
时间:2012-03-12 11:20:10

标签: jquery tumblr

我正在尝试使用Tumblr api从我的不同tumblogs收集帖子。我使用jquery tumblr plugin来执行此操作,但每个tumblog的结果都是分开的。我想把这个结果收集到一个数组中,而不是在html中渲染这个数据来排序日期...有人能告诉我一个方向吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您需要修改jquery tumblr插件以获得一些回调函数。



var myResults = new Array();
var successCount = 0;
function tumblr_OnSuccess(posts) {
    $(posts).children().each(function (i, item) {


    if (successCount == 6) {
        var d = $('<div></div>');

        $(myResults).each(function (i, item) {

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('<div></div>').tumblr({ url: 'http://kittenskittenskittens.tumblr.com', onSuccess: tumblr_OnSuccess });
    $('<div></div>').tumblr({ url: 'http://kittenskittenskittens.tumblr.com', onSuccess: tumblr_OnSuccess });
    $('<div></div>').tumblr({ url: 'http://kittenskittenskittens.tumblr.com', onSuccess: tumblr_OnSuccess });
    $('<div></div>').tumblr({ url: 'http://kittenskittenskittens.tumblr.com', onSuccess: tumblr_OnSuccess });
    $('<div></div>').tumblr({ url: 'http://kittenskittenskittens.tumblr.com', onSuccess: tumblr_OnSuccess });
    $('<div></div>').tumblr({ url: 'http://kittenskittenskittens.tumblr.com', onSuccess: tumblr_OnSuccess });

这是修改过的jQuery Tumblr插件

 * jQuery tumblr plugin
 * This jQuery plugin was inspired by the work of Chris Tran - https://chris-tran.com/blog/?p=236
 * @name jquery-tumblr-0.2.js
 * @author Alex Hayes - http://alution.com
 * @version 0.3
 * @date Aug 17, 2011
 * @category jQuery plugin
 * @copyright (c) 2011 Alex Hayes (alution.com)
 * @license Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
 * @todo Add ability to define hooks for user defined markup.
(function( $ ) {

    var methods = {

         * Initialise the tumblr feed.
         * @param options     Valid params:
         *                        - url: your tumblr url (ie. http://(YOUR NAME).tumblr.com )
         *                        - loading: A selector that specifies a element that can be shown when loading content from tumblr.
         *                        - pagination: A selector that specifies where the pagination will reside. If one does not exist, pagination is disabled.
         *                        - perPage: The number of posts to return. The default is 20, and the maximum is 50.
         *                        - start: The post offset to start from. The default is 0.
         *                        - paginationOptions: Other options to pass to jquery_pagination - See https://github.com/gbirke/jquery_pagination
         *                        - photoSize: The photo size to use, accepted values are 75, 100, 250, 400, 500 and 1280. Default is 400.
         *                        - videoSize: The video size to embed, accepted values are 250, 500 or false. If false, the tumblr 'video-player' parameter will be used.
         *                        - timeago: If true (default) then jquery-timeago will be used for post dates.
         *                        - shortLength: For captions and titles that are less than this length the css class 'short' will be added. Default is 50.
         *                        - mediumLength: For captions and titles that are less than this length the css class 'medium' will be added. Default is 100.
         *                        - fancybox: If true (default) then fancybox will be used when there are multiple photos. See photoThumbSize and photoLightboxSize
         *                        - photoThumbSize: If there are multiple photos, they will be output in a ul/li tags, this value will be the size of image used. Accepted values are 75, 100, 250, 400, 500 and 1280. Default is 75.
         *                        - photoLightboxSize: If there are multiple photos, this image size will be used for lightbox. Accepted values are 75, 100, 250, 400, 500 and 1280. Default is 1280.
         *                        - timeout: Ajax timeout defaults to 5000
        init : function( options ) {
            var settings = {
                'loading'            : false,
                'pagination'         : false,
                'perPage'            : 20,
                'start'              : 0,
                'paginationOptions'  : {},
                'photoSize'          : 400,
                'videoSize'          : false,
                'timeago'            : true,
                'shortLength'        : 50,
                'mediumLength'       : 100,
                'fancybox'           : true,
                'photoThumbSize'     : 75,
                'photoLightboxSize'  : 500,
                'timeout'            : 10000,
                'onSuccess'          : null,
                'onError'            : null
            var that = this;

            return this.each(function() {        
                // If options exist, lets merge them with our default settings
                var $this = $(this),
                    data = $this.data('tumblr'),
                    posts = $('<ul class="tumblr-posts"/>');

