
时间:2014-01-04 13:23:46

标签: matrix isabelle

据我了解,伊莎贝尔的矩阵本质上是功能和维度。在此设置中,定义平方矩阵( n x n 矩阵)并不容易。此外,在纸上的证明中,平方的尺寸“n”可用于证明。但我怎么在伊莎贝尔那样做呢?


Leibniz formula



(* tested with Isabelle2013-2 (and also Isabelle2013-1) *)
theory Notepad

  fix C :: "('a::comm_ring_1 poly)^'n∷finite^'n∷finite"

  (* Definition Determinant (from the HOL Library, shown for reference
     see: "~~/src/HOL/Multivariate_Analysis/Determinants") *)
 have "det C =
      setsum (λp. of_int (sign p) * 
             setprod (λi. C$i$p i) (UNIV :: 'n set))
             {p. p permutes (UNIV :: 'n set)}" unfolding det_def by simp 

  (* assumtions *)
  have 1: "∀ i j. degree (C $ i $ j) ≤ 1" sorry (* from assumtions, not shown *)
  have 2: "∀ i. degree (C $ i $ i) = 1" sorry (* from assumtions, not shown *)

  (* don't have "n", that is the dimension of the squared matrix *)
  have "∀p∈{p. p permutes (UNIV :: 'n set)}. degree (setprod (λi. C$i$p i) (UNIV :: 'n set)) ≤ n" sorry (* no n! *)




C的类型,('a ^'n ^'n)的受限制版本,似乎是>的自定义类型。你的,因为我在尝试使用它时遇到错误,即使在导入>之后Polynomial.thy。但也许它是在其他一些HOL理论中定义的。

不幸的是我没有在我的代码示例中编写包含,请参阅更新的示例。但它不是自定义类型,导入“Polynomial.thy”和“Determinants”就足够了。 (我测试了Isabelle版本2013-1和2013-2。)


如果您正在使用矩阵的自定义定义,那么很有可能   在大多数情况下,你是独立的。

我不相信我正在使用矩阵的自定义定义。 库Determinants(~~ / src / HOL / Multivariate_Analysis / Determinants)具有以下行列式定义:
definition det:: "'a::comm_ring_1^'n^'n ⇒ 'a" where ...。因此,库使用矩阵的概念作为向量的向量。如果我的戒指超过多项式,那么我的眼睛就不会有所作为。


无论如何,对于像('a ^'n ^'n)这样的类型,在我看来,你   应该能够写一个函数来返回一个大小的值   矩阵。因此,如果(p ^ n ^ n)是一个矩阵,其中n是一个集合,那么   也许n的基数是你想要的n。


definition card_diagonal :: "('a::zero poly)^'n^'n ⇒ nat" where "card_diagonal A = card { (A $ i $ i) | i . True }"


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



由名称Finite_Cartesian_Product.thy反映,Amine Chaieb定义了广义有限笛卡尔积。所以,当然,我们也得到了向量和n元组的定义。它是一个广义的笛卡尔积,是需要大量解释的东西,也是我花了很长时间才能认识到并完成的。话虽如此,我将其称为向量,因为他将类型命名为vec


typedef ('a, 'b) vec = "UNIV :: (('b::finite) => 'a) set"

这告诉我们一个向量是一个函数f::('b::finite) => 'a。函数的域是UNIV::'b set,它是有限的,称为索引集。例如,让索引集定义为typedef{1,2,3}


现在,考虑将{1,2,3}中的元素映射到{a,b}的所有此类函数的集合。会有2^3 = 8个这样的功能。我现在使用ZFC函数表示法,以及n元组表示法:

f_1: {1,2,3} --> {a,b} == {(1,a),(2,a),(3,a)} == (a,a,a)
f_2 == {(1,a),(2,a),(3,b)} == (a,a,b)
f_3 == {(1,a),(2,b),(3,a)} == (a,b,a)
f_4 == {(1,a),(2,b),(3,b)} == (a,b,b)
f_5 to f_8 == (b,a,a), (b,a,b), (b,b,a), (b,b,b)




definition vec_length :: "('a, 'b::finite) vec => nat" where
  "vec_length v = card {i. ? c. c = (vec_nth v) i}"
  vec_length_def [simp add]

