
时间:2017-04-14 14:33:45

标签: python optimization


代码非常简单(主要是为了将来可能会发现它有帮助的人参考):我的函数optimize(f, df, hess_f, method)如下所示:

# prepare contour plot
fig = pt.figure()
xmesh, ymesh = np.mgrid[-5:5:100j,-5:5:100j]
fmesh = f(np.array([xmesh, ymesh]))

pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, fmesh)
pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, fmesh, 250)

# initial guess + first update of search direction
guesses = [np.array([5, 0.1])]
x = guesses[-1]
s = search_direction(df, hess_f, x, method)

not_done = True

while not_done:
    # calculate step size using backtracking line search:
    alpha_opt = backtracking_alpha(f, df, 0.5, 0.5, x, s)

    # update step
    next_guess = x + alpha_opt * s

    # plot current step to our updating contour graph:
    it_array = np.array(guesses)
    pt.plot(it_array.T[-2], it_array.T[-1], "-")

    # check stopping condition
    if (np.linalg.norm(guesses[-2] - guesses[-1]) < 0.0001):
        not_done = False

    # prepare for next guess according to search direction method
    x = guesses[-1]
    s = search_direction(df, hess_f, x, method)

print("method {2} converged to: {0}, in {1} iterations".format(x, len(guesses), method))

它可以正常工作:例如,对于该功能  enter image description here

我们得到了 method 0 converged to: [ 1.37484167e-04 -8.24905001e-06], in 22 iterations method 1 converged to: [ 0. 0.], in 3 iterations


def f2(x): return 100*(x[0]-3)**2 + (x[1]-1)**2

def df2(x): return np.array([200*(x[0]-3), 2*(x[1]-1)])

def hess_f2(x): return np.array([200, 0, 0, 2]).reshape((2,2))

所以我的问题是,什么是#34; Pythonic&#34;生成函数计算输入函数函数的渐变和Hessian的方法,以适合我上面的实现的方式?我猜它是非常简单的,但我对Python的主要经验是编写脚本,所以我还没有完成这样的事情。谢谢!

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