
时间:2014-03-06 20:09:56

标签: perl moose

我有两个需要昂贵计算的对象属性,所以我希望它们是懒惰的。它们最有效地一起计算,所以我想同时计算它们。 Moose是否提供了这样做的方法?


has max_things =>
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'Int',
    lazy    => 1,
    xxxxx   => '_set_maxes';

has max_pairs =>
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'Int',
    lazy    => 1,
    xxxxx   => '_set_maxes';

# Let's just assume this is an expensive calculation or the max_*
# attributes are used rarely and a lot of objects are created.
sub _set_maxes {
    my $self = shift;

    if( $self->is_32_bit ) {
        $self->max_pairs(12345 * 2);
    else {
        $self->max_pairs(23456 * 2);



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


use v5.14;
use warnings;

package Goose {
    use Moose;

    has max_things => (
        is      => 'rw',
        isa     => 'Int',
        lazy    => 1,
        default => sub { shift->_build_maxes->max_things },

    has max_pairs => (
        is      => 'rw',
        isa     => 'Int',
        lazy    => 1,
        default => sub { shift->_build_maxes->max_pairs },

    sub is_32_bit { 1 }

    sub _build_maxes {
        my $self = shift;

        warn "Running builder...";

        if( $self->is_32_bit ) {
            $self->max_pairs(12345 * 2);
         else {
            $self->max_pairs(23456 * 2);

        $self;  # helps chaining in the defaults above

my $goose = Goose->new;
say $goose->max_things;
say $goose->max_pairs;

答案 1 :(得分:6)


has 'max_things' => (
    'is'      => "rw",
    'isa'     => "Int",
    'lazy'    => 1,
    'default' => sub { (shift)->_both_maxes->{'max_things'} },

has 'max_pairs' => (
    'is'      => "rw",
    'isa'     => "Int",
    'lazy'    => 1,
    'default' => sub { (shift)->_both_maxes->{'max_pairs'} },

has '_both_maxes' => (
    'is'      => "ro",
    'isa'     => "HashRef",
    'lazy'    => 1,
    'builder' => "_build_both_maxes",

sub _build_both_maxes {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($max_things, $max_pairs);
    if($self->is_32_bit) {
        $max_things = 2 ** 31;
        $max_pairs = 12345 * 2;
    else {
        $max_things = 2 ** 63;
        $max_pairs = 23456 * 2;

    return {
        'max_things' => $max_things,
        'max_pairs'  => $max_pairs,

答案 2 :(得分:3)


has config => (
  traits => ['Hash'],
  is => 'bare',
  isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
  lazy => 1,

  # returns a hashref of key/value config pairs
  builder => 'load_config',

  handles => {

    has_author => [ exists => 'author' ],
    author     => [ get    => 'author' ],
    has_email  => [ exists => 'email'  ],
    email      => [ get    => 'email'  ],

这样,昂贵的构建器只需要返回一个hashref,其中填充了“author”和“email”键;该属性将生成访问器方法,然后外观和感觉就像单个属性的那些。如果你需要在new()中单独设置它们,这可能不是最好的选择,尽管你可以使用BUILDARGS()来帮助; YMMV。