您可能希望将v $ i替换为(vec_nth v) i?\<exists>

在下面的示例中,simp方法很容易产生目标CARD(t123) = (3::nat),其中t123是我定义的类型,其中包含3个元素。我无法超越那个。




这应该是我的最后更新,因为为了让我完全满意,我需要了解更多关于实例化类型类的更多信息,以及如何专门实例化类型类以便我的具体示例{{1} },是有限的。

我非常欢迎在我可能出错的地方纠正。我更愿意在教科书中阅读UNIV::t123 set,而不是像这样学习如何使用Isar和Isabelle / HOL。

从各方面来看,类型Multivariate_Analysis的向量长度的概念非常简单。它是('a, 'b) vec类型的通用集的基数。








140112 最终更新的最终更新


对于矢量类型,定义的唯一类型类是term "UNIV::t123 set" term "top::t123 set" term "card (UNIV::t123 set)" (*OUTPUT PANEL: CARD(t123)::nat.*) term "card (top::t123 set)" (*OUTPUT PANEL: CARD(t123)::nat.*) value "card (top::t123 set)" (*ERROR: Type t123 not of sort card_UNIV.*) term "card_UNIV" term "finite_UNIV" ,但在上面,我所做的涉及类型类finite,在finite_UNIV

尝试使用src/HOL/Library/Cardinality.thy,与card一样,不能使用card (UNIV::t123 set)类型,因为您无法假设类型类vec具有已针对索引集类型进行实例化。如果我现在对于现在看似显而易见的事情不对,我想知道。

好吧,即使我定义的函数finite_UNIV没有尝试直接取vector_length的基数,我的例子中,简化器生成目标UNIV::'b set

我推测这对我自己意味着什么,但我还没有找到CARD(t123) = (3::nat),所以我把自己的推测留给自己。


140117 决赛决赛

尝试使用CARD来了解value的使用让我误入歧途。 card命令基于代码生成器,value将具有一般不需要的类型类要求。


对于我所做的任何事情,card (UNIV::('b::finite set))似乎已经存在逻辑。我所说的任何内容都会出错。






Wiki: Infinite product definition using a finite or infinite index set




对于我自己,我认为最好的向量和矩阵将基于n::nat x m::nat,因为列表的组件位置基于自然数。使用Isabelle / HOL list会带来很多计算魔法。]





