
时间:2012-03-23 14:14:10

标签: perl file-comparison insertion-order


情况如下:文件在文件夹A中更新,但也存在于文件夹B,C和C中。 D和,为了使它更容易,它们可以在所有这些中不同,所以我不能只做差异。   要复制到其他文件的新行由标志(例如 #I )在行尾标识。


    First line
    Second line
    Fifth line


    First line
    Second line
    Third line #I
    Fourth line #I
    Fifth line
    Sixth line #I

我需要做的是在其他文件中搜索“第二行”,按照插入的顺序插入标有#I的行 - 然后搜索“第五行”并插入“第六行” #I”。



欢迎任何关于如何做到这一点的提示。我可以提供我迄今为止所拥有的代码 - 如果需要,可以关闭但尚未工作。




# Pass the content of the file $FileUpdate to the updateFile array
@updateFile = <UPD>;

# Pass the content of the file $FileOriginal to the originalFile array
@originalFile = <ORG>;

# Remove empty lines from the array contained on the updated file
@updateFile = grep(/\S/, @updateFile);

# Create an array that will contain the modifications and the line
# prior to the first modification.
@modifications = ();

# Counter initialization
$i = 0;

# Loop the array to find out which lines are flagged as new and
# which lines immediately precede those
foreach $linha (@updateFile) {

# Remove \n characters

# Find the new lines flagged with #I
if ($linha =~ m/#I$/) {

    # Verify that the previous line is not flagged as updated.
    # If it is not, it means that the update starts here.
    unless ($updateFile[$i-1] =~ m/#I$/) {
        print "Line where the update starts $updateFile[$i-1]\n";

        # Add that line to the array modifications
        push(@modifications, $updateFile[$i-1]);

    } # END OF unless 

print "$updateFile[$i]\n";

# Add the lines tagged for insertion into the array
push(@modifications, $updateFile[$i]);

} # END OF if ($linha =~ m/#I$/)

# Increment the counter
$i = $i + 1;

} # END OF foreach $linha (@updateFile) 

foreach $modif (@modifications) {
    unless ($modif =~ m/#I$/) {
        foreach $original (@originalFile) {
            if ($original ne $modif) {
                push (@newOriginal, $originalFile[$n]);
            elsif ($original eq $modif) { #&& $modif[$n+1] =~ m/#I$/) {
                push (@newOriginal, $originalFile[$n]);
            $n = $n + 1;
    if ($modif =~ m/#I$/) {
        push (@newOriginal, $modifications[$m]);
    $m = $m + 1;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


# Open the file

# First parameter is the file containing the update
my ($FileUpdate) = $ARGV[0];

# Second parameter is the file to be updated
my ($FileOriginal) = $ARGV[1];

# \s whitespace characters

# Open both files and give them handles to be referred to further ahead
open(UPD, $FileUpdate) || die("Could not open file $FileUpdate!");
open(ORG, $FileOriginal) || die("Could not open file $FileOriginal!");

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# ---------------- ARRAY CREATION ---------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------ #

# Pass the content of the file $FileUpdate to the updateFile array
@updateFile = <UPD>;

# Pass the content of the file $FileOriginal to the originalFile array
@originalFile = <ORG>;

# Remove empty lines from the array contained on the updated file
@updateFile = grep(/\S/, @updateFile);

# Create an array that will contain the modifications and the line
# prior to the first modification.
@modifications = ();

# Counter initialization
$i = 0;

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------ #

# Loop the array to find out which lines are flagged as new and
# which lines immediately precede those
foreach $linha (@updateFile) {

# Remove \n characters

# Find the new lines flagged with #I
if ($linha =~ m/#I$/) {

    # Verify that the previous line is not flagged as updated.
    # If it is not, it means that the update starts here.
    unless ($updateFile[$i-1] =~ m/#I$/) {

        # Add that line to the array modifications
        push(@modifications, $updateFile[$i-1]);

    } # END OF unless 

# Add the lines tagged for insertion into the array
push(@modifications, $updateFile[$i]);

} # END OF if ($linha =~ m/#I$/)

