这不是一个新问题,也不是一个需要回答作为一项任务的问题,因为这已经在大约一年前完成了。我去年夏天开始学习Java,并且有一项任务要求我们编写一个简单的ATM应用程序。下面是我的代码和结果,但是当我看一年后的代码时,我看到它可以在哪里得到改进。我正在查看主程序中的do while循环和下面的Switch语句。我认为可以删除print语句并将其置于各自的方法中,并简单地调用这些方法。我认为这部分更加自我解释,而不是上面的那些我觉得逻辑可以简化,例如第一个甚至第二个if语句,并将它放在循环之外。但是,当我尝试它时,我不断收到异常错误。无论如何,下面是我原来的项目。任何意见,建议将不胜感激。
import java.util.*;
public class ATM {
public static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
// The checkID method determines if acctNum is a valid account number
// and pwd is the correct password for the account. If the account information
// is valid, the method returns the current account balance, as a string.
// If the account information is invalid, the method returns the string "error".
public static String checkID(String acctNum, String pwd)
String result = "error";
// Strings a, b, and c contain the valid account numbers and passwords.
// For each string, the account number is listed first, followed by
// a space, followed by the password for the account, followed by a space,
// followed by the current balance.
String a = "44567-5 mypassword 520.36";
String b = "1234567-6 anotherpassword 48.20";
String c = "4321-0 betterpassword 96.74";
if (acctNum.equals(a.substring(0, a.indexOf(" "))) &&
pwd.equals(a.substring(a.indexOf(" ")+1,a.lastIndexOf(" "))))
return result = a.substring(a.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
if (acctNum.equals(b.substring(0, b.indexOf(" "))) &&
pwd.equals(b.substring(b.indexOf(" ")+1,b.lastIndexOf(" "))))
return result = b.substring(b.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
if (acctNum.equals(c.substring(0, c.indexOf(" "))) &&
pwd.equals(c.substring(c.indexOf(" ") + 1,c.lastIndexOf(" "))))
return result = c.substring(c.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
return result;
public static int menu()
int menuChoice;
System.out.print("\nPlease Choose From the Following Options:"
+ "\n 1. Display Balance \n 2. Deposit"
+ "\n 3. Withdraw\n 4. Log Out\n\n");
menuChoice = kbd.nextInt();
if (menuChoice < 1 || menuChoice > 4){
}while (menuChoice < 1 || menuChoice > 4);
return menuChoice;
public static void displayBalance(double x)
System.out.printf("\nYour Current Balance is $%.2f\n", x);
public static double deposit(double x, double y)
double depositAmt = y, currentBal = x;
double newBalance = depositAmt + currentBal;
System.out.printf("Your New Balance is $%.2f\n", newBalance);
return newBalance;
public static double withdraw(double x, double y)
double withdrawAmt = y, currentBal = x, newBalance;
newBalance = currentBal - withdrawAmt;
System.out.printf("Your New Balance is %.2f\n",newBalance);
return newBalance;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String accNum, pass, origBal = "error";
int count = 0, menuOption = 0;
double depositAmt = 0, withdrawAmt = 0, currentBal=0;
boolean foundNonDigit;
//loop that will count the number of login attempts
//you make and will exit program if it is more than 3.
//as long as oriBal equals an error.
foundNonDigit = false;
System.out.println("Please Enter Your Account Number: ");
accNum = kbd.next();
System.out.println("Enter Your Password: ");
pass = kbd.next();
origBal = checkID(accNum, pass);
if (count >= 3 && origBal.equals("error")){
System.out.print("Maximum Login Attempts Reached.");
if (!(origBal.equals("error"))){
System.out.println("\nYour New Balance is: $ "+ origBal);
//this loop will keep track of the options that
//the user inputs in for the menu. and will
//give the option of deposit, withdraw, or logout.
while (menuOption != 4)
switch (menuOption)
case 1:
case 2:
System.out.print("\nEnter Amount You Wish to Deposit: $ ");
depositAmt = kbd.nextDouble();
currentBal=deposit(depositAmt, currentBal);
case 3:
System.out.print("\nEnter Amount You Wish to Withdrawl: $ ");
withdrawAmt = kbd.nextDouble();
System.out.print("ERROR: INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!! "
withdrawAmt = kbd.nextDouble();
currentBal = withdraw(currentBal, withdrawAmt);
case 4:
System.out.print("\nThank For Using My ATM. Have a Nice Day. Good-Bye!");