
时间:2012-03-24 20:33:31

标签: c# .net reflection delegates

这是对prior thread的一种后续行动。我正在构建一个小包装器来对我的用户提供的动态类型化方法进行upcalls。该方案运作良好......但仅适用于静态方法。虽然CreateDelegate也适用于实例方法,但是当与那些方法一起使用时,如果方法isStatic标志为false,它会抛出“绑定错误”(实际上,因为我有throw-on-error标志为false,它返回null) 。这是一个代码示例,您可以在其中看到这种情况。

using System; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Linq.Expressions; 
using System.Reflection; 

namespace ConsoleApplication4 
    delegate void myFoo(int i, string s);
    delegate void myNull();

    internal class Callable
        internal int nParams;
        internal Type[] ptypes;
        internal Delegate cb;
        internal static Type[] actions = { typeof(Action), typeof(Action<>), typeof(Action<,>), typeof(Action<,,>), typeof(Action<,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,>), 
                                         typeof(Action<,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,,>), 
                                         typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,,,,,,>), typeof(Action<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>) };

        internal Callable(Delegate hisCb)
            MethodInfo mi = hisCb.Method;
            ParameterInfo[] pi = mi.GetParameters();
            ptypes = pi.Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray();
            nParams = ptypes.Length;
            if (nParams > 0 && nParams < 17)
                cb = Delegate.CreateDelegate(actions[nParams].MakeGenericType(ptypes), mi, false);
                if (cb == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unsuccessful attempt to CreateDelegate for " + hisCb + ", with methodinfo " + mi);
                    Console.WriteLine("Successful attempt to CreateDelegate for " + hisCb + ", with methodinfo " + mi);
                cb = hisCb;

        internal void doUpcall(object[] args)
            if (args.Length != nParams)
                 throw new ArgumentException("Argument count must match number of parameters");
            switch (nParams)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    ((dynamic)cb).Invoke((dynamic)args[0], (dynamic)args[1]);
                    // ... cases 3-15 similar, omitted to save space

    internal class FooBar
        internal FooBar()

        internal static void printFields(int i, string s)
            Console.WriteLine("In FooBar.printField-s with i="+i+", s="+s);

        internal void printFieldi(int i, string s)
            Console.WriteLine("In FooBar.printField-i with i=" + i + ", s=" + s);

    internal class Program 
        private static void Main(string[] args) 
            FooBar myFooBar = new FooBar();
            Callable cbfb0 = new Callable((myFoo)FooBar.printFields);
            cbfb0.doUpcall(new object[] { 77, "myfb" });
            Callable cbfb1 = new Callable((myFoo)myFooBar.printFieldi);
            cbfb1.doUpcall(new object[] { 77, "myfb" });
            string pc = "Main";
            Callable cb0 = new Callable((myNull)delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hello from myNull"); });
            cb0.doUpcall(new object[0]);
            Callable cb1 = new Callable((myFoo)delegate(int i, string s) { Console.WriteLine("i=" + i + ", s.Length = " + s.Length); });
            Console.WriteLine("About to attempt to call Foo: Good args");
            cb1.doUpcall(new object[] { 2, "bar" });
            Console.WriteLine("After calling Foo");
            Callable cb2 = new Callable((myFoo)delegate(int i, string s) { Console.WriteLine("My parent class is " + pc + ", i=" + i + ", s.Length = " + s.Length); });
            Console.WriteLine("About to attempt to call Foo: Good args");
            cb2.doUpcall(new object[] { 12, "Bar" });
            Console.WriteLine("After calling Foo");

        private static void Foo(int i, string s) 
            Console.WriteLine("i=" + i + ", s.Length = " + s.Length); 

任何人都可以帮助我理解为什么CreateDelegate会以这种方式运行吗? C#和.NET参考信息表明它应该适用于静态方法和实例方法。如果您打破“不成功”的情况,您可以确认确定成功或失败的事情是mi.isStatic标志的值。

PS:注意使用(动态)在运行时将参数强制转换为所需类型!我认为这很酷。以前是不可能的 - 你想做一个强制转换(T)但不知道T类型是什么,因此可以创建一个T类型的对象,但不能动态调用使用该对象的方法,就像我的15个案例陈述一样。通过转换为(动态)我避免了这个问题 - 解决了一个问题,似乎有几十个旧线程未解决! (这改进了先前线程中建议的代码......它具有使用已知类型进行相同的转换问题)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

CreateDelegate创建一个可调用的委托 - 为了做到这一点,它必须有实例来调用该方法。对于静态方法,不需要实例 - 您正在调用允许创建静态方法委托的重载。


 cb = Delegate.CreateDelegate(actions[nParams].MakeGenericType(ptypes), 
                         mi, false);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我看到Delegate.CreateDelegate的唯一调用是调用Type, MethodInfo, bool重载的调用。 documentation表示它


