
时间:2012-04-03 18:57:49

标签: c# winforms forms keyboard




6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)




foreach (var key in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Keys)))
    var keyName = KeyNames.ResourceManager.GetString(key.ToString());
    if (keyName == null)
        keyName = key.ToString();


答案 1 :(得分:3)




public static string GetDescription(Keys key)
    switch (key)
        case Keys.A: case Keys.B: case Keys.C: case Keys.D: case Keys.E: case Keys.F:
        case Keys.G: case Keys.H: case Keys.I: case Keys.J: case Keys.K: case Keys.L:
        case Keys.M: case Keys.N: case Keys.O: case Keys.P: case Keys.Q: case Keys.R:
        case Keys.S: case Keys.T: case Keys.U: case Keys.V: case Keys.W: case Keys.X:
        case Keys.Y: case Keys.Z:
            return Enum.GetName(typeof(Keys), key);

        case Keys.D0: 
            return "0";
        case Keys.NumPad0:
            return "Number Pad 0";
        case Keys.D1: 
            return "1";
        case Keys.NumPad1:
            return "Number Pad 1";
        case Keys.D2: 
            return "2";
        case Keys.NumPad2:
            return "Number Pad 2";
        case Keys.D3: 
            return "3";
        case Keys.NumPad3:
            return "Number Pad 3";
        case Keys.D4: 
            return "4";
        case Keys.NumPad4:
            return "Number Pad 4";
        case Keys.D5: 
            return "5";
        case Keys.NumPad5:
            return "Number Pad 5";
        case Keys.D6: 
            return "6";
        case Keys.NumPad6:
            return "Number Pad 6";
        case Keys.D7: 
            return "7";
        case Keys.NumPad7:
            return "Number Pad 7";
        case Keys.D8: 
            return "8";
        case Keys.NumPad8:
            return "Number Pad 8";
        case Keys.D9: 
            return "9";
        case Keys.NumPad9:
            return "Number Pad 9";

        case Keys.Add:
            return "Number Pad +";
        case Keys.Subtract:
            return "Number Pad -";
        case Keys.Divide:
            return "Number Pad /";
        case Keys.Multiply:
            return "Number Pad *";
        case Keys.Space:
            return "Spacebar";
        case Keys.Decimal:
            return "Number Pad .";

        case Keys.F1:   case Keys.F2:   case Keys.F3:   case Keys.F4:   case Keys.F5:
        case Keys.F6:   case Keys.F7:   case Keys.F8:   case Keys.F9:   case Keys.F10:
        case Keys.F11:  case Keys.F12:  case Keys.F13:  case Keys.F14:  case Keys.F15:
        case Keys.F16:  case Keys.F17:  case Keys.F18:  case Keys.F19:  case Keys.F20:
        case Keys.F21:  case Keys.F22:  case Keys.F23:  case Keys.F24:
            return Enum.GetName(typeof(Keys), key);

        case Keys.Up:
            return "Up Arrow";
        case Keys.Down:
            return "Down Arrow";
        case Keys.Left:
            return "Left Arrow";
        case Keys.Right:
            return "Right Arrow";
        case Keys.Prior:
            return "Page Up";
        case Keys.Next:
            return "Page Down";
        case Keys.Home:
            return "Home";
        case Keys.End:
            return "End";

        //control keys
        case Keys.Back:
            return "Backspace";
        case Keys.Tab:
            return "Tab";
        case Keys.Escape:
            return "Escape";
        case Keys.Enter:
            return "Enter";
        case Keys.Shift:    case Keys.ShiftKey:
            return "Shift";
        case Keys.LShiftKey:
            return "Shift (Left)";
        case Keys.RShiftKey:
            return "Shift (Right)";
        case Keys.Control: case Keys.ControlKey:
            return "Control";
        case Keys.LControlKey:
            return "Control (Left)";
        case Keys.RControlKey:
            return "Control (Right)";
        case Keys.Menu: case Keys.Alt:
            return "Alt";
        case Keys.LMenu:
            return "Alt (Left)";
        case Keys.RMenu:
            return "Alt (Right)";
        case Keys.Pause:
            return "Pause";
        case Keys.CapsLock:
            return "Caps Lock";
        case Keys.NumLock:
            return "Num Lock";
        case Keys.Scroll:
            return "Scroll Lock";
        case Keys.PrintScreen:
            return "Print Screen";
        case Keys.Insert:
            return "Insert";
        case Keys.Delete:
            return "Delete";
        case Keys.Help:
            return "Help";
        case Keys.LWin:
            return "Windows (Left)";
        case Keys.RWin:
            return "Windows (Right)";
        case Keys.Apps:
            return "Context Menu";

