我已经在这个问题上挣扎了3天,并且已经达到我的故障排除能力的最后阶段。我需要从Walk Score API获取特定地址的Walk Score。 API有3个参数:地址,纬度和经度。
当我使用Walk Score中的示例代码时,我得到了预期的结果。示例代码:walkscore.com/professional/api-sample-code.php。这是在我的服务器上工作:http://bigdevelopment.com/walkscore/(直接PHP,不在WordPress上)
当我使用相同的代码(仅添加"数据"和#34; dataType")并转储到WordPress时,我无法显示从API收到的Walk Score JSON。这是我的代码:
function injectWalkScore(address,lat,lon){
address = encodeURIComponent(address);
var url="http://suitesearch.bigdevelopment.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?address=" + address + "&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon;
jQuery.ajax( {
url: url,
data: {
action: 'getwalkscore'
dataType: 'JSON',
success: function(data) { displayWalkScores(data); },
error: function(){ displayWalkScores(""); }
//to demonstrate all of our formatting options, we'll pass the json on to a series of display functions.
//in practice, you'll only need one of these, and the ajax call could call it directly as it's onSuccess callback
function displayWalkScores(jsonStr) {
//show the walk score -- inserts walkscore html into the page. Also needs CSS from top of file
function displayWalkScore(jsonStr) {
var json=(jsonStr) ? eval('(' + jsonStr + ')') : ""; //if no response, bypass the eval
//if we got a score
if (json && json.status == 1) {
var htmlStr = '<a target="_blank" href="' + json.ws_link + '"><img src="' + json.logo_url + '" /><span class="walkscore-scoretext">' + json.walkscore + '</span></a>';
//if no score was available
else if (json && json.status == 2) {
var htmlStr = '<a target="_blank" href="' + json.ws_link + '"><img src="' + json.logo_url + '" /> <span class="walkscore-noscoretext">Get Score</span></a>';
//if didn't even get a json response
else {
var htmlStr = '<a target="_blank" href="walkscore.com"><img src="http://cdn.walk.sc/images/api-logo.gif" /> <span class="walkscore-noscoretext">Get Score</span></a> ';
var infoIconHtml = '<span id="ws_info"><a href="walkscore.com/live-more" target="_blank"><img src="http://cdn2.walk.sc/2/images/api-more-info.gif" width="13" height="13"" /></a></span>';
//if you want to wrap extra tags around the html, can do that here before inserting into page element
htmlStr = '<p>' + htmlStr + infoIconHtml + '</p>';
//insert our new content into the container div:
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_getwalkscore_function', 'getwalkscore');
add_action('wp_ajax_getwalkscore_function', 'getwalkscore');
function getwalkscore($lat, $lon, $address) {
$url = "http://api.walkscore.com/score?format=json&address=$address";
$url .= "&lat=$lat&lon=$lon&wsapikey=93cc71faa070aa6d13dc3d84c1316671";
$str = @file_get_contents($url);
echo $str;
$lat = $_GET['lat'];
$lon = $_GET['lon'];
$address = stripslashes($_GET['address']);
$json = getwalkscore($lat,$lon,$address);
echo $json;
<body onload="injectWalkScore('17901 Von Karman Avenue Irvine, CA 92614', '33.6832054', '-117.8497199')" <?php body_class(); ?>>
<div id="walkscore-div"></div>
结果页面不会给我一个walkcore但响应就好像有错误: suitesearch.bigdevelopment.com/testing-page/