我正在使用命令提示符运行和调试application.But每次我打开终端(重启Android Studio后)终端路径就像
我必须手动导航到platform-tools文件夹。我希望termianal pointet位于
答案 0 :(得分:1)
F:\机器人\ NEWPATH \ SDK \平台工具\; F:\机器人\ NEWPATH \ SDK \工具\
1. Click Start (Orb) menu button.
2. Right click on Computer icon.
3. Click on Properties. This will bring up System window in Control Panel.
4. Click on Advanced System Settings on the left. This will bring up the System Properties window with Advanced tab selected.
5. Click on Environment Variables button on the bottom of the dialog. This brings up the Environment Variables dialog.
6. In the System Variables section, scroll down till you see Path.
7. Click on Path to select it, then the Edit button. This will bring up the Edit System Variable dialog.
8. While the Variable value field is selected, press the End key on your keyboard to go to the right end of the line, or use the arrow keys to move the marker to the end.
9. Type in PATH and click OK.