我有许多MPEG-4文件,这些文件是从各种数码相机格式转码而来的,文件系统修改日期是正确的。我想设置“Media Created”标签以匹配。这可以在Windows资源管理器中通过“属性”窗口的“详细信息”选项卡手动完成。设置“已创建媒体”非常有用,因为Windows Live照片库会在此字段中键入其“采取日期”属性。不幸的是,文件数量使得手工设置所有日期变得不切实际。
有几种自动化途径有潜力。 TagLib#似乎支持所有MP4标记,但获取更多基本标记的API尚不清楚。另一个角度是Windows shell。据推测,Windows资源管理器正在使用它来编写标签。通过shell有example for reading,但似乎没有用于编写的API。
答案 0 :(得分:9)
int sum = behzad.Compare_closed_numbers_in_CRM_and_Billing_system_detail_counters
.Where(t=>t.fileid == point.id)
.Select(t => Convert.ToInt32(t.Count)).Sum();
答案 1 :(得分:3)
使用Windows Property System。请参阅Property Edit Sample开始使用。设置这些属性:
答案 2 :(得分:2)
Sub Main()
' Retrieve creation-time and modification-time, embedded inside the metadata of MP4 files
Dim ft = Mp4Times("a.mp4")
' Update those times
Mp4Times("a.mp4", Date.Now, Date.Now)
End Sub
Class FileTimes
Public CreationTime As Date
Public ModificationTime As Date
End Class
Function Mp4Times(fn As String, Optional newCreationTime As Date? = Nothing, Optional newModificationTime As Date? = Nothing) As FileTimes
Dim ft As FileTimes
Using f = If(newCreationTime.HasValue OrElse newModificationTime.HasValue, IO.File.Open(fn, IO.FileMode.Open), IO.File.OpenRead(fn))
f.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.End) : Dim fend = f.Position
' The file is made up of a sequence of boxes, with a standard way to find size and FourCC "kind" of each.
' Some box kinds contain a kind-specific blob of binary data. Other box kinds contain a sequence
' of sub-boxes. You need to look up the specs for each kind to know whether it has a blob or sub-boxes.
' We look for a top-level box of kind "moov", which contains sub-boxes, and then we look for its sub-box
' of kind "mvhd", which contains a binary blob. This is where Creation/ModificationTime are stored.
Dim pos = 0L, payloadStart = 0L, payloadEnd = 0L, boxKind = ""
While ReadNextBoxInfo(f, pos, fend, boxKind, payloadStart, payloadEnd) AndAlso boxKind <> "moov"
pos = payloadEnd
End While
If boxKind <> "moov" Then Return Nothing
pos = payloadStart : fend = payloadEnd
While ReadNextBoxInfo(f, pos, fend, boxKind, payloadStart, payloadEnd) AndAlso boxKind <> "mvhd"
pos = payloadEnd
End While
If boxKind <> "mvhd" Then Return Nothing
' The "mvhd" binary blob consists of 1byte (version, either 0 or 1), 3bytes (flags),
' and then either 4bytes (creation), 4bytes (modification)
' or 8bytes (creation), 8bytes (modification)
' If version=0 then it's the former, otherwise it's the later.