(因为没有为来源显示进口,所以任何运营商的来源都不明显。还有Matrix AFP entry混淆了一些东西。除了HOL中的原子常数和变量之外,大多数东西都是函数,因此将某些东西归类为函数并不能在没有某些上下文的情况下澄清任何内容。提供不会产生错误的源会有所帮助。正常的切入点是(*It's much faster to start jEdit with Multivariate_Analysis as the logic.*) theory i140107a__Multvariate_Ana_vec_length imports Complex_Main Multivariate_Analysis (*"../../../iHelp/i"*) begin declare[[show_sorts=true]] (*Set false if you don't want typing shown.*) declare[[show_brackets=true]] (*---FINITE UNIVERSAL SET, NOT FINITE SET *) (* First, we need to understand what `x::('a::finite)` means. It means that `x` is a type for which the universal set of it's type is finite, where the universal set is `UNIV::('a set)`. It does not mean that terms of type `'a::finite` are finite sets. The use of `typedef` below will hopefully make this clear. The following are related to all of this, cntl-click on them to investigate them. *) term "x::('a::finite)" term "finite::('a set => bool)" (*the finite predicate*) term "UNIV::('a set) == top" (*UNIV is designated universal set in Set.thy.*) term "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" term "finite (top :: 'a set)" (* It happens to be that the `finite` predicate is used in the definition of type class `finite`. Here are some pertinent snippets, after which I comment on them: class top = fixes top :: 'a ("⊤") abbreviation UNIV :: "'a set" where "UNIV == top" class finite = assumes finite_UNIV: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" The `assumes` in the `finite` type-class specifies that constant `top::'a set` is finite, where `top` can be seen as defined in type-class `top`. Thus, any type of type-class `top` must have a `top` constant. The constant `top` is in Orderings.thy, and the Orderings theory comes next after HOL.thy, which is fundamental. As to why this use of the constant `top` by type-class `finite` can make the universe of a type finite, I don't know. *) (*---DISCOVERING LOWER LEVEL SYNTAX TO WORK WITH *) (* From the output panel, I copied the type shown for `term "v::('a ^ 'b)"`. I then cntl-clicked on `vec` to take me to the `vec` definition. *) term "v::('a ^ 'b)" term "v::('a,'b::finite) vec" (* The `typedef` command defines the `('a, 'b) vec` type as an element of a particular set, in particular, as an element in the set of all functions of type `('b::finite) => 'a`. I rename `vec` to `vec2` so I can experiment with `vec2`. *) typedef ('a, 'b) vec2 = "UNIV :: (('b::finite) => 'a) set" by(auto) notation Rep_vec2 (infixl "$$" 90) (* The `morphisms` command renamed `Rep_vec` and `Abs_vec` to `vec_nth` and `vec_lambda`, but I don't rename them for `vec2`. To create the `vec_length` function, I'll be using the `Rep` function, which is `vec_nth` for `vec`. However, the `Abs` function comes into play further down with the concrete examples. It's used to coerce a function into a type that uses the type construcor `vec`. *) term "Rep_vec2::(('a, 'b::finite) vec2 => ('b::finite => 'a))" term "Abs_vec2::(('a::finite => 'b) => ('b, 'a::finite) vec2)" (*---FIGURING OUT HOW THE REP FUNCTION WORKS WITH 0, 1, OR 2 ARGS *) (* To figure it all out, I need to study these Rep_t function types. The type of terms without explicit typing have the type shown below them, with the appropriate `vec` or `vec2`. *) term "op $" term "vec_nth" term "op $$" term "Rep_vec2::(('a, 'b::finite) vec2 => ('b::finite => 'a))" term "op $ x" term "vec_nth x" term "op $$ x" term "(Rep_vec2 x)::('b::finite => 'a)" term "x $ i" term "op $ x i" term "vec_nth x i" term "x $$ i" term "op $$ x i" term "(Rep_vec2 (x::('a, 'b::finite) vec2) (i::('b::finite))) :: 'a" (* No brackets shows more clearly that `x $$ i` is the curried function `Rep_vec2` taking the arguments `x::(('a, 'b::finite) vec2)` and `i::('b::finite)`. *) term "Rep_vec2::('a, 'b::finite) vec2 => 'b::finite => 'a" (*---THE FUNCTION FOR THE LENGTH OF A VECTOR*) (* This is based on your `card_diagonal`, but it's `card` of the range of `vec_nth v`. You want `card` of the domain. *) theorem "{ (v $ i) | i. True } = {c. ? i. c = (v $ i)}" by(simp) definition range_size :: "('a, 'b::finite) vec => nat" where "range_size v = card {c. ? i. c = (v $ i)}" declare range_size_def [simp add] (* This is the card of the domain of `(vec_nth v)::('b::finite => 'a)`. I use `vec_nth v` just to emphasize that what we want is `card` of the domain. *) theorem "(vec_nth v) i = (v $ i)" by(simp) definition vec_length :: "('a, 'b::finite) vec => nat" where "vec_length v = card {i. ? c. c = (vec_nth v) i}" declare vec_length_def [simp add] theorem "∀x y. vec_length (x::('a, 'b) vec) = vec_length (y::('a, 