
时间:2013-09-11 19:15:13

标签: java generics casting unchecked-cast

在下面的代码中,类型参数D可以是List<Byte>List<List<Byte>>(它是Fields<?, ?, D>界面中的第三个通用参数,但我仍然是可能会在那里省略它 - 但它也存在于方法的返回类型中)。似乎无法找到告诉编译器的方法 - 在标记为Unchecked cast的行中获取//*警告:

public static <D, K, T extends Enum<T> & Fields<?, ?, D>> List<EnumMap<T, D>> 
        getEntries(InputStream is, Class<T> fields) throws IOException {
    final List<List<Byte>> entries = new ArrayList<List<Byte>>();
    // populate "entries"
    final boolean hasLists = hasLists(fields);
    List<K> daBytes;
    if (hasLists) {
        daBytes = (List<K>) new ArrayList<EnumMap<T, List<List<Byte>>>>(); //*
    } else {
        daBytes = (List<K>) new ArrayList<EnumMap<T, List<Byte>>>(); //*
    final int numOfEntries = entries.size();
    for (int currentEntry = 0; currentEntry < numOfEntries; ++currentEntry) {
        // add an element in daBytes for this currentEntry
        if (hasLists) {
            daBytes.add((K) new EnumMap<T, List<List<Byte>>>(fields)); //*
        } else {
            daBytes.add((K) new EnumMap<T, List<Byte>>(fields)); //*
        for (T daField : fields.getEnumConstants()) {
            List<Byte> field = new ArrayList<Byte>();
            // populate "field"
            D map = (D) daBytes.get(currentEntry);
            if (hasLists) {
                List<List<Byte>> fieldEntries = new ArrayList<List<Byte>>();
                // populate "fieldEntries"
                ((EnumMap<T, List<List<Byte>>>) map).put(daField,
                    fieldEntries); //*
            } else {
                ((EnumMap<T, List<Byte>>) map).put(daField, field); //*
    return (List<EnumMap<T, D>>) daBytes; //*

如果hasLists为假,那么我需要D为List<Byte>否则为List<List<Byte>>daList变量是List<EnumMap<T, D>>。现在,对我来说,定义是很自然的:

List<EnumMap<T, D>> daBytes;


if (hasLists) {
    daBytes = (List<EnumMap<T, D>>) new ArrayList<EnumMap<T, List<List<Byte>>>>();





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




public static <X, T extends Enum<T> & Fields<?, ?, List<X>>>
List<EnumMap<T, List<X>>> getEntries(InputStream is, Class<T> fields) throws IOException {
    final List<List<Byte>> entries = new ArrayList<List<Byte>>();
    // populate "entries"

    FieldsStrategy<X, T> strategy = selectStrategy(fields);
    return strategy.getEntries(entries);

private static <X, T extends Enum<T> & Fields<?, ?, List<X>>>
FieldsStrategy<X, T> selectStrategy(Class<T> fields) {
    final boolean hasLists = hasLists(fields);
    return hasLists
            ? (FieldsStrategy<X, T>) new ByteListFieldsStrategy(fields) //* this is the only unchecked warning
            : (FieldsStrategy<X, T>) new ByteFieldsStrategy(fields);    //* this is the only unchecked warning

private abstract static class FieldsStrategy<X, T extends Enum<T> & Fields<?, ?, List<X>>> {
    private Class<T> fields;

    public FieldsStrategy(Class<T> fields) {
        this.fields = fields;

    public List<EnumMap<T, List<X>>> getEntries(List<List<Byte>> entries) {

        List<EnumMap<T, List<X>>> daBytes = new ArrayList<EnumMap<T, List<X>>>();
        final int numOfEntries = entries.size();
        for (int currentEntry = 0; currentEntry < numOfEntries; ++currentEntry) {
            // add an element in daBytes for this currentEntry
            daBytes.add(new EnumMap<T, List<X>>(fields));
            for (T daField : fields.getEnumConstants()) {
                EnumMap<T, List<X>> map = daBytes.get(currentEntry);
                map.put(daField, getFieldData(daField));
        return daBytes;

    protected abstract List<X> getFieldData(T daField);


public static class ByteFieldsStrategy<T extends Enum<T> & Fields<?, ?, List<Byte>>>
        extends FieldsStrategy<Byte, T> {
    public ByteFieldsStrategy(Class<T> fields) {

    protected List<Byte> getFieldData(T daField) {
        ArrayList<Byte> field = new ArrayList<Byte>();
        // populate "field"
        return field;

public static class ByteListFieldsStrategy<T extends Enum<T> & Fields<?, ?, List<List<Byte>>>>
        extends FieldsStrategy<List<Byte>, T> {
    public ByteListFieldsStrategy(Class<T> fields) {

    protected List<List<Byte>> getFieldData(T daField) {
        List<List<Byte>> fieldEntries = new ArrayList<List<Byte>>();
        // populate "fieldEntries"
        return fieldEntries;



public static interface Fields<T extends Enum<T> & Fields<T, D, K>, D extends Data, K> {
    // ....

    GetEntries<K, T> selectStrategy();

private static <K, T extends Enum<T> & Fields<T, ?, K>>
GetEntries<K, T> selectStrategy(Class<T> fields) {
    for (T field : fields.getEnumConstants()) {
        return field.selectStrategy();
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Enum type has no instances: " + fields);

