我在事件 sales_order_place_after 中使用Magento的事件 - 观察者模型来从Magento获取订单ID(增量ID),即客户的事件按PLACE ORDER 。为此,我创建了 config.xml & Observer.php 。
<?xml version="1.0"?>
/xampp/htdocs/localhost/magento/app/code/local/Sample/Event/Model/Observer.php 的 Observer.php
class Sample_Event_Model_Observer
public function Mytestmethod($observer)
$event = $observer->getEvent();
$eventmsg = "Current Event Triggered : <I>" . $event->getName() . "</I>";
echo Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addSuccess($eventmsg);
$Id = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder()->getId();
$incrementid = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder()->getIncrementId();
$ordermsg1 = "Current order Id : <I>" . $Id . "</I>";
echo Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addSuccess($ordermsg1);
$ordermsg2 = "Current increment Id : <I>" . $incrementid . "</I>";
echo Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addSuccess($ordermsg2);
/* $cURL = curl_init(); //this isn't work for me
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_URL, "http://localhost/magento/connection/Final/Function1.php?order_id=<?php echo $incrementid ?>");
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$p = new testDatabase(); //this isn't work for me
$p -> setId($incrementid);
$p -> dbConnect();
在Observer.php中,我会在客户下订单后立即获得订单号(增量ID)。现在我的目标是将该订单号传递给外部php文件Function1.php,该文件具有依赖于订单号(增量ID)的功能。 的 Function1.php
//$orderID = $_GET['incrementid'];
//echo $orderID;
class testDatabase
public function setId($getId) //get Order Id i.e. Increment id from Observer.php which is not working for me
echo **$incrementid**;
public function dbConnect() //connect to magento database
$db_name = "magento";
$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "magento", "password");
If (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$seldb = mysql_select_db($db_name, $con);
If ($seldb)
echo "Database Found ";
echo "Database NOT Found ";
public function dbInsert() //insert into magento's newly created custom table based on **increment id**.
echo "<br />";
$query = "INSERT INTO mysql_outbound(po_number , created_at , buyer_customer_firstname , buyer_customer_lastname , buyer_customer_email ,
shipping_description , ship_to_firstname, ship_to_lastname, ship_to_company, ship_to_street, ship_to_city, ship_to_region,
ship_to_country_id, ship_to_postcode, ship_to_telephone, bill_to_firstname, bill_to_lastname, bill_to_company, bill_to_street, bill_to_city,
bill_to_region, bill_to_country_id, bill_to_postcode, bill_to_telephone, dealer_group_code, customer_group_code, dealer_firstname,
dealer_lastname, customer_firstname, customer_lastname, increment_id, order_primary)
SELECT sfop.`po_number`,sfo.`created_at`,sfo.`customer_firstname` , sfo.`customer_lastname` , sfo.`customer_email` , sfo.`shipping_description` ,
sfoa. firstname, sfoa. lastname, sfoa. company, sfoa. street, sfoa. city, sfoa. region, sfoa.country_id, sfoa. postcode, sfoa. telephone, sfoa1. firstname,
sfoa1. lastname, sfoa1. company, sfoa1. street, sfoa1. city, sfoa1. region, sfoa1.country_id, sfoa1. postcode, sfoa1. telephone, cg. customer_group_code,
cg1. customer_group_code, cev. value, cev1. value, cev2. value, cev3. value, sfo.`increment_id`,
(select mo.order_primary from mysql_outbound mo where mo.increment_id = sfo.increment_id)
FROM `sales_flat_order_payment` sfop, `sales_flat_order` sfo, `sales_flat_order_address` sfoa,`sales_flat_order_address` sfoa1,`customer_entity` ce,`customer_entity` ce1,
`customer_group` cg,`customer_group` cg1,`customer_entity_varchar` cev, `customer_entity_varchar` cev1,`customer_entity_varchar` cev2,
`customer_entity_varchar` cev3
WHERE sfo.`entity_id` = sfop.`parent_id`
AND sfo.`shipping_address_id` = sfoa.`entity_id`
AND sfo.`billing_address_id` = sfoa1.`entity_id`
AND sfo. ge_dealer_id = ce. entity_id
AND ce. group_id = cg. customer_group_id
AND sfo. ge_customer_id = ce1. entity_id
AND ce1. group_id = cg1. customer_group_id
AND sfo. ge_dealer_id = cev.entity_id
AND cev. attribute_id = 5
AND sfo. ge_dealer_id = cev1.entity_id
AND cev1. attribute_id = 7
AND sfo. ge_customer_id = cev2.entity_id
AND cev2. attribute_id = 5
AND sfo. ge_customer_id = cev3.entity_id
AND cev3. attribute_id = 7
AND sfo.`increment_id` = **$incrementid**"; //will need to pass increment id here
$result = mysql_query($query);
public function dbFetch() //fetch data from magento
global $str;
echo "<br />";
$a = mysql_insert_id();
echo $a;
echo "<br />";
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mysql_outbound where order_primary = $a");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
$str = "'". $row["po_number"] . "',". "'" . $row[created_at] . "'," . "'" . $row["buyer_customer_firstname"] . "',". "'" . $row["buyer_customer_lastname"] . "'," . "'" . $row["buyer_customer_email"] . "'," . "'" . $row["shipping_description"]. "'," . "'" . $row["ship_to_firstname"] . "'," . "'" . $row["ship_to_lastname"] ."'," . "'" . $row["ship_to_company"] . "'," . "'" . $row["ship_to_street"] ."'," ."'" . $row["ship_to_city"] . "'," ."'" . $row["ship_to_region"] . "'," ."'" . $row["ship_to_country_id"] ."'," ."'" . $row["ship_to_postcode"]."'," ."'" . $row["ship_to_telephone"] . "'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_firstname"] . "'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_lastname"] ."'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_company"]."'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_street"] . "'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_city"] ."'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_region"] . "'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_country_id"] ."'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_postcode"] . "'," ."'" . $row["bill_to_telephone"] . "'," ."'" . $row["dealer_group_code"] ."'," ."'" . $row["customer_group_code"]."'," ."'" . $row["dealer_firstname"] . "'," ."'" . $row["dealer_lastname"] ."'," ."'" . $row["customer_firstname"] . "'," ."'" . $row["customer_lastname"] ."'," ."'" . $row["increment_id"] . "'," . $row["order_primary"];
public function dbDisconnect() //close mysql connection
echo "<br />";
$this->con = false;
return true;
return false;
现在我想在Observer.php中包含这个文件Function1.php,这样一旦客户按下PLACE ORDER选项卡,Function1.php文件将获得订单号&amp;它将在其中执行查询。我只是想将数据插入到自定义表中,这需要发送到外部系统,即Oracle。因为我们不想触摸Magento核心表所以创建了相同的自定义表..
答案 0 :(得分:0)
<host>< ![CDATA[hostname]]></host>
<username>< ![CDATA[username]]></username>
<password>< ![CDATA[password]]></password>
<dbname>< ![CDATA[dbname]]></dbname>
<initstatements>SET NAMES utf8</initstatements>
从Magento的任何位置访问此数据库$read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('mymodule_read');
$write = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('mymodule_write');
它将为您提供Zend DB的实例,您可以随意执行任何操作。这样可以避免将数据从Magento传递到其他地方,包括外部类等。