为' rep:glob'创建空字符串

时间:2014-09-03 06:57:50

标签: java jackrabbit jcr


Map<String, Value> restrictions = new HashMap<String, Value>(); 
//Apply privilege to user to have read only access to root folder 
restrictions.put("rep:nodePath", valueFactory.createValue(ROOT, PropertyType.PATH)); 
restrictions.put("rep:glob", valueFactory.createValue("")); 
accessControlList.addEntry(userPrincipal, privileges, true  , restrictions); 
accessControlManager.setPolicy(accessControlList.getPath(), accessControlList);

有没有其他方法可以将 rep:glob 属性设置为""

当我提供对root(&#39; /&#39;)的访问权限时,它应该只访问该权限。相反,用户可以访问root下的所有节点。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果在限制主体访问时未提供rep:glob属性,则默认ACL会影响目标节点的整个子树。 因此,可选的rep:glob propety将节省您在每个要限制策略的路径上创建限制的时间,并且在创建此String时接受JCR Values和传递的Value实例当在具有路径“/ foo”的ndoe上应用时,将对节点/子节点限制产生以下影响:

  rep:glob value   |                            Effect                            |
        null       |               matches /foo and all its children              |
  "" (Empty String)| matches "/foo" only                                          |
  * (wildcard)     | all descendants                                              |
  /*bar            | all childrens which path ends with "bar"                     |
  /*/bar           | all non-direct descendants of "/foo" named "bar"             |
  /bar*            | all childrens which paths begin with "bar"                   |
  *bar             | all siblings and descendants of "/foo" that begin with "bar" |


答案 1 :(得分:0)
