
时间:2018-10-21 17:50:22

标签: python-3.x

仍然是Python的初学者。 7周为8周的课程。我的任务是完善以前的任务。我要添加的内容不是必需的,但我认为始终将最佳用户界面作为目标是一种很好的做法。我目前有一个功能正常的ATM脚本,可以运行一次,然后必须重新启动才能使用其他功能之一。我想做的是以某种方式调用我创建的user_options词典,以提示用户查看他们是否要在ATM程序仍在运行时执行另一项任务。


如果将user_options dict更改为函数,我将不知道该怎么做。无论如何,对不起,这是我的代码:

import sys

account_balance = float(500.25)

# defines theprintbalance function
def balance():
  print("Your current balance:\n" + str(account_balance)) 

#defines the deposit function
def deposit():
    global account_balance
    #input paramaters for deposit
    deposit_amount = input("How much would you like to deposit today?\n") 
    #modifies account balance with deposit ammount
    account_balance += float(deposit_amount)
    #prints the deposit amount and current blanace
    print("Deposit was $" + str('%.2f' % float(deposit_amount)) + ", current 
    balance is $" + str(account_balance))

#defines withdrawal function
def withdrawal():
  global account_balance
  #input paramaters for withdrawal
  withdrawal_amount = input("How much would you like to withdraw today?\n") 
  #if statement for withdrawal amount that exceeds balance
  if float(withdrawal_amount) > account_balance:
    print("$" + str('%.2f' % float(withdrawal_amount)) + " is greater than 
    your account balance of $" + str('%.2f' % float(account_balance)))
    #restarts the withdrawl
    print('Please enter an amount less than or equal to your current balance 
    for withdrawal')
  #else statement for successful withdrawal
    account_balance -= float(withdrawal_amount)
    print("Withdrawal amount was $" + str('%.2f' % float(withdrawal_amount)) 
    + ", current balance is $" + str('%.2f' % float(account_balance)))

#defines quit function
def quit():
  #prints quit message
  print("Thank you for banking with us.") 

#creates user input dict and removes previously used if/else loop
user_options = input("What would you like to do? (B)alance, (W)ithdrawal, 
(D)eposit, (Q)uit\n")

options = {'B': balance,
           'b': balance,
           'W': withdrawal,
           'w': withdrawal,
           'D': deposit,
           'd': deposit,
           'Q': quit,
           'q': quit,



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