' In both cases "creation" and "modification" are big-endian number of seconds since 1st Jan 1904 UTC
f.Seek(pos + 8, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin) : Dim version = f.ReadByte()
f.Seek(pos + 12, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
Dim creationTime As Date, modificationTime As Date
If newCreationTime.HasValue Then
creationTime = newCreationTime.Value
If version = 0 Then Write4byteDate(f, creationTime) Else Write8byteDate(f, creationTime)
creationTime = If(version = 0, ReadNext4byteDate(f), ReadNext8byteDate(f))
End If
If newModificationTime.HasValue Then
modificationTime = newModificationTime.Value
If version = 0 Then Write4byteDate(f, modificationTime) Else Write8byteDate(f, modificationTime)
modificationTime = If(version = 0, ReadNext4byteDate(f), ReadNext8byteDate(f))
End If
ft = New FileTimes With {.CreationTime = creationTime, .ModificationTime = modificationTime}
End Using
If newCreationTime.HasValue Then IO.File.SetCreationTime(fn, newCreationTime.Value)
If newModificationTime.HasValue Then IO.File.SetLastWriteTime(fn, newModificationTime.Value)
Return ft
End Function
Function ReadNextBoxInfo(f As IO.Stream, pos As Long, fend As Long, ByRef boxKind As String, ByRef payloadStart As Long, ByRef payloadEnd As Long) As Boolean
boxKind = "" : payloadStart = 0 : payloadEnd = 0
If pos + 8 > fend Then Return False
Dim b(3) As Byte
f.Seek(pos, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
f.Read(b, 0, 4) : If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then Array.Reverse(b)
Dim size = BitConverter.ToUInt32(b, 0)
f.Read(b, 0, 4)
Dim kind = ChrW(b(0)) & ChrW(b(1)) & ChrW(b(2)) & ChrW(b(3))
If size <> 1 Then
If pos + size > fend Then Return False
boxKind = kind : payloadStart = pos + 8 : payloadEnd = payloadStart + size - 8 : Return True
End If
If size = 1 AndAlso pos + 16 <= fend Then
ReDim b(7)
f.Read(b, 0, 8) : If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then Array.Reverse(b)
Dim size2 = CLng(BitConverter.ToUInt64(b, 0))
If pos + size2 > fend Then Return False
boxKind = kind : payloadStart = pos + 16 : payloadEnd = payloadStart + size2 - 16 : Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
ReadOnly TZERO As Date = New Date(1904, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)
Function ReadNext4byteDate(f As IO.Stream) As Date
Dim b(3) As Byte
f.Read(b, 0, 4) : If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then Array.Reverse(b)
Dim secs = BitConverter.ToUInt32(b, 0)
Return TZERO.AddSeconds(secs)
End Function
Function ReadNext8byteDate(f As IO.Stream) As Date
Dim b(7) As Byte
f.Read(b, 0, 8) : If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then Array.Reverse(b)
Dim secs = BitConverter.ToUInt64(b, 0)
Return TZERO.AddSeconds(secs)
End Function
Sub Write4byteDate(f As IO.Stream, d As Date)
Dim secs = CUInt((d - TZERO).TotalSeconds)
Dim b = BitConverter.GetBytes(secs) : If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then Array.Reverse(b)
f.Write(b, 0, 4)
End Sub
Sub Write8byteDate(f As IO.Stream, d As Date)
Dim secs = CULng((d - TZERO).TotalSeconds)
Dim b = BitConverter.GetBytes(secs) : If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then Array.Reverse(b)
f.Write(b, 0, 8)
End Sub
答案 3 :(得分:0)
它将把所有exiftool命令写到CMD文件中。 exiftool.exe必须与文件和exiftool.exe位于同一位置
请确保将Powershell ISE / PS1文件放在您正在处理文件的同一目录中。 完成后,您可以在记事本中查看CMD文件。如果一切正常,请使用CMD运行它。 :)
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem -Filter * -Exclude *.exe
$exifFile = @()
$exifFile += "@echo off"
foreach($file in $allFiles)
$month = $file.CreationTime.Month
$day = $file.CreationTime.Day
$hour = $file.CreationTime.Hour
$min = $file.CreationTime.Minute
$sec = $file.CreationTime.Second
if($month -lt 10)
$month = "0$($file.CreationTime.Month)"
if($day -lt 10)
$day = "0$($file.CreationTime.Day)"
if($hour -lt 10)
$hour = "0$($file.CreationTime.Hour)"
if($min -lt 10)
$min = "0$($file.CreationTime.Minute)"
if($sec -lt 10)
$sec = "0$($file.CreationTime.Second)"
$exifFile += "exiftool.exe ^ -QuickTime:CreateDate=`"$($file.CreationTime.Year):$($month):$($day) $($hour):$($min):$($sec)`" ^ `"$($file.Name)`""
$exifFile | Out-File "MassCreateFix.cmd" -Encoding ascii -NoClobber