<Title>The New Daylight</Title>
<AlbumArtist>Dash Berlin</AlbumArtist>
<Artist>Dash Berlin</Artist>
<SongTitle>Till the sky falls down</SongTitle>
<AlbumTitle>The New Daylight</AlbumTitle>
<Artist>Dash Berlin</Artist>
<SongTitle>Better Half of Me</SongTitle>
<AlbumTitle>The New Daylight</AlbumTitle>
<SongTitle>Head of the problematic</SongTitle>
<AlbumTitle>Muse Self Labeled</AlbumTitle>
NodeList nl = docEle.getElementsByTagName("Album");
for (int temp = 0; temp < nl.getLength(); temp++) {
Element al = (Element)nl.item(temp);
if (compareSearchwithAlbum(searchName, al)) {
NodeList nlist = docEle.getElementsByTagName("Song");
for (int i = 0; i < nlist.getLength(); i++) {
Element s = (Element)nlist.item(i);
searchedSongs.add(new Song (getString(s, "SongTitle"), getString(s, "AlbumTitle"), getInt(s, "Price"), getInt(s, "Year")));
// return or do something here
问题是,当我运行那个内循环时,它抓住了专辑之外的所有不正确的歌曲,我想知道如何只抓取特定专辑中的歌曲。例如,来自Dash Berlin艺术家的所有歌曲。