
时间:2017-03-07 22:25:46

标签: python performance numpy matrix




data = np.random.randn(5,5)
L = 2
x = np.arange(-L,L+1,1)*2.5
y = np.arange(-L,L+1,1)*2.5
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
r = np.sqrt(xx**2. + yy**2.)


In [30]: r
array([[ 7.07106781,  5.59016994,  5.        ,  5.59016994,  7.07106781],
       [ 5.59016994,  3.53553391,  2.5       ,  3.53553391,  5.59016994],
       [ 5.        ,  2.5       ,  0.        ,  2.5       ,  5.        ],
       [ 5.59016994,  3.53553391,  2.5       ,  3.53553391,  5.59016994],
       [ 7.07106781,  5.59016994,  5.        ,  5.59016994,  7.07106781]])

In [31]: data
array([[ 1.27603322,  1.33635284,  1.93093228,  0.76229675, -0.00956535],
       [ 0.69556071, -1.70829753,  1.19615919, -1.32868665,  0.29679494],
       [ 0.13097791, -1.33302719,  1.48226442, -0.76672223, -1.01836614],
       [ 0.51334771, -0.83863115, -0.41541794,  0.34743342,  0.1199237 ],
       [-1.02042539,  0.90739383, -2.4858624 , -0.07417987,  0.90748933]])

对于这种情况,对于距离索引,预期输出应为array([ 0. , 2.5 , 3.53553391, 5. , 5.59016994, 7.07106781]),对于相应距离的所有值的平均值,第二个长度相同的数组:array([ 0.98791323, -0.32496927, 0.37221219, -0.6209728 , 0.27986926, 0.04060628])。< / p>

this answer开始,有一个非常好的函数来计算任意点的轮廓。然而,他的方法的问题是它通过索引距离近似距离r。所以他的r就我的情况而言:

array([[2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
       [2, 1, 1, 1, 2],
       [2, 1, 0, 1, 2],
       [2, 1, 1, 1, 2],
       [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]])


我一直试图将其扩展为浮动距离,就像我的版本r一样,但到目前为止还没有运气。 bincount不适用于花车,而histogram需要等间距的纸盒,但实际情况并非如此。有什么建议吗?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


def radial_profile_app1(data, r):
    mid = data.shape[0]//2
    ids = np.rint((r**2)/r[mid-1,mid]**2).astype(int).ravel()
    count = np.bincount(ids)

    R = data.shape[0]//2 # Radial profile radius
    R0 = R+1
    dists = np.unique(r[:R0,:R0][np.tril(np.ones((R0,R0),dtype=bool))])

    mean_data = (np.bincount(ids, data.ravel())/count)[count!=0]
    return dists, mean_data

对于给定的样本数据 -

In [475]: radial_profile_app1(data, r)
(array([ 0.        ,  2.5       ,  3.53553391,  5.        ,  5.59016994,
 array([ 1.48226442  , -0.3297520425, -0.8820454775, -0.3605795875,
         0.5696863263,  0.2883829525]))


def radial_profile_app2(data, r):
    R = data.shape[0]//2 # Radial profile radius
    range_arr = np.arange(-R,R+1)
    ids = (range_arr[:,None]**2 + range_arr**2).ravel()
    count = np.bincount(ids)

    R0 = R+1
    dists = np.unique(r[:R0,:R0][np.tril(np.ones((R0,R0),dtype=bool))])

    mean_data = (np.bincount(ids, data.ravel())/count)[count!=0]
    return dists, mean_data

运行时测试 -

In [562]: # Setup inputs
     ...: N = 2001
     ...: data = np.random.randn(N,N)
     ...: L = (N-1)//2
     ...: x = np.arange(-L,L+1,1)*2.5
     ...: y = np.arange(-L,L+1,1)*2.5
     ...: xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
     ...: r = np.sqrt(xx**2. + yy**2.)