                // If the plugin hasn't been initialized yet
                if ( ! data ) {
                    if ( options ) { 
                        $.extend( settings, options );
                    if( settings.pagination ) {
                        settings.pagination = $(settings.pagination);
                        if( settings.pagination.length < 1 ) {
                            settings.pagination = false;
                    if( settings.loading ) {
                        settings.loading = $(settings.loading);
                        if( settings.loading.length < 1 ) {
                            settings.loading = false;
                    $(this).data('tumblr', {
                        target           : $this,
                        start            : settings.start,
                        options          : settings,
                        posts            : posts,
                        pagination_setup : false 

         * Load the tumblr feed.
         * @param Int page    The page number to load (starts at 0).
        load: function(page) {

            // Show all the loaders and slide up the content.
            this.each(function() {
                var $this = $(this),
                    data = $this.data('tumblr');
                if(data.options.loading) {

            var $this = this, 
                data = this.data('tumblr'),
                params = {
                    start: page == undefined ? data.start * data.options.perPage : page * data.options.perPage,
                    num: data.options.perPage
                url = data.options.url + '/api/read/json?' + $.param(params);               

                url: url,
                dataType: 'script',
                timeout: data.options.timeout,
                success: function() {
                    $this.tumblr('handleAjaxSuccess', tumblr_api_read);
                error: function (xhr, statusTxt, errorTxt) {
                    // Unlikely that this will be supported because in probably 99.9% of cases it will be cross domain. Will only work if they have setup a tunnel...
                        '<h2>Ooops...</h2>' +
                        '<p>It looks like tumblr is having issues - it happens to the best of us. Don\'t worry it should be fixed soon!</p>' +
                        '<p style="display: none;">' + errorTxt + ': ' + xhr.responseText + '</p>'

                    if (typeof $this.onError == "function")
                        $this.onError(errorTxt, xhr.responseText);
            return this;

        handleAjaxSuccess: function(tumblr_api_read) {
            return this.each(function() {
                var $this = $(this),
                    data = $this.data('tumblr'),
                    posts = data.posts,
                    postIterator = 0;

                if ((tumblr_api_read == undefined) || (tumblr_api_read == null)) {
                    $this.append('<div class="tumblr-error">Unable to load tumblr - its probably down...</div>');

                $.each(tumblr_api_read.posts, function(i, post) {
                    $this.tumblr('addPost', post, postIterator);

                if(typeof $.timeago == "function" && data.options.timeago && $("abbr.timeago", data.posts).length > 0) {
                    $("abbr.timeago", data.posts).timeago();
                if(typeof $.fancybox == "function" && data.options.fancybox && $("a.lightbox", data.posts).length > 0) {
                    $("a.lightbox", data.posts).fancybox();
                if(data.options.loading) {

                if(data.options.pagination && !data.pagination_setup) {
                    data.pagination_setup = true;
                            items_per_page : data.options.perPage,
                            callback       : function(new_page_index, pagination_container) {
                                $this.tumblr('load', new_page_index);   
                    data.options.pagination.pagination(tumblr_api_read['posts-total'], data.options.paginationOptions);

                if (typeof data.options.onSuccess == "function")

        addPost: function(post, i) {
            var $this = $(this),
                data = $this.data('tumblr'),
                oddeven = i%2 ? 'even' : 'odd',
                body = '',
                li = '';

