
时间:2017-11-20 02:43:05

标签: arrays python-3.x numpy conditional-statements counter

我有一个工作的去聚类算法,我想加速使用numpy。给定数组a,获得连续差异diffa。然后检查这些连续差异中的每一个,以查看每个差异是大于还是小于某个阈值t_c,这会产生01的{​​{1}}数组。 }和False。考虑到True是一个小于diffa的索引,计数模式会略有修改。首先,a0的每个群集的大小计算为数组1。如果数组包含cl_size,则群集的大小为原始大小加1;如果数组包含0,则群集的大小为其原始大小减1。下面是一个我想要适应更大数据集的例子。


在此之后,我通过可导入模块import numpy as np thresh = 21 a = np.array([1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70, 71, 72, 74, 100, 130, 160, 171, 200, 201]) diffa = np.diff(a) print(diffa) >> [ 1 3 5 10 20 30 1 1 2 26 30 30 11 29 1] def get_cluster_statistics(array, t_c, func_kw='all'): """ This function separates clusters of datapoints such that the number of clusters and the number of events in each cluster can be known. """ # GET CONSECUTIVE DIFFERENCES ts_dif = np.diff(array) # GET BOOLEAN ARRAY MASK OF 0's AND 1's FOR TIMES ABOVE THRESHOLD T_C bool_mask = np.array(ts_dif > t_c) * 1 # COPY BOOLEAN ARRAY MASK (DO NOT MODIFY ORIGINAL ARRAY) bm_arr = bool_mask[:] # SPLIT CLUSTERS INTO SUB-ARRAYS res = np.split(bm_arr, np.where(abs(np.diff(bm_arr)) != 0)[0] + 1) print(res) >>[array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), array([1]), array([0, 0, 0]), array([1, 1, 1]), array([0]), array([1]), array([0])] # GET SIZE OF EACH SUB-ARRAY CLUSTER cl_size = np.array([res[idx].size for idx in range(len(res))]) print(cl_size) >>[5 1 3 3 1 1 1] # CHOOSE BETWEEN CHECKING ANY OR ALL VALUES OF SUB-ARRAYS (check timeit) func = dict(zip(['all', 'any'], [np.all, np.any]))[func_kw] # INITIALIZE EMPTY OUTPUT LIST ans = [] # CHECK EACH SPLIT SUB-ARRAY IN RES for idx in range(len(res)): # print("res[%d] = %s" %(idx, res[idx])) if func(res[idx] == 1): term = [1 for jdx in range(cl_size[idx]-1)] # cl_size[idx] = cl_size[idx]-1 ans.append(term) elif func(res[idx] == 0): # cl_size[idx] = cl_size[idx]+1 term = [cl_size[idx]+1] ans.append(term) print(ans) >> [[6], [], [4], [1, 1], [2], [], [2]] out = np.sum(ans) print(out) >> [6, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2] get_cluster_statistics(a, thresh, 'any') 应用Counter来计算各种大小的群集的频率。


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