我在yeoman angular-fullstack发电机上建造一个项目。它已经有一段时间了,并且在运行grunt serve
我真的不知道我做了什么,但现在当我运行grunt serve
Running "serve" task
Running "clean:server" (clean) task
>> 1 path cleaned.
Running "env:all" (env) task
Running "concurrent:pre" (concurrent) task
Running "ngconstant:app" (ngconstant) task
Creating module serviceboxApp.constants at client/app/app.constant.js...OK
Done, without errors.
Execution Time (2016-02-26 00:40:08 UTC)
loading tasks 302ms ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 85%
loading grunt-ng-constant 34ms ▇▇▇▇ 10%
ngconstant:app 19ms ▇▇ 5%
Total 356ms
Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task
Running "newer:babel:client" (newer) task
Running "babel:client" (babel) task
Running "newer-postrun:babel:client:1:/Users/apple/Desktop/dev/servicebox/node_modules/grunt-newer/.cache" (newer-postrun) task
Done, without errors.
Execution Time (2016-02-26 00:40:09 UTC)
loading tasks 312ms ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 15%
newer:babel:client 36ms ▇ 2%
loading grunt-babel 415ms ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 20%
babel:client 1.2s ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 61%
Total 2s
Running "injector:scripts" (injector) task
Missing option `template`, using `dest` as template instead
Injecting js files (33 files)
Running "injector:css" (injector) task
Missing option `template`, using `dest` as template instead
Injecting css files (9 files)
Running "wiredep:client" (wiredep) task
Running "postcss:dist" (postcss) task
Running "express:dev" (express) task
Starting background Express server
Debugger listening on port 5858
[TypeError: Cannot read property 'Kerberos' of undefined]
Running "wait" task
>> Waiting for server reload...
Done waiting!
Running "open:server" (open) task
Running "watch" task
Express server listening on 9000, in development mode
finished populating users
finished populating quotes
finished populating poviders
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您有TypeError阻止您的代码正常运行。 [TypeError: Cannot read property 'Kerberos' of undefined]
You don't know JS解释说TypeError"意味着Scope解析成功,但是对结果进行了非法/不可能的操作。"