.tabs( "load" , index )
.tabs ("load", 2)
.tabs ("load", 3)
tabindex 2的负载被随后的tabindex 3加载取消。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$("#nameOfMyTabsList").tabs("add", "#href-to-my-element"+some_unique_string, "This Is The Link Text!");
的div<div id="href-to-my-element">
//this is where my text is.
url: 'location/to/my/file.php',
data: 'data='+myDataVar,
success: function(data){
$("#nameOfMyTabsList").tabs("add", "#href-to-my-element"+some_unique_string, "This Is The Link Text!");
//I had a list of elements, each one had it's own unique name, so I created a variable from my links text when I click.
var ourTabName = $(this).text;
//I did some regexp and replacing of unwanted values so there wasn't issues with &, -, and / operators
var cleanTabName = ourTabName(//do regexp);
//the data I needed to send to the server is held in my HREF tag. A replace of the hash tag and I'm good to go
var myDataVar = $(this).attr("href");
//just a simple removal, nothing fancy
var myDataVar = myDataVar.replace(/#/g, '');
//now I can do my ajax. all my variables are set. let's build the new tabs and inject the content.
url: 'location/to/my/file.php',
data: 'data='+myDataVar,
success: function(data){
//This is where pure magic happens. See our cleanName? we're using it again for the dynamic ID tags and Links so we don't run into any issues.
$("#nameOfMyTabsList").tabs("add", "#href-to-my-element"+cleanTabName, "This Is The Link Text!");
//now that the link and div have been created, we access the div with the same identifer we just made in the above line. then we append the data that was returned from our ajax request.