我尝试在Windows中运行我的项目。项目使用android ndk。我安装Cygwin并在PATH中添加“C:\ cygwin \ bin”。安装GnuMake,并设置变量GNUMAKE = /cygdrive/c/Art/GnuMake/bin/make.exe。我还在Eclipse中为我的项目添加了原生支持。 当我尝试运行这个项目时,Eclipse Show:
**** Build of configuration Default for project FFWall ****
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe C:\Art\android-ndk\ndk-build V=1
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
ERROR: Your GNUMAKE variable is defined to an invalid name: /cygdrive/c/Art/GnuMake/bin/make.exe
Please fix it to point to a valid make executable (e.g. /usr/bin/make)
**** Build Finished ****
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使用GNUMAKE = C:\ cygwin \ bin \ bash.exe它为我工作