编写一个程序,将文本翻译成假拉丁文并返回。将英语翻译成假拉丁语,取每个单词的第一个字母,将其移到单词的末尾,并在每个单词中添加“ay”。 例如,如果您的程序从键盘上读取字符串“The quick brown fox”,那么它应该在屏幕上打印以下文本:“Hetay uickqay rownbay oxfay”。 你也应该实现与此相反的方式,阅读" Iay ikelay rogrammingpay"应该在屏幕上打印"我喜欢编程"。
public class fakelatin {
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner pig = new Scanner(System.in);
String word; original word
String latin = "";
char first;
boolean cap = false;
String line;
System.out.print("enter line to translate: "); //enter the line to translate
line = pig.nextLine();
pig = new Scanner(line);
// loop through all the words in the line
while (pig.hasNext()) // is there another word?
word = pig.next();
first = word.charAt(0);
if ('A' <= first && first <= 'Z') // first is capital letter
first = Character.toLowerCase(first);
cap = true;
cap = false;
// test if first letter is a vowel
if (first=='a' || first=='e' || first=='i' || first=='o' || first=='u')
latin = word + "ay";
if (cap)
latin = "" + Character.toUpperCase(word.charAt(1)); // char to String conversion
latin = latin + word.substring(2) + first + "ay";
latin = word.substring(1) + first + "ay";
System.out.print(latin + " ");
我的输出是iay ikelay rogrammingpay,因为我想要它
import java.util.Scanner;
public class fakelatin2 {
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner pig = new Scanner(System.in);
String word; // original word
String latin = ""; // pig latin translation, init to empty string
char first,last;
boolean cap = false;
String line;
System.out.print("enter line to translate: ");
line = pig.nextLine();
pig = new Scanner(line);
// loop through all the words in the line
while (pig.hasNext()) // is there another word?
word = pig.next();
first = word.charAt(0);
if ('A' <= first && first <= 'Z') // first is capital letter
first = Character.toLowerCase(first);
cap = true;
cap = false;
latin = word.replaceAll("ay", "");
latin = "" + Character.toUpperCase(word.charAt(1));
System.out.print(latin + " ");
我得到了一个输出&#34; i ikel rogrammingp&#34;但是不能得到&#34;我喜欢编程&#34;回来
答案 0 :(得分:0)
while (pig.hasNext()) // is there another word?
word = pig.next();
// Step 1.
// Original first letter of word
last = word.charAt(word.length() - 3);
// word.length should always be >= 3, but I guess you should check
// that and print an error if it's not.
// Step 2.
// First char in latin word
first = word.charAt(0);
if (Character.isUpperCase(first)) // first is capital letter
last = Character.toUpperCase(last);
// Steps 3. and 4.
String original = last + word.substring(0, word.length() - 3).toLowerCase();
System.out.print(original + " ");
注意:我不知道如何转换以元音开头的单词。例如:&#34; end&#34;是&#34; enday&#34;在假拉丁语中。当你转回来时,你怎么知道它&#34;结束&#34;或&#34; den&#34;? (因为&#34; den&#34;在假拉丁语中也是&#34; enday&#34;)。但是,作业并没有说明以元音开头的单词,因此您应该从转换器中删除它。问题解决了。