# Increment the counter
$i = $i + 1;

} # END OF foreach $linha (@updateFile) 

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# --------- ADD VALUES TO MODIFICATIONS  --------- #
# ------------------------------------------------ #
foreach $valor (@modifications) {   
print "$valor\n";

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# -------------------- BACKUP -------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------ #

# Make a backup copy from the original file   
# in case something goes wrong when updating it

# Obtain the current time
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$tt = strftime "%Y%m%d-%H%M\n", localtime;

system("cp $FileOriginal $FileOriginal.$tt");

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------- INSERT THE NEW LINES ------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------ #

# Counter initialization
$m = 0;

# New file array
@newOriginal = ();

# Goes through the original file and for each line not present in modifs, writes it .

foreach $original (@originalFile) {
# Initialize counter
$n = 0;

# Remove spaces
chomp ($original);

# Check if the value already exists on the array
# If it doesnt, adds it
if (grep {$_ eq $original} @newOriginal) {
else {
    push (@newOriginal, $originalFile[$m]); 

# Iterate over the array containing the modifications
# These new lines shall be added to the final file.
foreach $modif (@modifications) {
    # Remove spaces
    chomp ($modif);

    #print "Original: $original, Modif: $modif\n";

    # Initialize counter
    $k = 0;

    # Compare the current value from the original file with
    # the elements that exist on the modifications array.
    # If they are equal push that line in order to be added
    # to the results file.
    if ($original eq $modif) {

        # Increment the counter
        $k = $n+1;

        # Iterate the array with the modifications
        # in order to insert all lines that end with #I
        # immediately after the common line between files.
        foreach my $igual ($k..$#modifications) {

            # Remove spaces

            # If the line ends with #I add it to the final file.
            if ($modifications[$igual] =~ m/#I$/) {

                foreach $newO (@newOriginal) {
                    # Remove spaces
                    if ($newO ne $modifications[$igual]) {
                        push (@newOriginal, $modifications[$igual]);
            else {

    # Increment the counter
    $n = $n + 1;
# Increment the counter
$m = $m + 1;

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------- RESULTS PRESENTATION ------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------ #
$v = 0;
print "--------------------\n";
foreach $vl (@newOriginal) {
print "newOriginal: $newOriginal[$v]\n";
$v = $v + 1;
print "--------------------\n";

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------- CREATE UPDATED FILE -------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------ #
$v = 0;

# Create the new name for the file - only for testing purposes now, it will be the original name afterwards
$NewFileToWriteTo = $FileOriginal;
# Retrieve the extension of the file to be updated
my ($ext) = $FileOriginal =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/;
# Remove the extension - just for testing purposes because I want to change the file name now
$NewFileToWriteTo =~ s/$ext//;
# Create the new file name by adding the suffix _tst and the correct extension to it.
$NewFileToWriteTo = $NewFileToWriteTo . '_tst' . ${ext};

# Create the new file or die in case it is not possible to open it
open DAT, ">$NewFileToWriteTo" or die("Could not open file!");

# Write to the new file. This will be the UPDATED version of the ORIGINAL file.
foreach $vl (@newOriginal) {
print DAT "$newOriginal[$v]\n";
$v = $v + 1;

# Close all files

答案 1 :(得分:0)






use strict;
use warnings;

open my $fa, '<', 'A.txt' or die $!;

open my $fb, '<', 'B.txt' or die $!;

my $keyline;
my $inserting;

while (<$fb>) {

  if (/#I$/) {

    if ($keyline) {             # We have to search for a match

      while () {

        my $source = <$fa>;     # read from the target

        if (defined $source) {  # copy to output. stop reading if key is found
          print $source;
          last if $source eq $keyline;
        else {                  # die if key nowhere in target
          chomp $keyline;
          die qq(Key Line "$keyline" not found);

      undef $keyline;           # don't have to search next time

    print;                      # insert the new line
  else {
    $keyline = $_;              # remember the line to search for