我正在Python中尝试这个Code Eval挑战,名为Predict the Number:
我的问题(我认为)与读取输入文件有关。它说“你的程序应该接受第一个参数作为文件名的路径。” AFAIK,读取这样的文件涉及import sys和sys.argv [1]。它测试正常,但提交失败。我认为我的代码没有逻辑错误,但在这里它是。也许我没有正确使用argv ......?
import sys
# increment the given int, returns 0, 1, or 2
def inc(num):
return (num + 1) % 3
# double the length of the input sequence by incrementing
# each int from old half to create the new half
def double(old):
new = ''
for i in old:
new += str(inc(int(i)))
return old + new
# returns the int (0, 1, or 2) of the input index
def position(n):
global sequence
while len(sequence) < n:
sequence = double(sequence)
return int(sequence[n])
# print each int in the given position of each line in the file
def predict(filename):
file = open(filename, 'r')
for line in file.readlines():
if len(line) > 0:
print position(int(line))
# initialize the sequence
sequence = '0'
# call the program with the first command-line argument
# clean exit