'b::finite) vec)" by(simp) (*---EXAMPLES TO TEST THINGS OUT *) (* Creating some constants. *) typedecl cT consts c1::cT c2::cT c3::cT (* Creating a type using the set {c1,c2,c3}. *) typedef t123 = "{c1,c2,c3}" by(auto) (* The functions Abs_t123 and Rep_t123 are created. I have to use Abs_t123 below to coerce the type of `cT` to `t123`. Here, I show the type of `Abs_t123`. *) term "Abs_t123 :: (cT => t123)" term "Abs_t123 c1 :: t123" (* Use these `declare` commands to do automatic `Abs` coercion. I comment them out to show how I do coercions explicitly. *) (*declare [[coercion_enabled]]*) (*declare [[coercion Abs_t123]]*) (* I have to instantiate type `t123` as type-class `finite`. It seems it should be simple to prove, but I can't prove it, so I use `sorry`. *) instantiation t123 :: finite begin instance sorry end term "UNIV::t123 set" term "card (UNIV::t123 set)" theorem "card (UNIV::t123 set) = 3" try0 oops (* Generalized vectors use an index set, in this case `{c1,c2,c3}`. A vector is an element from the set `(('b::finite) => 'a) set`. Concretely, my vectors are going to be from the set `(t123 => nat) set`. I define a vector by defining a function `t123_to_0`. Using normal vector notation, it is the vector `<0,0,0>`. Using ZFC ordered pair function notation, it is the set {(c1,0),(c2,0),(c3,0)}. *) definition t123_to_0 :: "t123 => nat" where "t123_to_0 x = 0" declare t123_to_0_def [simp add] (* I'm going to have to use `vec_lambda`, `vec_nth`, and `Abs_t123`, so I create some `term` variations to look at types in the output panel, to try to figure out how to mix and match functions and arguments. *) term "vec_lambda (f::('a::finite => 'b)) :: ('b, 'a::finite) vec" term "vec_lambda t123_to_0 :: (nat, t123) vec" term "vec_nth (vec_lambda t123_to_0)" term "vec_nth (vec_lambda t123_to_0) (Abs_t123 c1)" (* The function `vec_length` seems to work. You'd think that `CARD(t123) = 3` would be true. I try to cntl-click on `CARD`, but it doesn't work. *) theorem "vec_length (vec_lambda t123_to_0) = (3::nat)" apply(simp) (*GOAL: (CARD(t123) = (3::nat))*) oops theorem "(vec_nth (vec_lambda t123_to_0) (Abs_t123 c1)) = (0::nat)" by(auto) theorem "range_size (vec_lambda t123_to_0) = (1::nat)" by(auto) definition t123_to_x :: "t123 => t123" where "t123_to_x x = x" declare t123_to_x_def [simp add] theorem "(vec_nth (vec_lambda t123_to_x) (Abs_t123 c1)) = (Abs_t123 c1)" by(auto) theorem "(vec_nth (vec_lambda t123_to_x) (Abs_t123 c2)) = (Abs_t123 c2)" by(auto) (*THE LENGTH BASED SOLELY ON THE TYPE, NOT ON A PARTICULAR VECTOR *) (*Update 140111: The length of a vector is going to be the cardinality of the universal set of the type, `UNIV::('a::finite set)`. For `t123`, the following terms are involved. *) term "UNIV::t123 set" term "top::t123 set" term "card (UNIV::t123 set)" (*OUTPUT PANEL: CARD(t123)::nat.*) term "card (top::t123 set)" (*OUTPUT PANEL: CARD(t123)::nat.*) (* It can be seen that `card (top::t123 set)` is the same as the theorem above with the goal `CARD(t123) = (3::nat)`. What I didn't do above is instantiate type `t123` for type-class `top`. I try to define `top_t123`, but it gives me an error. *) instantiation t123 :: top begin definition top_t123 :: "t123 set" where "top_t123 = {Abs_t123 c1, Abs_t123 c2, Abs_t123 c3}" (*ERROR Clash of specifications "i140107a__Multvariate_Ana_vec_length.top_set_inst.top_set_def" and "Set.top_set_inst.top_set_def" for constant "Orderings.top_class.top" *) instance sorry end (*To define the cardinality of type `t123` appears to be an involved process, but maybe there's one easy type-class that can be instantiated that gives me everything I need. The use of `value` shows that type `t123` needs to be type-class `card_UNIV`, but `card_UNIV` is based on class `finite_UNIV`. Understanding it all is involved enough to give job security to a person who does understand it. *) value "card (top::t123 set)" (*ERROR: Type t123 not of sort card_UNIV.*) term "card_UNIV" term "finite_UNIV" (******************************************************************************) end 。这总结了我在这里所说的大部分内容。)


[13-05-27] Isabelle: how to work with matrices

[13-05-30] Isabelle: transpose a matrix that includes a constant factor

[13-06-25] Isabelle matrix arithmetic: det_linear_row_setsum in library with different notation

[13-08-12] Isabelle: maximum value in a vector

[13-09-12] Degree of polynomial smaller than a number

[13-11-21] Isabelle: degree of polynomial multiplied with constant

[13-11-26] Isabelle: Power of a matrix (A^n)?

[13-12-01] Isabelle: difference between A * 1 and A ** mat 1

[14-01-17] Isabelle: Issue with setprod

答案 1 :(得分:3)
