
时间:2016-01-27 22:50:29

标签: java algorithm


      9 6
     4 6 8 
    0 7 1 5




public class Triangle
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        File file = new File("Tri.txt");
        byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];
            //Read the file and add all integers into an array with the correct size. Array size is found with number of bytes file.length()
            //Parse string to integer
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            String[] valueStr = new String(bytes).trim().split("\\s+");
            int[] list = new int[valueStr.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < valueStr.length; i++) 
                list[i] = Integer.parseInt(valueStr[i]);

        catch(Exception e)

    static int computeMaxPath(int[] list){

        //Disregard row number one since it is the root. Start row number count at 2
        int rowNumber = 2;
        //set the sum to the value of the root.
        int sum = list[0];
        //selected index begins at the root, index 0
        int selectedIndex = 0;

        for (int j = 1; j < list.length; j=j+rowNumber)
            // for every iteration the right child is found by adding the current selected index by z. What is z?
            // the left child is of course found in the index -1 of the right child. 
            // z is the amount of of elements in the triangle's row. Row 3 has 3 elements, 4 has 4, etc. 
            // For exmaple, if the selectedIndex is index 4, its right child can be found by adding the index to the next row element count. 
            // 4 + 4 = 8 the right child is in index 8 and left is in index 7
            int rightChildIndex = selectedIndex + rowNumber;
            int leftChildIndex = selectedIndex + rowNumber - 1;

            //set the appropriate index for the greater child's index
            selectedIndex = list[rightChildIndex] >= list[leftChildIndex] ? rightChildIndex : leftChildIndex;

            //increment the sum of the path
            sum = sum + list[selectedIndex];


            //increment the row number

        return sum;



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


         1 0
        0 0 9

您的算法通过简单地总是选择具有较大总和的子项来工作,因此在这种情况下,您的算法将产生路径{1 , 1 , 0},而正确的算法将产生{1 , 0 , 9}


int findSum(int[] tree , int at_node){
    if(at_node >= length(tree))
        return 0 //end of the tree, quit recursive search

    //maximum-path including node is the path with the greatest sum that includes either the left or right child of the node.
    return max(findSum(tree , leftChild(at_node)) , 
                  findSum(tree , rightChild(at_node)) + tree[at_node]

这种从上到下的方法非常简单。但是效率成本。一种更有效,但也更有效的解决方案,只能遍历每个节点一次。在上述算法中,表示每个节点被访问的时间的树看起来像一个pascal的三角形,从而进行2 ^ height数组查找。最下层的方法只需要height + height - 1 + ... + 1次查找。

int findSumBottomTop(int[] tree , int height){
    //initialize counter for previous level
    int[] sums = new int[height + 1]
    fill(sums , 0)

    //counter for the level counts down to 1 (note that this variable is not 0-based!!!)
    int lvl = height

    //counter for nodes remaining on the current level (0-based)
    int remaining_in_lvl = lvl - 1
    //maximum-paths for each node on the current level
    int[] next_level = new int[lvl]

    //iterate over all nodes of the tree
    for(int node = length(tree) - 1; node > -1 ; node--){
        int left_max_path = sums[remaining_in_lvl]
        int right_max_path = sums[remaining_in_lvl + 1]

        next_level[remaining_in_lvl] = max(right_max_path , left_max_path) + tree[node]

        //decrement counter for remaining nodes
        remaining_in_lvl -= 1

        if(remaining_in_lvl == -1){
            //end of a level was encountered --> continue with lvl = lvl - 1
            //update to match length of next 
            remaining_in_lvl = lvl - 1

            //setup maximum-path counters for next level
            sums = next_level
            next_level = new int[sums.length - 1]

     //there is exactly one sum remaining, which is the sum of the maximum-path
     return sums[0];


 Consider this example tree:
     0    ^         6
    0 1   |        3 6
   0 1 2  |       1 3 5
  0 1 2 3 |      0 1 2 3
                0 0 0 0 0
tree   traversal  sums


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果行数没有限制,例如,输入可以有数百行。值得像directed acyclic graph一样实现它,然后使用algorithm to find the largest path

答案 2 :(得分:0)



答案 3 :(得分:0)

这是我最喜欢的Project Euler问题之一(#18)。仅供参考,这是Haskell语言中完整的自下而上的解决方案:

f = foldr (\a b -> let c = zipWith (+) a b
                   in if null (drop 1 c)
                         then c
                         else zipWith max c (tail c)) (repeat 0)

main = print (f z) where
  z = map (map read . words) (lines s) :: [[Int]]