Android内部的状态机 - 在循环流程时停止onActivityResult打破游戏

时间:2016-02-02 09:46:05

标签: android switch-statement state state-machine

我正在尝试在我的Android游戏中实现State Machine(请注意,这不是一个需要不断重新绘制UI的游戏,因为它只能使用标准的Android Activity结构)。我在下面找到了如何使用State Machine语句实现switch的示例:

main() {
    while(true) {
        collectInput(); // deal with common code for filling in keyboard queues, determining mouse positions, etc.
        preBookKeeping(); // do any other work that needs constant ticks, like updating streaming/sound/physics/networking receives, etc.
        runLogic(); // see below
        postBookKeeping(); // again any stuff that needs ticking, but would want to take into account what happened in runLogic this frame, e.g. animation/particles/networking transmit, etc 
        drawEverything(); // any actual rendering actions you need to take

runLogic() {
// this is where you actually have a state machine
    switch (state) {
        case WaitingForInput:
        // look at the collected input and see if any of it is actionable
        case WaitingForOpponent:
        // look at the input and warn the player that they are doing stuff that isn't going to work right now e.g. a "It's not your turn!" notification.
        // otherwise, use input to do things that might be valid when it's not the player's turn, like pan around the map.
        case etc:
        // a real game would have a ton more actual states, including transition states, start/end/options screens, etc.

虽然将我的游戏从下面的循环过渡到State Machine,但我遇到了问题。如果从主要游戏Activity说出来,我会启动另一个Activity以向玩家提问(发生在playTurn()内),然后我会明显使用onActivityResult()并返回玩家对主游戏Activity的回答。我应该如何处理播放器答案的返回并允许代码继续在主playTurn()循环内的playGame()中运行,而不会破坏while循环流?我实际可以理解的唯一方法是在playTurn()内使用while循环,它只是保持循环,而答案是0,但这似乎是非常浪费的。在此先感谢,任何帮助表示赞赏!

public void playGame() {
    boolean finished = false;
    while (!finished) {

        // Check if there is a winner after each turn is played
        boolean winner = winner();
        if (winner) {
            finished = true;

0 个答案:
