当我在WordPress CMS中创建帖子时,我想运行一个搜索特定术语的过滤器,并用链接替换它们。
是一系列鱼类科学名称,例如Apistogramma panduro
和Gram's Method
速度不是一个问题,因为我将在后台运行此过滤器 ,而不是当用户访问该页面或者作者提交/编辑物种档案或邮寄。
正在过滤的部分内容可能包含带有这些字词的HTML,例如<img src="image.jpg" title="Apistogramma panduro male" />
物种通常被称为缩写的Genus,因此您经常会看到Apistogramma panduro
而不是A. panduro
。这意味着我需要搜索&amp;将所有物种术语替换为缩写 - Apistogramma panduro
,A. panduro
,Satanoperca daemon
,S. daemon
,但只留下左边的空格(即( )term
)和空格,逗号,感叹号,句号或连字符在右边(即term(, . ! - )
<br />
It looks very similar to fishes of the <i><a href="species/betta-foerschi" rel="species/betta-foerschi/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. foerschi</a></i> group/complex but its breeding strategy, adult size and observed behaviour preclude its inclusion in that <a href="glossary/a/assemblage" rel="glossary/a/assemblage?hover=true" class="link_glossary">assemblage</a>.
Instead it appears to be a member of the <i><a href="species/betta-coccina" rel="species/betta-coccina/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. coccina</a></i> group which currently includes <i><a href="species/betta-brownorum" rel="species/betta-brownorum/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. brownorum</a></i>, <i><a href="species/betta-burdigala" rel="species/betta-burdigala/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. burdigala</a></i>, <i><a href="species/betta-coccina" rel="species/betta-coccina/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. coccina</a></i>, <i><a href="species/betta-livida" rel="species/betta-livida/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. livida</a></i>, <i>B. miniopinna</i>, <i><a href="species/betta-persephone" rel="species/betta-persephone/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. persephone</a></i>, <i>B. tussyae</i>, <i><a href="species/betta-rutilans" rel="species/betta-rutilans/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. rutilans</a></i> and <i><a href="species/betta-uberis" rel="species/betta-uberis/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. uberis</a></i>.
Of these it's most similar in appearance to <i><a href="species/betta-uberis" rel="species/betta-uberis/?hover=true" class="link_species">B. uberis</a></i> but can be distinguished by its noticeably shorter <a href="glossary/d/dorsal" rel="glossary/d/dorsal?hover=true" class="link_glossary">dorsal</a>-<a href="glossary/f/fin" rel="glossary/f/fin?hover=true" class="link_glossary">fin</a> <a href="glossary/b/base" rel="glossary/b/base?hover=true" class="link_glossary">base</a> and overall blue-greenish (vs. green/reddish) colouration.
Members of this group are characterised by their small adult size (< 40 mm SL), a uniform red or black <a href="glossary/b/base" rel="glossary/b/base?hover=true" class="link_glossary">base</a> body colour, the presence of a <a href="glossary/m/midlateral" rel="glossary/m/midlateral?hover=true" class="link_glossary">midlateral</a> body blotch in some <a href="glossary/s/species" rel="glossary/s/species?hover=true" class="link_glossary">species</a> and the fact they have 9 abdominal <a href="glossary/v/vertebrae" rel="glossary/v/vertebrae?hover=true" class="link_glossary">vertebrae</a> compared with 10-12 in the other <a href="glossary/s/species" rel="glossary/s/species?hover=true" class="link_glossary">species</a> groups. In addition all are <a href="glossary/o/obligate" rel="glossary/o/obligate?hover=true" class="link_glossary">obligate</a> <a href="glossary/p/peat" rel="glossary/p/peat?hover=true" class="link_glossary">peat</a> <a href="glossary/s/swamp" rel="glossary/s/swamp?hover=true" class="link_glossary">swamp</a> dwellers (Tan and Ng, 2005).<br />
It looks very similar to fishes of the B. foerschi group/complex but its breeding strategy, adult size and observed behaviour preclude its inclusion in that assemblage.
Instead it appears to be a member of the B. coccina group which currently includes B. brownorum, B. burdigala, B. coccina, B. livida, B. miniopinna, B. persephone, B. tussyae, B. rutilans and B. uberis.
Of these it's most similar in appearance to B. uberis but can be distinguished by its noticeably shorter dorsal-fin base and overall blue-greenish (vs. green/reddish) colouration.
Members of this group are characterised by their small adult size (< 40 mm SL), a uniform red or black base body colour, the presence of a midlateral body blotch in some species and the fact they have 9 abdominal vertebrae compared with 10-12 in the other species groups. In addition all are obligate peat swamp dwellers (Tan and Ng, 2005).
[caption id="attachment_542" align="alignleft" width="125" caption="Amazonas Magazine - now in English!"]<a href="http://www.seriouslyfish.comwp-content/uploads/2011/12/Amazonas-English-1.jpg"><img class="size-thumbnail wp-image-542" title="Amazonas English" src="/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Amazonas-English-1-288x381.jpg" alt="Amazonas English" width="125" height="165" /></a>[/caption]
Edited by Hans-Georg Evers, the magazine 'Amazonas' has been widely-regarded as among the finest regular publications in the hobby since its launch in 2005, an impressive achievment considering it's only been published in German to date. The long-awaited English version is just about to launch, and we think a subscription should be top of any serious fishkeeper's Xmas list...
The magazine is published in a bi-monthly basis and the English version launches with the January/February 2012 issue with distributors already organised in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. There are also mobile apps availablen which allow digital subscribers to read on portable devices.
It's fair to say that there currently exists no better publication for dedicated hobbyists with each issue featuring cutting-edge articles on fishes, invertebrates, aquatic plants, field trips to tropical destinations plus the latest in husbandry and breeding breakthroughs by expert aquarists, all accompanied by excellent photography throughout.
U.S. residents can subscribe to the printed edition for just $29 USD per year, which also includes a free digital subscription, with the same offer available to Canadian readers for $41 USD or overseas subscribers for $49 USD. Please see the <a href="http://www.amazonasmagazine.com/">Amazonas website</a> for further information and a sample digital issue!
Alternatively, subscribe directly to the print version <a href="https://www.amazonascustomerservice.com/subscribe/index2.php">here</a> or digital version <a href="https://www.amazonascustomerservice.com/subscribe/digital.php">here</a>.
339 => 'Aulonocara maylandi maylandi',
340 => 'Aulonocara maylandi kandeensis',
341 => 'Aulonocara sp. "walteri"',
342 => 'Aulonocara sp. "stuartgranti maleri"',
343 => 'Aulonocara stuartgranti',
344 => 'Benthochromis tricoti',
345 => 'Boulengerochromis microlepis',
346 => 'Buccochromis lepturus',
347 => 'Buccochromis nototaenia',
348 => 'Betta brownorum',
349 => 'Betta foerschi',
350 => 'Betta coccina',
351 => 'Betta uberis'
正如您在上面所看到的,这些科学名称的一般格式是“属种”,但通常包括“sp。”。或“aff。” (对于未正式描述的物种)和“属种亚种”形式。
1 => 'abdomen',
2 => 'caudal',
3 => 'caudal-fin',
4 => 'caudal-fin peduncle',
5 => 'Gram\'s Method'
答案 0 :(得分:4)
// Each dynamically constructed regexp will contain at most 70 subpatterns
define('GROUPS_PER_REGEXPS', 70);
$speciesTerms = array(
339 => '(?:Aulonocara|A\.) maylandi maylandi',
340 => '(?:Aulonocara|A\.) maylandi kandeensis',
344 => '(?:Benthochromis|B\.) tricoti',
345 => '(?:Boulengerochromis|B\.) microlepis',
function matchTerms($text) {
// Globals are not good. I left it for the simplicity
global $speciesTerms;
$result = array();
$t = 0;
$speciesCount = count($speciesTerms);
while ($t < $speciesCount) {
