
时间:2012-03-12 13:35:52

标签: iphone xamarin.ios monotouch.dialog

嗨,我对iphone编程很新。我在我的应用程序中使用了DialogViewController。 在下面的代码中,addButton.Clicked事件将生成一个带有部分(表格单元格)的新根元素,我们可以使用这些部分导航到另一个页面。


非常紧急! 感谢。


public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate 
        UIWindow _window;
        UINavigationController _nav;
        DialogViewController _RootVC;
        RootElement _rootElement;
        UIBarButtonItem _addButton;
        UIBarButtonItem _EditButton;
        DataBaseAccess da =new DataBaseAccess();

        public string _name; 

        EntryElement StrainName;

        //Load all the datas
        private bool LoadMain()
            _window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
             _rootElement = new RootElement("Strain")
                new Section()
                    (StrainName = new EntryElement ("Strain Name","Enter Name",""))
                new Section()

              List ();

            _RootVC = new DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle.Grouped,_rootElement,true);
            _nav = new UINavigationController(_RootVC);
            //_EditButton= new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Edit);
            _EditButton  = new UIBarButtonItem("Delete", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain,null);
            _addButton = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Add);

            _RootVC.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = _EditButton;
            _RootVC.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = _addButton;

            _addButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => 
                if (StrainName.Value=="")

                    return ;

                da.Addnew (StrainName.Value);

            var strain = new Strains{Name = StrainName.Value};

                var strainElement = new RootElement(StrainName.Value)

                    new Section()
                        new StringElement("Name",strain.Name)
                    new Section()
                        new EntryElement("Strain Type","  Enter Type","")
                    new Section()

                        new RootElement("Dispensory")

                                new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Dispensory","  Enter Dispensory name","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Address","  Enter Address","")

                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("City","Enter City","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("State","Enter State","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Zip","Enter Zip","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Phone","Enter Phone","")


                    new Section()
                        new EntryElement("Price","Enter Price per Gram","")
                    new Section()
                        new EntryElement("Rating","Enter Rating 1-10","")

                StrainName.Value = "";



            _EditButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => 


            _window.RootViewController = _nav;
            _window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

            return true;


        public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)

              return   LoadMain ();


       //List the data from DB
            private void List (){

            DataBaseAccess Lobj_da=new DataBaseAccess();
            Lobj_da.getstrains ();
            List<string> strains=Lobj_da.Starins;

            foreach (string name in strains)

            var strain = new Strains{Name = name};

                var strainElement = new RootElement(name)

                    new Section()

                        new EntryElement("Name",strain.Name,strain.Name)
                    new Section()
                        new EntryElement("Strain Type","  Enter Type","")
                    new Section()

                        new RootElement("Dispensory")
                                new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Dispensory","  Enter Dispensory name","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Address","  Enter Address","")

                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("City","Enter City","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("State","Enter State","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Zip","Enter Zip","")
                            new Section()
                                    new EntryElement("Phone","Enter Phone","")


                    new Section()
                        new EntryElement("Price","Enter Price per Gram","")
                    new Section()
                        new EntryElement("Rating","Enter Rating 1-10","")

                StrainName.Value = "";




        //Edit Changes
         void ConfigEdit (DialogViewController dvc)
            //dvc.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Edit, delegate {

            dvc.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem  = new UIBarButtonItem("Update", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain,null);
                    dvc.TableView.SetEditing (true, true);
                    ConfigDone (dvc);
        //  });


        void ConfigDone (DialogViewController dvc)
            dvc.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Done, delegate {

                dvc.TableView.SetEditing (false, true);
                ConfigEdit (dvc);

        public void Edit_Elements () 

            RootElement _rootElement_Edit;
             _rootElement_Edit = new RootElement("Strain")
                new Section()
                DataBaseAccess LEobj_da=new DataBaseAccess();
                LEobj_da.getstrains ();
               List<string> strains=LEobj_da.Starins;

            foreach (string name in strains){

            var strain = new Strains{Name = name};

                var strainElement = new RootElement(name)

                    new Section()

                        new StringElement("Name",strain.Name)


            var dvc = new EditingDialog (_rootElement_Edit, true);
            ConfigEdit (dvc);

            _nav.PushViewController (dvc, true); 


    } `

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)
