基本上,我试图计算以下解决方案的时间复杂度,我从Bit masking cap problem那里解决了这个问题,并很好地理解了该问题,但是由于递归在循环内进行,因此无法计算时间复杂度 甚至我的教授都不知道该怎么做?
有100种不同类型的大写字母,每个小写字母的ID范围从1到100。此外,有“ n”个人分别具有不同数量的大写字母的集合。有一天,所有这些人都决定参加一个戴着帽子的聚会,但看起来很独特,他们决定他们都不会戴着相同类型的帽子。因此,计算一下安排或方式的总数,以使它们都不佩戴相同类型的帽子。
约束:1 <= n <= 10示例:
// C++ program to find number of ways to wear hats
#define MOD 1000000007
using namespace std;
// capList[i]'th vector contains the list of persons having a cap with id i
// id is between 1 to 100 so we declared an array of 101 vectors as indexing
// starts from 0.
vector<int> capList[101];
// dp[2^10][101] .. in dp[i][j], i denotes the mask i.e., it tells that
// how many and which persons are wearing cap. j denotes the first j caps
// used. So, dp[i][j] tells the number ways we assign j caps to mask i
// such that none of them wears the same cap
int dp[1025][101];
// This is used for base case, it has all the N bits set
// so, it tells whether all N persons are wearing a cap.
int allmask;
// Mask is the set of persons, i is cap-id (OR the
// number of caps processed starting from first cap).
long long int countWaysUtil(int mask, int i)
// If all persons are wearing a cap so we
// are done and this is one way so return 1
if (mask == allmask) return 1;
// If not everyone is wearing a cap and also there are no more
// caps left to process, so there is no way, thus return 0;
if (i > 100) return 0;
// If we already have solved this subproblem, return the answer.
if (dp[mask][i] != -1) return dp[mask][i];
// Ways, when we don't include this cap in our arrangement
// or solution set.
long long int ways = countWaysUtil(mask, i+1);
// size is the total number of persons having cap with id i.
int size = capList[i].size();
// So, assign one by one ith cap to all the possible persons
// and recur for remaining caps.
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
// if person capList[i][j] is already wearing a cap so continue as
// we cannot assign him this cap
if (mask & (1 << capList[i][j])) continue;
// Else assign him this cap and recur for remaining caps with
// new updated mask vector
else ways += countWaysUtil(mask | (1 << capList[i][j]), i+1);
ways %= MOD;
// Save the result and return it.
return dp[mask][i] = ways;
// Reads n lines from standard input for current test case
void countWays(int n)
//----------- READ INPUT --------------------------
string temp, str;
int x;
getline(cin, str); // to get rid of newline character
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
getline(cin, str);
stringstream ss(str);
// while there are words in the streamobject ss
while (ss >> temp)
stringstream s;
s << temp;
s >> x;
// add the ith person in the list of cap if with id x
// All mask is used to check whether all persons
// are included or not, set all n bits as 1
allmask = (1 << n) - 1;
// Initialize all entries in dp as -1
memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
// Call recursive function count ways
cout << countWaysUtil(0, 1) << endl;
// Driver Program
int main()
int n; // number of persons in every test case
cin >> n;
return 0;