Bad email format with django

时间:2019-03-06 11:32:07

标签: python django

I am new in web development with django. And am testing a website for deployment but when I receive email from my contact page to my gmail account, I will see 'From me to me' instead of 'from sender to me'. Please see screenshot below: From me to me and when I open the email it looks like this when I open the email. Please someone should help me to fix this.

Here is my django code:

def contact(request):
title = 'Contact us'
form = ContactForm(request.POST or None)
confirm_message = None

if form.is_valid():
    instance =

    subject = instance.subject
    name =
    email =
    comment = instance.comment
    message = '       From : %s\n\
               Email : %s \n\
               Message: %s ' %(name, email, comment)
    emailFrom = email
    emailTo = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER

    send_mail(subject, message, emailFrom, recipient_list=[emailTo],  fail_silently=True)
    title = 'Thanks!!'
    confirm_message = "Thanks for the message we will get right back to you"
    form = None

context = {
'form': form, 
'confirm_message': confirm_message,

return render(request, 'website/contact.html', context)

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