动态更改LINQ to Entity查询

时间:2012-03-19 03:42:55

标签: sql linq entity-framework

int year = 2009; // get summ of TONS2009 column

var query = from ODInfo in DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS
            where pLocationIDs.Contains(ODInfo.OID) 
            group ODInfo by ODInfo.OID into g
            select new
               OID = g.Key,
               TotalTons = g.Sum( ODInfo => ODInfo.TONS2009)

表达式'ODInfo => ODInfo.TONS2009',如何根据方法参数'int year'将TONS2009更改为TONS2010或TONS2011?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


IEnumerable<OutputType> myQuery(IEnumerable<InputType> data, Expression<Func<InputType,decimal>> expr)
    return from ODInfo in DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS
           where pLocationIDs.Contains(ODInfo.OID) 
           group ODInfo by ODInfo.OID into g
           select new OutputType
              OID = g.Key,
              TotalTons = g.AsQueryable().Sum(expr)

var query = myQuery(DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS, ODInfo => ODInfo.TONS2009);




string year = "2009";

Type ODInfoType = typeof(ODINFOTYPE); // substitute with the type of ODInfo
ParameterExpression pe = ParameterExpression.Parameter(ODInfoType, "ODInfo");
MemberInfo mi = ODInfoType.GetProperty("TONS" + year);
MemberExpression me = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(pe, mi);
var expr = Expression.Lambda<Func<ODINFOTYPE, decimal>>(me, pe);


答案 1 :(得分:1)


int year = 2009; // get summ of TONS2009 column

var odInfos =
   year == 2009 ? DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS.Select(x => new { x.OID, TONS = x.TONS2009 })
   year == 2010 ? DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS.Select(x => new { x.OID, TONS = x.TONS2010 })
   year == 2011 ? DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS.Select(x => new { x.OID, TONS = x.TONS2011 })
   : null;

var query = from ODInfo in odInfos
            where pLocationIDs.Contains(ODInfo.OID) 
            group ODInfo by ODInfo.OID into g
            select new
               OID = g.Key,
               TotalTons = g.Sum(ODInfo => ODInfo.TONS)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


IEnumerable<OutputType> myQuery(IEnumerable<InputType> data, Func<InputType,decimal> func)
    return from ODInfo in data
           where pLocationIDs.Contains(ODInfo.OID) 
           group ODInfo by ODInfo.OID into g
           select new OutputType
              OID = g.Key,
              TotalTons = g.Sum(func)

var query = myQuery(DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS, ODInfo => ODInfo.TONS2009);

答案 3 :(得分:0)


int year = 2009; // get summ of TONS2009 column

var query = from ODInfo in DataContext.CIMS_TRUCKS
            where pLocationIDs.Contains(ODInfo.OID) 
            group ODInfo by ODInfo.OID into g
            select g;

var projectedGroups = query.Select("new (Key as OID, Sum(TONS" + year + ") as TotalTons)");