
时间:2016-04-02 23:29:50

标签: c# haskell


data A = B Float
       | C Int
       | D [D]

data D = E [A]
       | F Int



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以在C#中实现具有至少一个构造函数的任何ADT。我不知道data Void的任何实现。产品很简单,因为这些只是类或结构,但总和不是语言的原生,所以你必须做一些额外的工作。

data Example a =
    Foo { foo :: a }
  | Bar { bar :: a, qux :: Int }


// Sealed because we don't want subtypes of our ADT.
public sealed class Example<A>
  // A class for each constructor.
  // Sealed because we cannot allow subtypes to be defined and used.
  public sealed class Foo
    public readonly A foo;
    public Foo(A foo) { this.foo = foo; }

  // A class for each constructor.
  // Sealed because we cannot allow subtypes to be defined and used.
  public sealed class Bar
    public readonly A bar;
    public readonly int qux;
    public Bar(A bar, int qux) { this.bar = bar; this.qux = qux; }

  // An enum of constructors.
  // Private because this is an implementation detail.
  private enum Tag : byte

  // Store the constructor used.
  // Private because this is an implementation detail.
  private readonly Tag TheTag;

  // Store the term object.
  // Private because we will define safe case analysis to access
  // this value later.
  private readonly object Term;

  // The only constructor.
  // Private because we are going to define proper ways to
  // construct Example`1 later.
  private Example(Tag tag, object term)
    TheTag = tag;
    Term = term;

  // Case analysis. This is how you get the value back out.
  // This is like case/of or the functions "maybe", "either", etc.
  public B Cases<B>(Func<Foo,B> caseFoo, Func<Bar,B> caseBar)
    // Because we defined an enum we can use an efficient switch
    // statement to jump directly to the correct branch.
    switch (TheTag)
      // These casts are guaranteed to be safe because of the
      // functions we define to construct Example`1's.
      case Tag.Foo: return caseFoo((Foo)Term);
      case Tag.Bar: return caseBar((Bar)Term);
      // C# does not check the exhaustiveness of the switch statement
      // so we have to throw something here unfortunately.
      default: throw new Exception("missing case!");

  // This constructs an Example`1 with the Foo constructor.
  public static Example<A> Create(Foo term)
    return new Example<A>(Tag.Foo, term);

  // This constructs an Example`1 with the Bar constructor.
  public static Example<A> Create(Bar term)
    return new Example<A>(Tag.Bar, term);

  // You can define whatever other conveniences you want!









// A struct instead of a sealed class. This means instead of
// null we have the implicit empty constructor. The empty
// constructor initializes all fields to their default values
// which is determined by their type.
// The trick here is that default(Maybe<A>) = Maybe<A>.Nothing().
public struct Maybe<A>
  // Same as before.
  private enum Tag : byte
    // Must be 0, because this is the default value of any enum.
    Nothing = 0,
    Just = 1

  // By default is Nothing
  private readonly Tag TheTag;

  // Can use type A instead of object. Saves a cast.
  private readonly A Value;

  // Same as before.
  private Maybe(Tag theTag, A value)
    TheTag = theTag;
    Value = value;

  // Same as before.
  public B Cases<B>(Func<B> caseNothing, Func<A,B> caseJust)
    switch (TheTag)
      case Tag.Nothing: return caseNothing();
      case Tag.Just: return caseJust(Term);
      default: throw new Exception("missing case!");

  // Same as before.
  public static Maybe<A> Nothing()
    return new Maybe<A>(Tag.Nothing, default(A));

  // Same as before.
  public static Maybe<A> Just(A value)
    return new Maybe<A>(Tag.Just, value);


答案 1 :(得分:1)


data A = B Float
       | C Int
       | D [B]


interface A {};  // marker interface
class B implements A {
    final float value;
    B(float value) {this.value=value;}   // constructor
class C implements A {
    final int value;
    C(int value) {this.value=value;}     // constructor
class D implements A {
    final B[] values;
    D(B[] values) {this.values=values;}  // constructor