            switch(post.type) {
                case "regular": {
                    var extraClass = $this.tumblr('getCssTextLength', post['regular-title']);
                    body = '<div class="title ' + extraClass + '">' + post['regular-title'] + '</div>';
                    if(post['regular-body']) {
                        body += '<div class="description">' + post['regular-body'] + '</div>'; 
                case "photo": {
                    body = '<div class="media">';
                    if(post['photos'].length > 0) {
                        body += '<ul class="photos">';
                        $.each(post['photos'], function(i, photo) {
                            var oddeven = i%2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
                            var alt = '';
                            if(photo['photo-caption'] != undefined) {
                                alt = ' alt="' + photo['photo-caption'] + '"'; 
                            body += '<li class="' + oddeven + '">' +
                                    '<a href="' + photo['photo-url-' + data.options.photoLightboxSize] + '" rel="post-' + post['id'] + '" class="lightbox">' +
                                        '<img src="' + photo['photo-url-' + data.options.photoThumbSize] + '"' + alt + '>' +
                                    '</a>' +
                        body += '</ul>';
                    } else {
                        if(post['photo-link-url']) {
                            body += '<a href="' + post['photo-link-url'] + '">';
                        body += '<img alt="' + $(post['photo-caption']).text() + '" src="' + post['photo-url-' + data.options.photoSize] + '">';
                        if(post['photo-link-url']) {
                            body += '</a>';
                    if(post['photo-caption']) {
                        body += '<div class="description">' + post['photo-caption'] + '</div>';
                    body += '</div>';
                case "link": {
                    var extraClass = $this.tumblr('getCssTextLength', post['link-text']);
                    body = '<div class="link ' + extraClass + '"><a href="' + post['link-url'] + '">' + post['link-text'] + '</a></div>';
                    if(post["link-description"]) {
                        body += '<div class="description">' + post['link-description'] + '</div>';
                case "quote": {
                    var extraClass = $this.tumblr('getCssTextLength', post['quote-text']);
                    body = 
                        '<div class="quote">' +
                            '<div class="quote-text ' + extraClass + '">' + post['quote-text'] + '</div>' +
                            '<div class="source">&mdash; ' + post['quote-source'] + '</div>' +
                case "conversation": {
                    var extraClass = $this.tumblr('getCssTextLength', post['conversation-title']);
                    body = '<div class="caption ' + extraClass + '">' + post['conversation-title'] + '</div>' +
                        '<div class="conversation">' + '<ul>';

                    var users = [];
                    $.each(post['conversation'], function(i, item) {
                        if( $.inArray(users, item['name']) == -1 ) {
                        var user = $.inArray(users, item['name']) + 1;
                        body += 
                            '<li class="odd">' + 
                                '<span class="label user-' + user + '">' + item['label'] + '</span>' +
                                '<span class="phrase">' + item['phrase'] + '</span>' +
                    body += '</div>';
                case "audio": {
                    body = '<div class="media">' + post['audio-player'] + '</div>';
                    if(post['audio-caption']) {
                        body += '<div class="description">' + post['audio-caption'] + '</div>'; 
                case "video": {
                    var player = 'video-player';
                    if(data.options.videoSize) {
                        player = 'video-player-' + data.options.videoSize;
                    body = '<div class="media">' + post[player] + '</div>';
                    if(post['video-caption']) {
                        body += '<div class="description">' + post['video-caption'] + '</div>';

            // Add the li to the posts stack.
            li = 
                '<li class="tumblr-post tumblr-post-' + post.type + ' post-id-' + post.id + ' ' + oddeven + '">' +
                    '<div class="post-body">' +
                        body +
                    '</div>' +
                    '<div class="post-footer">' +
                        '<div class="date"><span class="posted">Posted</span> <abbr class="timeago" title="' + post['date'] + '">' + post['date'] + '</abbr></div>' +
                        '<div class="permalink">' +
                            '<a href="' + post['url-with-slug'] + '" class="permalink" target="_blank"><span class="permalink-icon">&#167;</span> <span class="permalink-text">Permalink</span></a>' +

            if(post.tags) {
                li += '<div class="tags"><span class="tagged">Tagged </span> <ul>';
                $.each(post.tags, function(i, tag) {
                    var tag_comma = '<span class="tag-commas">, </span>';
                    var extraClass = '';
                    if(i == post.tags.length - 1 ) {
                        extraClass = 'last';
                        tag_comma = '';
                    else if(i == 0) {
                        extraClass = 'first';
                    li += '<li class="' + extraClass + '"><a href="' + data.options.url + '/tagged/' + tag +'" target="_blank">#' + tag + '</a>' + tag_comma + '</li>';
                li += '</ul></div>';

            li += '</div>' +


        getCssTextLength: function(text) {
            var $this = $(this),
                data = $this.data('tumblr'),
                shortLength = data.options.shortLength,
                mediumLength = data.options.mediumLength;

            var extraClass = 'long';
            if(text != null && text.length < shortLength) {
                extraClass = 'short';
            else if(text != null && text.length < mediumLength) {
                extraClass = 'medium';
            return extraClass;

        destroy: function() {
            return this.each(function(){
                var $this = $(this),
                    data = $this.data('tumblr');
                // Namespacing FTW

    $.fn.tumblr = function( method ) {
        // Method calling logic
        if ( methods[method] ) {
            return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
        } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
            return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
        } else {
            $.error( 'Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on jQuery.tooltip' );
})( jQuery );