
时间:2018-01-05 12:26:51

标签: c# debugging unity3d



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class WHEELSPIN : MonoBehaviour {

    HingeJoint hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint>();
    private JointMotor motor = hinge.motor;
    hinge.useMotor = true;
    hinge.motor = float motorz;
    motorz.freeSpin = true;

    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical"))
            motorz.force = 1000;
            motorz.targetVelocity = 900;





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:1)


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class WHEELSPIN : MonoBehaviour 

    HingeJoint hinge;
    JointMotor motorz;

    private void Awake()
        hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint>();
        motorz = hinge.motor;
        hinge.useMotor = true;
        motorz.freeSpin = true;

    private void Update() 
        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0f) 
            motorz.force = 1000;
            motorz.targetVelocity = 900;

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我猜您对 字段初始值设定项 感到困惑。但在解释字段初始化程序是什么之前,我应该从如何正确​​定义开始。



// Double slashes starts a one-line comment
// Comments will be **ignored** when the program is running
// So comments are actually memos for programmers
// Here the class is named as "Creature"
class Creature
    // Here you can put some fields that will be used to store data
    int _heathPoint;

    // _healthPoint = 10; // Not permitted because this is not a field declaration

    // Here you can define methods that can be operated with
    public void DoSomething()
        // A method can be empty, just do nothing.

您可能会在本课程中看到我定义了一个字段_healthPoint和一个方法DoSomething而没有其他内容。事实上,在&#34;范围&#34;该类(由class关键字后的第一级弯曲括号所包围的区域),字段和方法声明是允许的(嗯,不完全是,您可以实际添加嵌套类但这超出了本Q&amp; A)的范围。

如果您创建类Creature的新实例,则此实例将具有整数字段_heathPoint和方法DoSomething。但是它的领域的价值是什么?在上面的定义中,它没有关于初始值的方式,因此_healthPoint将设置为默认值:0表示int 1}}数据。


class Creature
    int _heathPoint;

    // Below is something new.
    // Please note that although it looks like an ordinary method like DoSomething(),
    // it lacks the return type and has the same name as the class name
    // Such a method is called **constructor**
    public Creature()
        _healthPoint = 100;

    public void DoSomething()

在这里您可以看到我们添加了一个新方法,该方法与其托管类具有相同的名称。这种方法称为构造函数。顾名思义,当您尝试构造类的实例时,会自动调用构造函数 但是,这并不意味着构造函数创建实例,它们实际上用于初始化实例。调用构造函数时,实例已经创建。但细节超出了范围。
但是,如果我们在一个需要初始化的类中有一百个字段呢?在构造函数中逐个初始化它们会很繁琐且容易出错 所以字段初始化程序来救援。除了在构造函数中显式初始化字段之外,可以使用字段初始值设定项将初始值设置为声明的字段。以下是我们示例中的样子:

class Creature
    // Here the = 100 part is the field initializer
    int _heathPoint = 100;
    // Each field can only have one initializer
    // So the line below is wrong and will not compile
    // _healthPoint = 30; // wrong because _heathPoint has been declared above

    public Creature()
        // Do not need to do anything because the field initializer does what we want

    public void DoSomething()

您可能会在此处看到字段声明int _healthPoint;变为int _healthPoint = 100;。这意味着我们定义类的所有实例Creature将有一个名为_healthPoint的字段,我们希望将其值初始化为100
因此int _healthPoint = 100 + 20;有效,int _healthPoint = Int.Parse("100");也是如此。 (你可以尝试一下!)

回到原始代码,我看到的是您似乎尝试初始化字段(尤其是hinge)。我希望从上面的解释中你现在明白hinge.useMotor = true;是无效的,因为它不是字段声明,也不是字段初始值设定项的一部分。


class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    HingeJoint hinge = InitializeHinge();

    private HingeJoint InitializeHinge()
        // Note that the line below compiles but may not run or will report runtime error
        // I am not sure if you can call GetComponent() in field initializer
        HingeJoint returnValue = GetComponent<HingeJoint>();
        returnValue.useMotor = true;
        return returnValue;

通过这种方式,一旦创建了ExampleClass的实例,其字段hinge将被初始化为HingeJoint返回的GetComponent<HingeJoint>()并获取其useMotor 1}}字段设置为true