
时间:2014-11-18 22:33:26

标签: oop haskell polymorphism

所以我看到了一些问题,询问你如何在Haskell中进行面向对象编程,比如this。答案是"类型类的答案就像接口但不完全"。特别是类型类不允许为所有这些类型构建列表。例如。尽管有合理的结果,我们无法map show [1, 1.4, "hello"]


module Shapes (
        , Point
        , Circle(..)
        , Triangle(..)
        , Square(..)
        , location
        , area
) where

data Point = Point {
          xcoord :: Float
        , ycoord :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Shape = CircleT Circle | PolygonT Polygon deriving (Read, Show)

data Circle = Circle {
          cLocation :: Point
        , cRadius :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Polygon = SquareT Square | TriangleT Triangle deriving (Read, Show)

data Square = Square {
          sLocation :: Point
        , sLength :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

-- only right angled triangles for ease of implementation!
data Triangle = Triangle {
          tLocation :: Point
        , tSide1 :: Float
        , tSide2 :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

class ShapeIf a where
        location :: a -> Point
        area :: a -> Float

instance ShapeIf Shape where
        location (CircleT a) = location a
        location (PolygonT a) = location a
        area (CircleT a) = area a
        area (PolygonT a) = area a

instance ShapeIf Polygon where
        location (SquareT a) = location a
        location (TriangleT a) = location a
        area (SquareT a) = area a
        area (TriangleT a) = area a

instance ShapeIf Square where
        location = sLocation
        area a = (sLength a) ^ 2

instance ShapeIf Circle where
        location = cLocation
        area a = pi * (cRadius a) ^ 2

instance ShapeIf Triangle where
        location = tLocation
        area a = 0.5 * (tSide1 a) * (tSide2 a)



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


data Point = Point
    { xcoord :: Float
    , ycoord :: Float
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

data Shape = Shape
    { shapeLocation :: Point
    , shapeArea :: Float
    } deriving (Eq, Show)


circle :: Point -> Float -> Shape
circle loc radius = Shape loc $ pi * r * r

square :: Point -> Float -> Shape
square loc sLength = Shape loc $ sLength * sLength

triangle :: Point -> Float -> Float -> Shape
triangle loc base height = Shape loc $ 0.5 * base * height


data Circle = Circle
    { cLocation :: Point
    , cRadius :: Float
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

data Square = Square
    { sLocation :: Point
    , sLength :: Float
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

data Triangle = Triangle
    { tLocation :: Point
    , tBase :: Float
    , tHeight :: Float
    } deriving (Eq, Show)


class IsShape s where
    toShape :: s -> Shape

instance IsShape Shape where
    toShape = id

instance IsShape Circle where
    toShape (Circle loc radius) = Shape loc $ pi * radius * radius

instance IsShape Square where
    toShape (Square loc sideLength) = Shape loc $ sideLength * sideLength

instance IsShape Triangle where
    toShape (Triangle loc base height) = Shape loc $ 0.5 * base * height


location :: IsShape s => s -> Point
location = shapeLocation . toShape

area :: IsShape s => s -> Float
area = shapeArea . toShape


twiceArea :: IsShape s => s -> Float
twiceArea = (2 *) . area


totalArea :: IsShape s => [s] -> Float
totalArea = sum . map area


> let p = Point 0 0
> totalArea [toShape $ Circle p 5, toShape $ Square p 10, toShape $ Triangle p 10 20]
> totalArea $ map (Square p) [1..10]



  • 多个“接口”(转换为不同类型)
  • generics(totalArea :: IsShape s => [s] -> Float
  • 如果您要为Shape使用智能构造函数并为其添加更多方法,请使用密封方法,然后将其替换为arealocation
  • 如果您只允许智能构造函数设置
  • ,则启用未密封的方法
  • 公共和私人由模块导出设置


