourier_shift
from skimage import io
''' register translation estimates the cross-correlation peak by an FFT
i.e, identifies the relative shift between two similar-sized images
using cross-correlation in Fourier space '''
movie = mymovie
shifts = []
corrected_shift_movie = []
for img in range(0,movie.shape[0]):
if img < movie.shape[0] - 1:
shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(movie[0], movie[img + 1])
img_corr = fourier_shift(np.fft.fftn(movie[img + 1]), shift)
img_corr = np.fft.ifftn(img_corr)
# for plotting the xy shifts over time
shifts = np.array(shifts)
corrected_shift_movie = np.array(corrected_shift_movie)
x_drift = [shifts[i][0] for i in range(0,shifts.shape[0])]
y_drift = [shifts[i][1] for i in range(0,shifts.shape[0])]
plt.plot(x_drift, '--g' , label = ' X drift')
plt.plot(y_drift, '--r' , label = ' Y drfit')
# checking drift for the new corrected movie
movie = corrected_shift_movie
shifts_corr = []
for img in range(0,movie.shape[0]):
if img < movie.shape[0] - 1:
shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(movie[0], movie[img + 1])
shifts_corr = np.array(shifts_corr)
x_drift = [shifts_corr[i][0] for i in range(0,shifts_corr.shape[0])]
y_drift = [shifts_corr[i][1] for i in range(0,shifts_corr.shape[0])]
plt.plot(x_drift, '--g' , label = ' X drift')
plt.plot(y_drift, '--r' , label = ' Y drfit')
# saving the new corrected movie
import tifffile as tiff
movie_to_save = corrected_shift_movie
with tiff.TiffWriter('drift_correction.tif', bigtiff=True) as tif:
for new_image in range(movie_to_save.shape[0]):
tif.save(movie_to_save[new_image], compress=0)