# Seperate filename from extension
sep = os.sep
# Change the casing
for n in os.listdir("staging"):
if os.path.isfile("staging" + sep + n):
filename_one, extension = os.path.splitext(n)
os.rename("staging" + sep + n, "staging" + sep + filename_one.lower() + extension)
# Show the new file names
print ('\n--------------------------------\n')
for n in os.listdir("staging"):
print (n)
# Remove the blanks, -, %, and /
for n in os.listdir("staging"):
print (n)
if os.path.isfile("staging" + sep + n):
filename_zero, extension = os.path.splitext(n)
os.rename("staging" + sep + n , "staging" + sep + filename_zero.replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').replace('%','pct').replace('/','_') + extension)
# Show the new file names
print ('\n--------------------------------\n')
for n in os.listdir("staging"):
print (n)
In order to fix all of the column headers and to solve the encoding issues and remove nulls,
first read in all of the CSV's to python as dataframes, then make changes and rewrite the old files
import os
import glob
import pandas as pd
files = glob.glob(os.path.join("staging" + "/*.csv"))
# Create an empty dictionary to hold the dataframes from csvs
dict_ = {}
# Write the files into the dictionary
for file in files:
dict_[file] = pd.read_csv(file, header = 0, dtype = str, encoding = 'cp1252').fillna('')
在字典中,数据帧命名为"文件夹/名称(csv)"我想要做的是删除前缀" staging /"从字典中的键。
答案 0 :(得分:10)
for file in files:
fname = os.path.basename(file)
dict_[fname] = (pd.read_csv(file, header=0, dtype=str, encoding='cp1252')
# 'test.txt'
答案 1 :(得分:2)
import os
pathname ='c:\\hello\\dickins\\myfile.py'
head, tail = os.path.split(pathname)
print head
print tail
答案 2 :(得分:0)
正如ColdSpeed所说,你可以使用" os.path.basename"截断文件到它的名字,但我认为你所指的是能够pycache数据?
您看到 pycache 文件夹?将其初始化为模块。
import pygame as pyg
import sys
import os
import math
import ssl
import socket as sock
import ipaddress as ipad
import threading
import random
print("Modules Installed!")
class two:
# Find out how to refer to class super construct
def main(Display, SecSock, ipadd, clock):
# I have code here that has nothing to do with the question...
def __init__():
# Initialization of Pygame and SSL Socket goes here
searchQuery = open("IpConfig.txt", 'r') #Opening the File IpConfig(Which now should open on the top level of the game files)
step2 = searchQuery.readlines()# read the file
ipadd = step2[6] # This is what you should have or something similar where you reference the line you want to copy or manipulate.
main(gameDisplay, SSLSock, ipadd, clock)# Im having issues here myself - (main() is not defined it says)
print("Server Certificate Configuration Enabled...")
__init__() # Start up the procedure