与此问题类似:Transforming a NxN binary matrix to a zero matrix using minimum row and column toggles,但我们只有一个操作,即选择一个坐标(i,j),并切换两个操作,而不是两个操作(切换行或切换列)。包含(i,j)的行和列。
的(0,0)|1 1 1|
|1 1 1|
|1 1 1|
|0 0 0|
|0 1 1|
|0 1 1|
我尝试了一种递归方法,在这种方法中,我尝试切换之前没有切换过的每个元素(i,j),并递归地将切换的矩阵传递给函数。我找到了最小的切换次数,并返回该结果+ 1.但是,该解决方案不能很好地适应矩阵的大小(特别是当大小> 10时)。
def toggle_matrix(matrix, row, col):
new_matrix = [list(r) for r in matrix]
for i in xrange(len(matrix)):
new_matrix[i][col] ^= 1
new_matrix[row][i] ^= 1
new_matrix[row][col] ^= 1
return tuple(tuple(r) for r in new_matrix)
def answer_recur(matrix, touched, cache):
if all(c == 0 for r in matrix for c in r):
return 0
if matrix in cache:
return cache[matrix]
min_touches = float('inf')
for row in xrange(len(matrix)):
for col in xrange(len(matrix)):
elem = (row, col)
if elem in touched:
min_touches = min(min_touches, answer_recur(toggle_matrix(matrix, row, col), touched | set([elem]), cache))
cache[matrix] = min_touches + 1
return min_touches + 1
def answer(matrix):
matrix = tuple(tuple(r) for r in matrix)
result = answer_recur(matrix, set(), {})
if result == float('inf'):
return -1
return result