// Maps capturing group identifiers to term ids
$termMapping = array();
// Dynamically construct regexp
$groups = '';
$c = 1;
while (list($termId, $termPattern) = each($speciesTerms)) {
if (!empty($groups)) {
$groups .= '|';
// Match word boundaries, so we don't capture "B. tricotisomeramblingstring"
$groups .= '(\b' . $termPattern . '\b)';
$termMapping[$c++] = $termId;
if (++$t % GROUPS_PER_REGEXPS == 0) {
$regexp = "/$groups/m";
preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
for ($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++) {
foreach ($matches[$i] as $matchData) {
// matchData[0] holds matched string, e.g. Benthochromis tricoti
// matchData[1] holds offset, e.g. 15
if (isset($matchData[0]) && !empty($matchData[0])) {
$result[] = array(
'text' => $matchData[0],
'offset' => $matchData[1],
'id' => $termMapping[$i],
// Sort by offset in descending order
usort($result, function($a, $b) {
return $a['offset'] > $b['offset'] ? -1 : 1;
return $result;
$doc = DOMDocument::loadHTML($html);
// Stack will be used to avoid recursive functions
$stack = new SplStack;
while (!$stack->isEmpty()) {
$node = $stack->pop();
if ($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE && $node->parentNode instanceof DOMElement) {
// $node represents text node
// and it's inside a tag (second condition in the statement above)
// Check that this text is not wrapped in <a> tag
// as we don't want to wrap it twice
if ($node->parentNode->tagName != 'a') {
$matches = matchTerms($node->wholeText);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
// Create new link element in the DOM
$link = $doc->createElement('a', $match['text']);
$link->setAttribute('href', 'species/' . $match['id']);
$link->setAttribute('class', 'link_species');
// Save the text after the link
$remainingText = $node->splitText($match['offset'] + strlen($match['text']));
// Save the text before the link
$linkText = $node->splitText($match['offset']);
// Replace $linkText with $link node
// i.e. 'something' becomes '<a href="..">something</a>'
$node->parentNode->replaceChild($link, $linkText);
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
$body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body');
echo $doc->saveHTML($body->item(0));
我只展示了如何替换物种术语,词汇表术语将是相同的。链接以“species / $ id”的形式形成。缩写正确处理。 DOMDocument
不允许将此子模式计为捕获组(documentation on subpatterns)。如果没有正确计算子模式,我们就无法检索termId
First capturing group Alternation Second capturing group
( (?:Aulonocara|A\.) maylandi maylandi ) | ( (?:Aulonocara|A\.) maylandi kandeensis )
因此,文本“示例:Aulonocara maylandi maylandi,A。maylandi kandeensis”将给出以下匹配:
$matches[1] = array('Aulonocara maylandi maylandi') // Captured by the first group
$matches[2] = array('A. maylandi kandeensis') // Captured by the second group
中的所有元素都指的是id = 339的种类Aulonocara maylandi maylandi
或A. maylandi maylandi
<强>更新强> 每个动态创建的regexp都对子模式的最大数量有限制,它被定义为顶部的const。这允许在regexp中避免PCRE对子模式数量的限制。
代码中(除非已经包装)答案 1 :(得分:2)
function addLinks(&$p, $species, $terms) {
// much easier to say "not in an anchor tag" with parsed content than with regex
if ($p->tag != 'a') {
// pull out existing elements so they aren't replaced
$children = array();
$x = 0;
foreach ($p->children as &$e) {
$children[] = $e->outertext;
$e->outertext = '---child-'.$x.'---';
foreach($species as $s) {
$p->innertext = str_replace(
'<a href="species/'.strtolower(str_replace(' ','-',$s)).'">'.$s.'</a>',
foreach($term as $t) {
$p->innertext = str_replace(
'<a href="glossary/'.
strtolower(str_replace(' ','-',$t)).'">'.$t.'</a>',
// restore previous child elements
foreach($children as $x => $e) {
$p->innertext = str_replace('---child-'.$x.'---', $e, $p->innertext);
foreach ($p->children() as &$e) {
addLinks($e, $species, $terms);
$html = new simple_html_dom();
// you may have to wrap $content in a div. not exactly sure how partial content is handled
addLinks($html, $species_terms, $glossary_terms);
$content = $html->save();