        //browser keys
        case Keys.BrowserBack:
            return "Browser Back";
        case Keys.BrowserFavorites:
            return "Browser Favorites";
        case Keys.BrowserForward:
            return "Browser Forward";
        case Keys.BrowserHome:
            return "Browser Home";
        case Keys.BrowserRefresh:
            return "Browser Refresh";
        case Keys.BrowserSearch:
            return "Browser Search";
        case Keys.BrowserStop:
            return "Browser Stop";

        //media keys
        case Keys.VolumeDown:
            return "Volume Down";
        case Keys.VolumeMute:
            return "Volume Mute";
        case Keys.VolumeUp:
            return "Volume Up";
        case Keys.MediaNextTrack:
            return "Next Track";
        case Keys.Play:
        case Keys.MediaPlayPause:
            return "Play";
        case Keys.MediaPreviousTrack:
            return "Previous Track";
        case Keys.MediaStop:
            return "Stop";
        case Keys.SelectMedia:
            return "Select Media";

        //IME keys
        case Keys.HanjaMode:    case Keys.JunjaMode:    case Keys.HangulMode:
        case Keys.FinalMode:    //duplicate values: Hanguel, Kana, Kanji  
        case Keys.IMEAccept:    case Keys.IMEConvert:   //duplicate: IMEAceept
        case Keys.IMEModeChange: case Keys.IMENonconvert:
            return null;

        //special keys
        case Keys.LaunchMail:
            return "Launch Mail";
        case Keys.LaunchApplication1:
            return "Launch Favorite Application 1";
        case Keys.LaunchApplication2:
            return "Launch Favorite Application 2";
        case Keys.Zoom:
            return "Zoom";

        //oem keys 
        case Keys.OemSemicolon: //oem1
            return ";";
        case Keys.OemQuestion:  //oem2
            return "?";
        case Keys.Oemtilde:     //oem3
            return "~";
        case Keys.OemOpenBrackets:  //oem4
            return "[";
        case Keys.OemPipe:  //oem5
            return "|";
        case Keys.OemCloseBrackets:    //oem6
            return "]";
        case Keys.OemQuotes:        //oem7
            return "'";
        case Keys.OemBackslash: //oem102
            return "/";
        case Keys.Oemplus:
            return "+";
        case Keys.OemMinus:
            return "-";
        case Keys.Oemcomma:
            return ",";
        case Keys.OemPeriod:
            return ".";

        //unsupported oem keys
        case Keys.Oem8:
        case Keys.OemClear:
            return null;

        //unsupported other keys
        case Keys.None:     case Keys.LButton:  case Keys.RButton:  case Keys.MButton:
        case Keys.XButton1: case Keys.XButton2: case Keys.Clear:    case Keys.Sleep:
        case Keys.Cancel:   case Keys.LineFeed: case Keys.Select:   case Keys.Print:
        case Keys.Execute:  case Keys.Separator: case Keys.ProcessKey: case Keys.Packet:
        case Keys.Attn:     case Keys.Crsel:    case Keys.Exsel:    case Keys.EraseEof:
        case Keys.NoName:   case Keys.Pa1:      case Keys.KeyCode:  case Keys.Modifiers:
            return null;

            throw new NotSupportedException(Enum.GetName(typeof(Keys), key));


static void Main(string[] args)
    using(ResXResourceWriter writer = new ResXResourceWriter("output.resx"))
        //since there are duplicate values, we need to clumsily look at each name, then parse
        foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Keys)))
            object value = Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), name);
            string description = GetDescription((Keys)value); 

            if (description != null)
                writer.AddResource(new ResXDataNode(name, description));


答案 2 :(得分:1)


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   foreach (System.Windows.Forms.Keys key in Enum.GetValues(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Keys)))
       comboBoxKeys.Items.Add(new { Value = key, Description = GetDescription(key) });

   comboBoxKeys.DisplayMember = "Description";

private string GetDescription(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key)
        case Keys.OemPipe:
            return "Better oem pipe description";

        case Keys.HanjaMode:
            return "Ninja mode";

            return key.ToString(); // default name

答案 3 :(得分:1)



答案 4 :(得分:0)


string GetBaseKeyDescription(Keys k) {
    switch (k & ~Keys.Modifiers) {
        case Keys.OemPipe:
            return "Pipe |";
        case Keys.OemPeriod:
            return "Dot .";
        case Keys.HanjaMode:
            return "(Description of HanjaMode key)";
            return k.ToString();

我不确定你是否需要& ~Keys.Modifiers位 - 如果你这样做,你可能想要编写更多代码来处理修饰符 - 但我之前做过类似的事情。

答案 5 :(得分:0)



public enum MyEnums
    [Description("OEM Pipe")]

    [Description("Hanja Mode")]


public static string ToEnumDescription(this Enum value)
    FieldInfo fi = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());

    DescriptionAttribute[] attributes =

    if (attributes != null &&
        attributes.Length > 0)
        return attributes[0].Description;
        return value.ToString();


var enumAsText = theEnum.ToEnumDescription();