答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以将existential quantification用于此目的:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data Point = Point {
          xcoord :: Float
        , ycoord :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Circle = Circle {
          cLocation :: Point
        , cRadius :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Square = Square {
          sLocation :: Point
        , sLength :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Triangle = Triangle {
          tLocation :: Point
        , tSide1 :: Float
        , tSide2 :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

class ShapeIf a where
        location :: a -> Point
        area :: a -> Float

instance ShapeIf Square where
        location = sLocation
        area a = (sLength a) ^ 2

instance ShapeIf Circle where
        location = cLocation
        area a = pi * (cRadius a) ^ 2

instance ShapeIf Triangle where
        location = tLocation
        area a = 0.5 * (tSide1 a) * (tSide2 a)

data Shape = forall a. ShapeIf a => Shape a

instance ShapeIf Shape where
    location (Shape s) = location s
    area     (Shape s) = area s

p = Point 0 0

shlist :: [Shape]        
shlist = [Shape (Square p 0), Shape (Circle p 1), Shape (Triangle p 2 3)]

main = print $ map area shlist


答案 2 :(得分:1)


module Shapes (Shape(), Point, Circle(..), Triangle(..), Square(..), location, area) where

data Point = Point {
          xcoord :: Float
        , ycoord :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Shape = Shape {
      location :: Point
    , shape :: ShapeT

data ShapeT = CircleT Circle | PolygonT Polygon deriving (Read, Show)

data Circle = Circle {
          cRadius :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

data Polygon = SquareT Square | TriangleT Triangle deriving (Read, Show)

data Square = Square {
          sLength :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

-- only right angled triangles for ease of implementation!
data Triangle = Triangle {
          tSide1 :: Float
        , tSide2 :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show)

square :: Point -> Float -> Shape
square p l = Shape p (PolygonT $ SquareT (Square l))

circle :: Point -> Float -> Shape
circle p r = Shape p (CircleT (Circle r))

triangle :: Point -> Float -> Float -> Shape
triangle p s1 s2 = Shape p (PolygonT $ TriangleT (Triangle s1 s2))

area :: Shape -> Float
area = area' . shape

area' (PolygonT (SquareT (a))) = (sLength a) ^ 2
area' (CircleT (a)) = pi * (cRadius a) ^ 2
area' (PolygonT (TriangleT (a))) = 0.5 * (tSide1 a) * (tSide2 a)

答案 3 :(得分:0)



  1. 声明存在一组共享公共接口的类型,要求该组的所有成员也是所有基类的成员。相关类型集
  2. 声明具体记录类型
  3. 声明新数据类型是新类型集的成员,以及所有基类'相关集合
  4. 声明一种存在类型,能够容纳任何具体类型的新类型
  5. 呼。接口,最终类等功能,如果您不需要/想要整个捆绑包,基本上可以跳过该列表的一部分。最重要的是,Java风格的类提供了一个模块系统,我根本不会解决这个问题。

    通过这种方式,如果您使用" OO设计模式" 可以在Haskell中获得以上所有内容自己实现每一个。但是在像Java这样的语言中,语言提供了很多很多的帮助,如果它存在的话,它会在Haskell中显示为合理的默认值和语法糖。一个例子是继承,它基本上是自动包含子类记录中的超类记录,并从子类实现自动委托到超类实现。 Haskell将不会给你任何帮助,所以一切都必须是明确的,并且" OO设计模式"出现了令人难以置信的冗长。

    第1部分很容易看到;共享通用接口的一组类型是类型类 。 Haskell允许我们将超类约束放在新类型上。完成。

    第2部分也很简单;只声明一个包含所有成员变量的新数据类型。请注意,如果您打算能够继承"继承"来自这个" class"并使用相同的评估器来获取成员变量,您希望将它们作为类型类的一部分,而不是仅使用Haskell的记录语法为您声明它们。如果你继续"继承"来自其他" OO模式"类,您希望将其数据类型包含为新数据类型的成员。


    第4部分是doozy。 OO程序员是存在量化类型的主人,他们只是不知道它。 Haskell支持存在量化类型,但只能通过扩展,并且有点笨拙。语言,习语和图书馆并不是真的希望你能够大量使用存在类型,所以你会开始使用它们来经历大量的摩擦;主要是以烦人的类型错误的形式,当你设法明确地写出正确的类型时会消失,偶尔你需要明确地eta扩展(即将f = foo变成f x = foo x ,高阶函数的逻辑应该说没有区别。)

    您可能认为我们不应该需要存在类型,因为类型类约束类型变量应该足以允许代码处理类型类的任何成员。麻烦的是,类型类约束的类型变量必须在每次调用类型类中的任何 one 类型时实例化(并且由调用者进行选择,而不是由到达的任何数据)在运行时)。

    这就是为什么类型类不允许你使用异类列表;虽然类型Shape a => [a]可以保存实现Shape的任何类型的对象,但列表的所有元素只有一个单一的类型变量,所以它们都必须相同&#34 ;任何实现Shape"的类型。存在类型是一个包装器,它包含带有类型变量的数据,但包装器本身不具有自己类型的类型变量。这样,您就可以获得[Shape]的列表,其中Shape内部包含ShapeI a => a


