
时间:2009-06-11 18:33:16

标签: tsql

from (select * from freeplay.egmfreeplay union all select * from Change.EgmFreePlay) t where not exists (select * from  testtable where

slotmachinebk = t.slotmachinebk and
auditdate = t.gamingdate and
freeplaydownloaded = t.freeplaydownloaded and
freeplayadjusted =  t.freeplayadjusted and
freeplayplayed = t.freeplayplayed and
freeplayabandoned = t.freeplayabandoned and 
freeplaybalance = t.freeplaybalance)

我有这个tsql查询,它给了我testtable和freeplay.egmfreeplay之间不匹配的记录....但是如何修改此查询以获取不匹配的列名/值,列名为列用于子查询AND ...

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

你可以在SELECT查询中放入一堆'CASE WHEN'语句

CASE WHEN a.column1 <> b.column1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS column1_diff




SELECT      t.*,
            CASE WHEN t.slotmachinebk       <> z.slotmachinebk      THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS slotmachinebk_diff,
            CASE WHEN t.gamingdate          <> z.gamingdate         THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS gamingdate_diff,
            CASE WHEN t.freeplaydownloaded  <> z.freeplaydownloaded THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS freeplaydownloaded_diff,
            CASE WHEN t.freeplayadjusted    <> z.freeplayadjusted   THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS freeplayadjusted_diff,
            CASE WHEN t.freeplayplayed      <> z.freeplayplayed     THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS freeplayplayed_diff,
            CASE WHEN t.freeplayabandoned   <> z.freeplayabandoned  THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS freeplayabandoned_diff,
            CASE WHEN t.freeplaybalance     <> z.freeplaybalance    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS freeplaybalance_diff,
FROM        testtable z
            SELECT      * 
            FROM        freeplay.egmfreeplay 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT      * 
            FROM        Change.EgmFreePlay
            ) t
        ON  z.slotmachinebk         = t.slotmachinebk
        AND z.auditdate             = t.gamingdate
        AND z.freeplaydownloaded    = t.freeplaydownloaded
        AND z.freeplayadjusted      = t.freeplayadjusted
        AND z.freeplayplayed        = t.freeplayplayed
        AND z.freeplayabandoned     = t.freeplayabandoned
        AND z.freeplaybalance       = t.freeplaybalance
WHERE       t.id IS NOT NULL -- this will only select those in 'freeplay.egmfreeplay' and 'Change.EgmFreePlay' that are not in 'testtable', I am not sure if 'id' actually exists, but you want to use something that will never be NULL in those two tables

答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)



    CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.slotmachinebk           ,'')!=ISNULL(z.XXX                ,'') THEN 'slotmachinebk'       ELSE '' END AS slotmachinebk        --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
        ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.gamingdate         ,'')!=ISNULL(z.gamingdate         ,'') THEN 'gamingdate'          ELSE '' END AS gamingdate           --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
        ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplaydownloaded ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplaydownloaded ,'') THEN 'freeplaydownloaded'  ELSE '' END AS freeplaydownloaded   --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
        ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplayadjusted   ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplayadjusted   ,'') THEN 'freeplayadjusted'    ELSE '' END AS freeplayadjusted     --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
        ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplayplayed     ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplayplayed     ,'') THEN 'freeplayplayed'      ELSE '' END AS freeplayplayed       --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
        ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplayabandoned  ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplayabandoned  ,'') THEN 'freeplayabandoned'   ELSE '' END AS freeplayabandoned    --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
        ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplaybalance    ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplaybalance    ,'') THEN 'freeplaybalance'     ELSE '' END AS freeplaybalance      --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
    from (select * from freeplay.egmfreeplay union all select * from Change.EgmFreePlay) t 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN testtable z ON t.KEY=z.KEY  --<<<<<<<<key names???
    where not exists (select * from  testtable where
                             slotmachinebk = t.slotmachinebk and
                             auditdate = t.gamingdate and
                             freeplaydownloaded = t.freeplaydownloaded and
                             freeplayadjusted =  t.freeplayadjusted and
                             freeplayplayed = t.freeplayplayed and
                             freeplayabandoned = t.freeplayabandoned and 
                             freeplaybalance = t.freeplaybalance

答案 3 :(得分:0)

select t.slotmachinebk
       , t.freeplaydownloaded
       , t.freeplayadjusted
       , t.freeplayplayed
       , t.freeplayabandoned
       , t.freeplaybalance 
from (select *  freeplay.egmfreeplay union all select * from Change.EgmFreePlay) t
left join testtable tt on 
      tt.slotmachinebk = t.slotmachinebk 
      and tt.auditdate = t.gamingdate 
      and tt.freeplaydownloaded = t.freeplaydownloaded 
      and freeplayadjusted =  t.freeplayadjusted 
      and tt.freeplayplayed = t.freeplayplayed 
      and tt.freeplayabandoned = t.freeplayabandoned 
      and tt.freeplaybalance = t.freeplaybalance
where tt.whateverTheHeckMyIdColumnIs is null

这应该可以让你在你的联盟中找到与testtable中没有完全匹配的东西。当然你也不应该使用select *,尤其是不能在union中使用(这个查询会在第一次有人更改某个表结构而不是联合中的两个表时中断)。学习指定列。如果testtable上没有id,请先创建一个id,或将where子句更改为一个不能为null的字段。