
时间:2013-10-22 02:38:42

标签: c pointers memory-management linked-list segmentation-fault


//find best fit
117 list_t* find_bestfit(list_t* best_node, int sizeToAlloc){
120         best_node=NULL;
121         list_t * temp;
122         temp=freep;
123         while(temp!=NULL){
125                 if (((temp->size) >= sizeToAlloc) && ((best_node == NULL) || ((temp->size) < (best_node->size)))){
126                         best_node = temp;
127                         printf("I am here line 127\n");
128                         printf("best node address is : %llx\n", (long long unsigned) best_node);
129                 }
130                 if( (best_node->size) == sizeToAlloc){
131                         printf("I am here line 130\n");
132                         break;
133                 }
134                 temp = temp->next;
135         }
136         if(best_node == NULL){
137                 printf("I am here line 137 \n");
138                 m_error = E_NO_SPACE;
139                 printf("NOT enough space\n");
141                 //      printf("No space available");
142                 exit(-1);
143         }
144         return  best_node;
145 }


 ptr[0] = Mem_Alloc(360, BESTFIT);
 64    assert(ptr[0] != NULL);
 65    if (ptr[0] != NULL)
 66    {
 67               printf("pointer[0] worked  line 65\n");
 68               printf("360 is allocated at %p \n",ptr[0]);
 69    }
 72    printf("reached here \n");
 73    printf("pointer [2] before is %p \n",ptr[2]);
 74    ptr[2] = Mem_Alloc(360, BESTFIT);
 75    printf("pointer [2] after is %p \n",ptr[2]);
 76    assert(ptr[2] != NULL);
 77    if (ptr[2] != NULL)
 78    {
 79                 printf("pointer[2] worked \n");
 80                 printf("360 is allocated at %p \n",ptr[2]);
 81    }


I am here line 127
best node address is : 7f4932687000
header address is : 7f4932687000
pointer[0] worked  line 65
360 is allocated at 0x7f4932687008 
reached here 
pointer [2] before is (nil) 
 1360 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) myprogram


void *Mem_Alloc(int size, int style){

    if( size <= 0 ){
        m_error = E_BAD_ARGS;
        printf("Bad size args\n");
        return NULL;

    //check if size if valid/upper limit stuff

    if(size % ALIGN_EIGHT != 0) {
        size += ( ALIGN_EIGHT - (size % ALIGN_EIGHT) );

    //local variables
    list_t * newfreesp;
    list_t *temp = NULL;    //will return this as a ptr to the allocated spac

    int adjusted_size;
    adjusted_size = size + sizeof(header_t);

    header_t *headptr; //declare pointer for the header space

        printf("come to fill head \n");
    //allocate new header
    header_t fillhead;
    fillhead.size = adjusted_size;
    fillhead.magic = 123;

    switch (style){

        case BESTFIT:
            temp = find_bestfit(temp,adjusted_size);

        case WORSTFIT:
            temp = find_worstfit(temp,adjusted_size);
        case FIRSTFIT:
            temp = find_firstfit(temp,adjusted_size);
            m_error = E_BAD_ARGS; 
            printf("bad style args\n");
            return NULL;           


    if(temp != NULL){

        ////////////////only one node in free list////////////////////////
        if(temp == freep && (freep->next == NULL)){

            //all of memory requested
            if(temp->size == adjusted_size){
                freep = tail = NULL;
            //only portion requested
                freep = (list_t*)((char*)temp + adjusted_size);
                tail = freep;
                //decrements freep size by (size requested + header size)
                freep->size = temp->size - adjusted_size-sizeof(list_t);


        ////////////////more than one node in free list///////////////////////

            //size requested is the same size as free node-
            //in an a free list with more than 1
            if(temp->size == adjusted_size){

                //temp is first node in free list
                if(temp == freep && (freep->next != NULL)){
                    freep = temp->next;

                //temp some middle node in the list
                else if(temp != tail){          
                    (temp->prev)->next = temp->next;
                    (temp->next)->prev = temp->prev;

                //temp is the tail          
                    (temp->prev)->next = NULL;
                    tail = temp->prev;


                //sizeToAlloc is only apart of the node in a list with 
                //more than one node

                newfreesp =(list_t*) ((char*)temp + adjusted_size);
                newfreesp->size = temp->size - adjusted_size- sizeof(list_t);

                //temp is first node in free list w/ more than one node
                if(temp == freep && (freep->next != NULL) ){
                    newfreesp->next = temp->next;
                    freep = newfreesp;

                //temp some middle node in the list w/ more than one
                else if(temp != tail){  
                    newfreesp->prev = temp->prev;
                    newfreesp->next = temp->next;   

                //temp is the tail          
                    //local variables       
                    newfreesp->prev = temp->prev;
                    newfreesp->next = NULL; 
                    tail = newfreesp;

        }//endelse for (more than more node in list)

        //move temp ptr past the header (8bytes)
        //so it points to the beginning of the allocated
        temp = (list_t*)((char*)temp + sizeof(header_t));

        //initialise header pointer address
        headptr = (header_t*)((char*)temp - sizeof(header_t));

        printf("header address is : %llx\n", (long long unsigned) headptr);
        //headerpointer: fill this space with the header        
        *headptr = fillhead;

        //cast to void and return pointer to allocated space    
        return (void *) temp;


        printf("I am here in line 359\n");
        m_error = E_NO_SPACE;
        printf("NOT enough space\n");
        return NULL;

    // carve out 100 bytes
    // change your freep list: sizeOfRegion - 100(approx)
    // return ptr to 100 bytes
    //return NULL;

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