从末尾截断未知长度x字节的流? (。净)

时间:2012-03-21 12:36:04

标签: .net stream buffer cryptostream


源流(SHA1哈希最后20个字节) - > SHA1 Hasher Stream(在流结束时即时计算并与嵌入式流哈希进行比较) - > AES解密流 - >做数据的东西......





SourceStream = TcpClient.Stream
HashedStream = New CryptoStream(SourceStream, Sha1Hasher, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
AesDecryptedStream = New CryptoStream(HashedStream, AesDecryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)

' Read out and deserialize data

' Check if signatures match, throw data away if not
If Not Sha1Hash.SequenceEqual(ExpectedHash)

' Do stuff with the data here


[  StreamFormat  |  String  |  Required  ]
[  WrapperFlags  |  8 Bit BitArray  |  Required  ]
[  Sha1 Hashed Data Wrapper  |  Optional  ]
   [  AesIV  |  16 Bytes  |  Required if Aes Encrypted  ]
   [  Aes Encrypted Data Wrapper  |  Optional  ]
      [  Gzip Compressed Data Wrapper  |  Optional  ]
         [  Payload Data  |  Binary  |  Required  ]
      [  End Gzip Compressed Data  ]
   [  End Aes Encrypted Data  ]
[  End Sha1 Hashed Data  ]
[  Sha1HashValue  |  20 Bytes  |  Required if Sha1 Hashed  ]

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



    public class TruncateStreamTests
        public void TestTruncateLast20Bytes()
            string testInput = "This is a string.-- final 20 bytes --";
            string expectedOutput = "This is a string.";
            string testOutput;
            using (var testStream = new StreamWhichEndsBeforeFinal20Bytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(testInput))))
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(testStream, Encoding.ASCII))
                testOutput = streamReader.ReadLine();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, testOutput);

        public void TestTruncateLast20BytesRead3BytesAtATime()
            string testInput = "This is a really really really really really long string, longer than all the others\n\rit even has some carriage returns in it, etc.-- final 20 bytes --";
            string expectedOutput = "This is a really really really really really long string, longer than all the others\n\rit even has some carriage returns in it, etc.";
            StringBuilder testOutputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            using (var testStream = new StreamWhichEndsBeforeFinal20Bytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(testInput))))
                int bytesRead = 0;
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[3];
                    bytesRead = testStream.Read(buffer, 0, 3);
                    testOutputBuilder.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead));
                } while (bytesRead > 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, testOutputBuilder.ToString());

Stream Class

 public class StreamWhichEndsBeforeFinal20Bytes : Stream
        private readonly Stream sourceStream;

        private static int TailBytesCount = 20;

        public StreamWhichEndsBeforeFinal20Bytes(Stream sourceStream)
            this.sourceStream = sourceStream; 

        public byte[] TailBytes { get { return previousTailBuffer; } }

        public override void Flush()

        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
            return sourceStream.Seek(offset, origin);

        public override void SetLength(long value)

        private byte[] previousTailBuffer;

        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            byte[] tailBuffer = new byte[TailBytesCount];
            int expectedBytesRead;

            if (previousTailBuffer == null)
                expectedBytesRead = count + TailBytesCount;
                expectedBytesRead = count;

                byte[] readBuffer = new byte[expectedBytesRead];
                int actualBytesRead = sourceStream.Read(readBuffer, offset, expectedBytesRead);

                if (actualBytesRead == 0) return 0;

                if (actualBytesRead < TailBytesCount)
                    int pickPreviousByteCount = TailBytesCount - actualBytesRead;

                    if (previousTailBuffer != null)
                        int pickFromIndex = previousTailBuffer.Length - pickPreviousByteCount;
                        Array.Copy(previousTailBuffer, 0, buffer, offset, count);
                        Array.Copy(previousTailBuffer, pickFromIndex, tailBuffer, 0, pickPreviousByteCount);

                    Array.Copy(readBuffer, 0, tailBuffer, pickPreviousByteCount, actualBytesRead);
                    return actualBytesRead;

                Array.Copy(readBuffer, actualBytesRead - TailBytesCount, tailBuffer, 0, TailBytesCount);
                Array.Copy(readBuffer, 0, buffer, offset, actualBytesRead - TailBytesCount);

                if (actualBytesRead < expectedBytesRead)
                    return actualBytesRead - TailBytesCount;
                return count;
                previousTailBuffer = tailBuffer;

        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            sourceStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);

        public override bool CanRead
            get { return sourceStream.CanRead; }

        public override bool CanSeek
            get { return sourceStream.CanSeek; }

        public override bool CanWrite
            get { return sourceStream.CanWrite; }

        public override long Length
                if (sourceStream.Length < TailBytesCount) return sourceStream.Length;
                return sourceStream.Length - TailBytesCount;

        public override long Position
            get { return sourceStream.Position; }
            set { sourceStream.Position = value; }