    {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, GADTs, RankNTypes #-}
    newtype Point = Point (Double, Double)
      deriving (Show, Eq)
    -- The Shape common interface
    -- Shape is just an interface, so no member data type
    class ShapeI a
      where area :: a -> Double
    -- The Shape existential reference
    data Shape 
      where Shape :: ShapeI a => a -> Shape 
    -- The Polygon common interface: 'subtype' of Shape
    -- Polygon is just an interface, so no member data type
    class ShapeI a => PolygonI a
      where vertexes :: a -> [Point]
    -- The Polygon existential reference
    data Polygon
      where Polygon :: PolygonI a => a -> Polygon
    -- The Circle common interface
    class ShapeI a => CircleI a
      where centre :: a -> Point 
            radius :: a -> Double
    -- The Circle existential reference
    data Circle
      where Circle :: CircleI a => a -> Circle
    -- The Circle member data type
    data CircleM = CircleM Point Double
      deriving (Show, Eq)
    -- Circles are Shapes
    instance ShapeI CircleM
      where area (CircleM _ r) = pi * r * r 
    -- Circles are Circles
    instance CircleI CircleM
      where centre (CircleM c _) = c
            radius (CircleM _ r) = r
    data Colour = Med | Blue
      deriving (Show, Eq)
    -- The ColouredCircle member data type
    -- ColouredCircle is final, so not bothering with a type class or existential reference
    data CircleColouredM = CircleColouredM CircleM Colour
      deriving (Show, Eq)
    -- ColouredCircles are Shapes
    instance ShapeI CircleColouredM
      where area (CircleColouredM circle _) = area circle
    -- ColouredCircles are Circles
    -- Note there is no actual implementation logic here, ColouredCircleM implements
    -- the Circle methods purely by using Circle's implementations
    instance CircleI CircleColouredM
      where centre (CircleColouredM circle _) = centre circle
            radius (CircleColouredM circle _) = radius circle
    -- The Triangle member data type
    -- Triangle is final, so not bothering with a type class or existential refernce
    data TriangleM = TriangleM Point Point Point
      deriving (Show, Eq)
    instance ShapeI TriangleM
      where area = const 7 -- In this hypothetical universe, all triangles have area 7
    instance PolygonI TriangleM
      where vertexes (TriangleM a b c) = [a, b, c]


    -- Heterogenous list of different types of objects which are all Circles
    circles :: [Circle]
    circles = [Circle (CircleM (Point (3, 7)) 2), Circle (CircleColouredM (CircleM (Point (8, 1)) 1) Blue)]
    -- Casts a Circle existential to a Shape existential
    -- Note that the object *indside* the existential reference is the same; we're
    -- just treating it as a Shape now
    circleToShape :: Circle -> Shape
    circleToShape (Circle c) = Shape c
    -- Heterogenous list of different types of objects which are all Shapes
    -- Note we are able to uniformly cast the circles list to shapes in order store
    -- them in this list, even though they're not all the same type already
    shapes :: [Shape]
    shapes = [Shape (TriangleM (Point (0, 0)) (Point (10, 0)) (Point (0, 10)))] ++ map circleToShape circles
    -- Helper function; can apply any function that is polymorphic in ShapeI to a
    -- Shape existential; the explicit type is necessary, because it's a rank 2 type
    apply :: (forall a. ShapeI a => a -> b) -> Shape -> b
    apply f (Shape x) = f x
    areas = map (apply area) shapes



    这也意味着shapes列表几乎无用;我们可以用它做的唯一有意义的事情是map (apply area) shapes,所以我们可能已经废除了大量的样板,并且首先创建了一个Double列表。此外,OO语言中的根类往往提供了惊人的功能;你可以toString Java中的任意对象,比较它们是否相等等等。你在这里得到 none 。一旦某些内容成为存在的引用,您就可以访问 nothing ,但其约束条件可以说明。没有Show约束,没有show方法(即使我在这里使用的所有类型执行实现Show)。同样,没有Eq约束,没有==函数;这可能不会像你在这里那样工作,因为(作为惯用的Haskell函数并且不期望处理模仿OO类heirarchies的存在性)==只适用于保证为两个值的两个值。相同的类型,存在参考放弃了所有关于任何特定类型的知识,所以你永远不能保证。

