我在python 3.6.1上使用tkinter。我在Windows 10和Windows Server 2008 r2上通过远程桌面看到了它
import time
import threading
import logging
import datetime
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.scrolledtext as ScrolledText
from tkinter.ttk import Separator, Style
from collections import Counter
import pypyodbc
def build_productionrpt(self, LotDate, Shift):
for label in self.grid_slaves():
if int(label.grid_info()["column"]) >= 0 and int(label.grid_info()["row"]) >= 3:
self.products = []
self.r = 3
self.c = 0
# Get all printed labels for current date and shift
labels = ProductionReport.LabelsByShift(LotDate,Shift,option="Labels")
# Only look at the DatePrinted and the ProductID
product_batch_sets = [(record[0], record[1]) for record in labels]
# Sort so that we only get unique values, otherwise there would be a duplicate for every unit.
product_batch_unique_sets = list(set(product_batch_sets))
# Get all units for each batch and sort by PrintedDate, UnitNumber, and RFIDSerial. Currently we are not using RFIDSerial for anything in this report
batch_unit_sets = [(record[0], record[6], record[5]) for record in labels]
# Sort so that we only get unique values, otherwise there would be a duplicate for every unit.
batch_unit_unique_sets = list(set(batch_unit_sets))
# Get all scanned labels for current date and shift, sort by PrintedDate, UnitNumber, and RFIDSerial. Currently we are not using RFIDSerial for anything in this report
units_scanned_sets = [(record[0], record[6], record[5]) for record in ProductionReport.LabelsByShift(LotDate,Shift,option="Scanned")]
# Remove all duplicate scans
units_scanned_unique_sets = list(set(units_scanned_sets))
# Begin by going through each row
for record in product_batch_unique_sets:
# Get each unique product from the list, if it's already in self.products then it's been Labeled and we can move on
if record[1] not in self.products:
# Add to self.products so we don't label it twice
# Label it on the GUI, using row 3 as the first row.
# First, make sure the labels haven't gotten too far. If it has, reset the row count and change the column
if self.r > 35:
self.c = 1
self.r = 2
elif self.r > 35 and self.c == 1:
self.c = 2
self.r = 2
Label(self, text=record[1], font=("Helvetica", 16, "bold")).grid(row=self.r, column=self.c, sticky="nw", rowspan=3)
# Add 3 rows to r, to make room for the Product label.
# Set the current product to what we just labeled, so we know what to use as a reference when getting batches.
current_product = record[1]
# Get all batches for this product and put them in a list
all_batches = [i for i,v in product_batch_unique_sets if v == current_product]
# Now take each batch from the list we just made..
for batch in all_batches:
# Label it
# Label(self, text=str(batch), font=("Helvetica", 10)).grid(row=self.r, column=0, sticky="nw")
# Add 2 rows to make room for the batch and for the unit numbers
# Get all unitnumbers printed for this specific batch
all_unitnumbers = [v for i,v,u in batch_unit_unique_sets if i == batch]
# Sort them so it's readable
# Get all units that were scanned from this batch
all_scannedunits = [v for i,v,u in units_scanned_unique_sets if i == batch]
# Sort them so it's readable
# Label the scanned units, they are green
Label(self, text=str(all_scannedunits), font=("Helvetica", 8), wraplength=500, justify="left", fg="green").grid(row=self.r, column=self.c, sticky="nw", padx=20)
# Add 2 rows to make room for the unscanned units
# This takes all printed units, and subtracts all scanned units from that. What's left is the units that were printed but not scanned
a = Counter(all_unitnumbers)
b = Counter(all_scannedunits)
c = a - b
# Label all units printed but not scanned
Label(self, text=str(list(c.elements())), font=("Helvetica", 8), wraplength=500, justify="left", fg="red").grid(row=self.r, column=self.c, sticky="nw", padx=20)
# Add two rows to make room for the next Product
# all_noscans = [v for i,v,u in units_noscan_unique_sets if i == batch]
# Label(self, text=str(all_noscans), font=("Helvetica", 8)).grid(row=self.r, column=0, sticky="nw", padx=20)
# self.r+=3
if should_continue_prod_report:
self.after(5000, lambda:self.build_productionrpt(self.lotdate_e.get(), self.shift_e.get()))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我能够通过以下方式解决此问题: 将所有标签存储在字典中,其密钥类似于ProductVariable +“_ label”,值将为标签
将所有textvariables存储在同一个字典中。我不得不将标签(root,text = ..)更改为label(root,textvariable = ..)