In [563]: out01, out02 = radial_profile_app1(data, r)
     ...: out11, out12 = radial_profile_app2(data, r)
     ...: print np.allclose(out01, out11)
     ...: print np.allclose(out02, out12)

In [566]: %timeit radial_profile_app1(data, r)
     ...: %timeit radial_profile_app2(data, r)
10 loops, best of 3: 114 ms per loop
10 loops, best of 3: 91.2 ms per loop

答案 1 :(得分:0)


def radial_prof(data, r):
    uniq = np.unique(r)
    prof = np.array([ np.mean(data[ r==un ]) for un in uniq ])
    return uniq, prof


答案 2 :(得分:0)

这是一种间接排序方法,如果批量大小和/或箱数很大,则应该很好地扩展。排序为O(n log n),所有直方图都是O(n)。我还添加了一些不科学的速度测试。对于速度测试,我使用平面索引,但我留下了2d索引代码,因为它在处理不同大小的图像时更灵活等。

import numpy as np

# this need only be run once per batch
def r_to_ind(r, dist_bins="auto"):
    f = np.argsort(r.ravel())
    if dist_bins == "auto":
        rs = r.ravel()[f]
        bins = np.where(np.r_[True, rs[1:]!=rs[:-1]])[0]
        dist_bins = rs[bins]
        bins = np.searchsorted(r.ravel()[f], dist_bins)
    denom = np.diff(np.r_[bins, r.size])
    return f, np.unravel_index(f, r.shape), bins, denom, dist_bins

# this is with adjustable offset
def profile_xy(image, yx, ij, bins, nynx, denom):
    (y, x), (i, j), (ny, nx) = yx, ij, nynx
    return np.add.reduceat(image[i + y - ny//2, j + x - nx//2], bins) / denom

# this is fixed
def profile_xy_no_offset(image, ij, bins, denom):
    return np.add.reduceat(image[ij], bins) / denom

# this is fixed and flat
def profile_xy_no_offset_flat(image, k, bins, denom):
    return np.add.reduceat(image.ravel()[k], bins) / denom

data = np.array([[ 1.27603322,  1.33635284,  1.93093228,  0.76229675, -0.00956535],
       [ 0.69556071, -1.70829753,  1.19615919, -1.32868665,  0.29679494],
       [ 0.13097791, -1.33302719,  1.48226442, -0.76672223, -1.01836614],
       [ 0.51334771, -0.83863115, -0.41541794,  0.34743342,  0.1199237 ],
       [-1.02042539,  0.90739383, -2.4858624 , -0.07417987,  0.90748933]])

r = np.array([[ 7.07106781,  5.59016994,  5.        ,  5.59016994,  7.07106781],
       [ 5.59016994,  3.53553391,  2.5       ,  3.53553391,  5.59016994],
       [ 5.        ,  2.5       ,  0.        ,  2.5       ,  5.        ],
       [ 5.59016994,  3.53553391,  2.5       ,  3.53553391,  5.59016994],
       [ 7.07106781,  5.59016994,  5.        ,  5.59016994,  7.07106781]])

f, (i, j), bins, denom, dist_bins = r_to_ind(r)

result = profile_xy(data, (2, 2), (i, j), bins, (5, 5), denom)
# [ 0.          2.5         3.53553391  5.          5.59016994  7.07106781]
# [ 1.48226442 -0.32975204 -0.88204548 -0.36057959  0.56968633  0.28838295]


from timeit import timeit

n = 2001
batch = 100
fake = 10

a = np.random.random((fake, n, n))
l = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)**2
r = sum(np.ix_(l, l))

def run_all():
    f, ij, bins, denom, dist_bins = r_to_ind(r)
    for b in range(batch):
        profile_xy_no_offset_flat(a[b%fake], f, bins, denom)

print(timeit(run_all, number=10))
# 47.4157 (for 10 batches of 100 images of size 2001x2001)
# and my computer is slower than Divakar's ;-)
