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# gdf with all the polygons
gdf1 = gpd.read_file(...)
# calculate a column with the centroid geometry;
# it will be used later.
# note: this is not the active gdf geometry at this stage
gdf1['geometry_pt'] = gdf1['geometry'].centroid
# set the point geometry as the active geometry
# filter out the gdf in two gdfs, with/without the value you want
gdf1_yesval = gdf1.loc[gdf1['field1'] != 0]
gdf1_noval = gdf1.loc[gdf1['field1'] == 0]
# perform a spatial join to assign the closest value to the points with no value
# for this, apply the code in the link below
gdf1_noval_joined = gdf1_noval.apply(... nearest... gdf1_yesval... )
# do the necessary column operations in the joined gdf
# to update your desired columns with values from the spatially joined gdf
gdf1_noval_joined['field1'] = gdf1_noval_joined['joinedfieldA']
# delete the unnecessary columns in the joined gdf
gdf1_noval_joined.drop(columns=['joinedfieldA', 'joinedfieldB'], inplace=True)
# concatenate the two gdfs to make one
df2 = pd.concat([gdf1_yesval, gdf1_noval_joined])
# convert it into a gdf again
gdf2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df2, geometry='geometry')