
时间:2009-06-10 14:37:12

标签: vba vb6 user-defined-types

我试图解决这个问题,但找不到任何解决方案。我在普通模块中定义了UDT,并希望将其用作类模块中Public Sub中的参数。然后我得到一个编译错误:










7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)


Private Type testtype
  x As String
End Type

Friend Sub testmethod(y As testtype)

End Sub

根据您的错误消息,您的课程显示为私有。如果您确实希望您的类是公共的 - 即您正在制作ActiveX exe或DLL并且您希望客户端能够访问该子类 - 那么只需将类型和子公共。同时制作。

答案 1 :(得分:10)


有没有办法让公众参与   UDT用作公共参数   在一个班级?

总之,没有。您可以使用Classic VB代码最接近的是创建一个复制UDT并使用它的类。这里肯定有优势,但如果您需要将其传递给API,那么您就会受到冲击。


答案 2 :(得分:9)



Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal dst As Long, ByVal src As Long, ByVal nBytes As Long)

Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Okay, this is what won't work in VB6:
'     Dim MyUdt1 As MyUdtType   ' Declare a variable with a publicly defined UDT (no problem).
'     Form2.Show                ' We could have created some object with a class.  This was just easier for the demo.
'           INSIDE OF FORM2:
'               Public Sub MySub(MyUdt2 As MyUdtType)   ' It won't even let you compile this.
'                   Msgbox MyUdt2.l
'                   MyUdt2.l = 5
'               End Sub
'     Form2.MySub MyUdt1                                ' You'll never get this far.
'     Unload Form2
'     Msgbox MyUdt1.l
' The following is a way to get it done:
Dim MyUdt1 As MyUdtType         ' Declare a variable with a publicly defined UDT (no problem).
Dim ReturnUdtPtr As Long        ' Declare a variable for a return pointer.
MyUdt1.l = 3                    ' Give the variable of our UDT some value.
Form2.Show                      ' Create our other object.
' Now we're ready to call our procedure in the object.
' This is all we really wanted to do all along.
' Notice that the VarPtr of the UDT is passed and not the actual UDT.
' This allows us to circumvent the no passing of UDTs to objects.
ReturnUdtPtr = Form2.MyFunction(VarPtr(MyUdt1))
' If we don't want anything back, we could have just used a SUB procedure.
' However, I wanted to give an example of how to go both directions.
' All of this would be exactly the same even if we had started out in a module (BAS).
CopyMemory VarPtr(MyUdt1), ReturnUdtPtr, Len(MyUdt1)
' We can now kill our other object (Unload Form2).
' We probably shouldn't kill it until we've copied our UDT data
' because the lifetime of our UDT will be technically ended when we do.
Unload Form2                    ' Kill the other object.  We're done with it.
MsgBox MyUdt1.l                 ' Make sure we got the UDT data back.
End Sub

在form2中(无需控件)。 (这可能就像用类创建的对象一样容易。):

    Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal dst As Long, ByVal src As Long, ByVal nBytes As Long)

Public Function MyFunction(ArgUdtPtr As Long) As Long
' Ok, this is how we get it done.
' There are a couple of things to notice right off the bat.
' First, the POINTER to the UDT is passed (using VarPtr) rather than the actual UDT.
' This way, we can circumvent the restriction of UDT not passed into objects.
' Second, the following MyUdt2 is declared as STATIC.
' This second point is important because the lifetime of MyUdt2 technically ends
' when we return from this function if it is just DIMmed.
' If we want to pass changes back to our caller, we will want to have a slightly longer lifetime.
Static MyUdt2 As MyUdtType
' Ok, we're here, so now we move the argument's UDT's data into our local UDT.
CopyMemory VarPtr(MyUdt2), ArgUdtPtr, Len(MyUdt2)
' Let's see if we got it.
MsgBox MyUdt2.l
' Now we might want to change it, and then pass back our changes.
MyUdt2.l = 5
' Once again, we pass back the pointer, because we can't get the actual UDT back.
' This is where the MyUdt2 being declared as Static becomes important.
MyFunction = VarPtr(MyUdt2)
End Function


    Option Explicit
' This is just the UDT that is used for the example.
Public Type MyUdtType
    l As Long
End Type

答案 3 :(得分:2)

将UDT作为参考参数传递,它将起作用。 :)

'method in the class

Public Sub CreateFile(ByRef udt1 As UdtTest)

End Sub

答案 4 :(得分:1)

我有相同的错误消息,在检查应用程序后,我发现在类的属性窗口中,“Instancing”设置被设置为“1 - Private”,用于引用的对象。我将其更改为“5 - MultiUse”并得到相同的错误消息。然后我回到项目模块的一个版本,之后我添加了引用的对象并再次添加了项目 - 它默认为“1 - Private”。在进行任何其他操作之前,我将其更改为“5 - MultiUse”并关闭项目以便在编译之前进行更新。我重新打开了项目,验证它仍然设置为“5 - MultiUse”,然后编译项目并干净地编译而没有错误消息。


答案 5 :(得分:0)


Public Type TPVArticulo
    Referencia As String
    Descripcion As String
    PVP As Double
    Dto As Double
End Type

并在课程中使用Friend,模块o frm:

Friend Function GetArticulo() As TPVArticulo

答案 6 :(得分:-4)


Public Class Sample

    Public Strucutre UDT
       Dim Value As Object
    End Structure

End Class