Cythonizing字符串数组比较函数将应用于pandas DataFrame

时间:2015-06-04 16:15:54

标签: python optimization pandas cython


我有一个pandas DataFrame trades,如下所示:

                              Codes    Price  Size
2015-02-24 15:30:01-05:00     R6,IS  11.6100   100
2015-02-24 15:30:01-05:00     R6,IS  11.6100   100
2015-02-24 15:30:01-05:00     R6,IS  11.6100   100
2015-02-24 15:30:01-05:00            11.6100   375
2015-02-24 15:30:01-05:00     R6,IS  11.6100   100
...                             ...      ...   ...
2015-02-24 15:59:55-05:00     R6,IS  11.5850   100
2015-02-24 15:59:55-05:00     R6,IS  11.5800   200
2015-02-24 15:59:55-05:00         T  11.5850   100
2015-02-24 15:59:56-05:00     R6,IS  11.5800   175
2015-02-24 15:59:56-05:00     R6,IS  11.5800   225

[5187 rows x 3 columns]



我需要过滤array(['4', 'AP', 'CM', 'BP', 'FA', 'FI', 'NC', 'ND', 'NI', 'NO', 'PT', 'PV', 'PX', 'SD', 'WO'], dtype='|S2') ,以便tradescodes中包含的任何值都排除在trades['Codes']之外。目前我这样做:

ix = trades.Codes.str.split(',').apply(lambda cs: not any(c in excludes for c in cs))
trades = trades[ix]



def isinCodes(codes_array1, codes_array2):

    for x in codes_array1:
        for y in codes_array2:
            if x == y: return True

    return False


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


构造一个框架,我拿了100000 *你的例子,1M行。

In [76]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1000000 entries, 0 to 9
Data columns (total 4 columns):
date      1000000 non-null datetime64[ns]
code      900000 non-null object
price     1000000 non-null float64
volume    1000000 non-null int64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 38.1+ MB

In [77]: df2.head()   
                 date   code  price  volume
0 2015-02-24 20:30:01  R6,IS  11.61     100
1 2015-02-24 20:30:01  R6,IS  11.61     100
2 2015-02-24 20:30:01  R6,IS  11.61     100
3 2015-02-24 20:30:01    NaN  11.61     375
4 2015-02-24 20:30:01  R6,IS  11.61     100


In [78]: result = DataFrame([ [ s ] if not isinstance(s, list) else s for s in df2.code.str.split(',') ],columns=['A','B'])

In [79]: %timeit DataFrame([ [ s ] if not isinstance(s, list) else s for s in df2.code.str.split(',') ],columns=['A','B'])
1 loops, best of 3: 941 ms per loop

In [80]: result.head()
     A     B
0   R6    IS
1   R6    IS
2   R6    IS
3  NaN  None
4   R6    IS

我添加了&#39; T&#39;到了isin的末尾

In [81]: isin                     


In [82]: df2[(result.A.isin(isin) | result.A.isin(isin))].info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 100000 entries, 7 to 7
Data columns (total 4 columns):
date      100000 non-null datetime64[ns]
code      100000 non-null object
price     100000 non-null float64
volume    100000 non-null int64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 3.8+ MB

In [83]: df2[(result.A.isin(isin) | result.A.isin(isin))].head()
                 date code   price  volume
7 2015-02-24 20:59:55    T  11.585     100
7 2015-02-24 20:59:55    T  11.585     100
7 2015-02-24 20:59:55    T  11.585     100
7 2015-02-24 20:59:55    T  11.585     100
7 2015-02-24 20:59:55    T  11.585     100


In [84]: %timeit df2[(result.A.isin(isin) | result.A.isin(isin))]       
10 loops, best of 3: 106 ms per loop