C#XML Serialize Array对象的对象“生成XML文档时出错”。

时间:2012-03-23 04:11:08

标签: c# xml-serialization






namespace P2PFileLayout
    public class p2pfile
        public FileList FileList;
        public StatusServer StatusServer;
        public String Hash;
namespace P2PFileLayout.parts
    public class StatusServer
        public Auth Auth;
        public Servers Servers;
    public class Servers
        public Server[] Server;
    public class Server
        public bool AuthRequired = false;
        public string Address;
    public class Files
        public File[] File;
    public class File
        public string FileName = "";
        public int BlockSize = 0;
        public int BlockCount = 0;
    public class Directory
        public string Name;
        public Files Files;
        public Directory[] Dir;
    public class Auth
        public AuthServer[] AuthServer;
    public class FileList
        public Files Files;
        public Directory[] Directory;


        // create the test file
        testFile = new p2pfile();

        // create a fake fileList
        testFile.FileList = new P2PFileLayout.parts.FileList();
        testFile.FileList.Directory = new P2PFileLayout.parts.Directory[1];
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0] = new P2PFileLayout.parts.Directory();
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Name = "testFolder";
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files = new P2PFileLayout.parts.Files();
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File = new P2PFileLayout.parts.File[2];
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[0] = new P2PFileLayout.parts.File();
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[0].FileName = "test.txt";
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[0].BlockSize = 64;
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[0].BlockCount = 1;
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[1] = new P2PFileLayout.parts.File();
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[1].FileName = "test2.txt";
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[1].BlockSize = 64;
        testFile.FileList.Directory[0].Files.File[1].BlockCount = 1;

        // create a fake status server
        testFile.StatusServer = new P2PFileLayout.parts.StatusServer();
        testFile.StatusServer.Servers = new P2PFileLayout.parts.Servers();
        testFile.StatusServer.Servers.Server = new P2PFileLayout.parts.Server[1];
        testFile.StatusServer.Servers.Server[0] = new P2PFileLayout.parts.Server();
        testFile.StatusServer.Servers.Server[0].Address = "http://localhost:8088/list.php";

        // create a file hash (real)
        HashGenerator.P2PHash hashGen = new HashGenerator.P2PHash();
        testFile.Hash = hashGen.getHash();

        treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("Loading..."));

        Classes.CreateTreeView ctv = new Classes.CreateTreeView();
        ctv.BuildTreeView(testFile.FileList, treeView1);
        treeView1.AfterCheck += new TreeViewEventHandler(treeView1_AfterCheck);



private string ToXml(object Obj, System.Type ObjType)
            // instansiate the xml serializer object
            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(ObjType);
            // create a memory stream for XMLTextWriter to use
            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
            // create an XML writer using our memory stream
            XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, Encoding.UTF8);
            // write the object though the XML serializer method using the W3C namespaces
            ser.Serialize(xmlWriter, Obj);
            // close the XMLWriter
            // close the memoryStream
            // get the string from the memory Stream
            string xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memStream.GetBuffer());
            // remove the stuff before the xml code we care about
            xml = xml.Substring(xml.IndexOf(Convert.ToChar(60)));
            // clear any thing at the end of the elements we care about
            xml = xml.Substring(0, (xml.LastIndexOf(Convert.ToChar(62)) + 1));
            // return the XML string
            return xml;

任何人都可以理解为什么这不起作用或任何关于它为什么不能正常工作的线索<​​/ p>

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你为什么要手动做? 这种方法怎么样? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/815813

Test test = new Test() { Test1 = "1", Test2 = "3" };
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new   System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(test.GetType());
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
x.Serialize(ms, test);
ms.Position = 0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
string xml = sr.ReadToEnd();

答案 1 :(得分:0)

至于暧昧的消息,请看一下内部异常。 XML序列化错误大量使用innerexception,您通常必须查看所有级别的InnerExceptions以了解实际发生的情况。