答案 0 :(得分:8)
要回答您的第二个问题,这是good bitboard tutorial。
示例1 - 位板定义:
internal UInt64 WhiteKing;
internal UInt64 WhiteQueens;
internal UInt64 WhiteRooks;
internal UInt64 WhiteBishops;
internal UInt64 WhiteKnights;
internal UInt64 WhitePawns;
internal UInt64 WhitePieces;
示例2 - 位板初始化:
// Initialise piece bitboards using square contents.
private void InitPieceBitboards()
this.WhiteKing = 0;
this.WhiteQueens = 0;
this.WhiteRooks = 0;
this.WhiteBishops = 0;
this.WhiteKnights = 0;
this.WhitePawns = 0;
for (Int16 i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_KING)
this.WhiteKing = this.WhiteKing | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_QUEEN)
this.WhiteQueens = this.WhiteQueens | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_ROOK)
this.WhiteRooks = this.WhiteRooks | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_BISHOP)
this.WhiteBishops = this.WhiteBishops | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_KNIGHT)
this.WhiteKnights = this.WhiteKnights | Constants.BITSET[i];
if (this.Squares[i] == Constants.WHITE_PAWN)
this.WhitePawns = this.WhitePawns | Constants.BITSET[i];
this.WhitePieces = this.WhiteKing | this.WhiteQueens |
this.WhiteRooks | this.WhiteBishops |
this.WhiteKnights | this.WhitePawns;
this.BlackPieces = this.BlackKing | this.BlackQueens |
this.BlackRooks | this.BlackBishops |
this.BlackKnights | this.BlackPawns;
this.SquaresOccupied = this.WhitePieces | this.BlackPieces;
示例3 - 移动生成:
// We can't capture one of our own pieces.
eligibleSquares = ~this.WhitePieces;
// Generate moves for white knights.
remainingKnights = this.WhiteKnights;
// Generate the moves for each knight...
while (remainingKnights != 0)
squareFrom = BitOps.BitScanForward(remainingKnights);
generatedMoves = Constants.ATTACKS_KNIGHT[squareFrom] & eligibleSquares;
while (generatedMoves != 0)
squareTo = BitOps.BitScanForward(generatedMoves);
moveList.Add(new Move(squareFrom, squareTo, Constants.WHITE_KNIGHT,
this.Squares[squareTo], Constants.EMPTY));
generatedMoves ^= Constants.BITSET[squareTo];
// Finished with this knight - move on to the next one.
remainingKnights ^= Constants.BITSET[squareFrom];
示例4 - 计算物料分数:
// Material score from scratch, in centipawns from White's perspective.
internal static Int32 ScoreMaterial(Board position)
return BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhitePawns) * Constants.VALUE_PAWN +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteKnights) * Constants.VALUE_KNIGHT +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteBishops) * Constants.VALUE_BISHOP +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteRooks) * Constants.VALUE_ROOK +
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.WhiteQueens) * Constants.VALUE_QUEEN -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackPawns) * Constants.VALUE_PAWN -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackKnights) * Constants.VALUE_KNIGHT -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackBishops) * Constants.VALUE_BISHOP -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackRooks) * Constants.VALUE_ROOK -
BitOps.BitCountWegner(position.BlackQueens) * Constants.VALUE_QUEEN;
示例5 - 计算件移动性:
// Calculate mobility score for white knights.
remainingPieces = position.WhiteKnights;
while (remainingPieces != 0)
squareFrom = BitOps.BitScanForward(remainingPieces);
mobilityKnight += BitOps.BitCountWegner(Constants.ATTACKS_KNIGHT[squareFrom]
& unoccupiedSquares);
remainingPieces ^= Constants.BITSET[squareFrom];
答案 1 :(得分:3)
从维基百科的文章中,位板似乎是一个简单的位数组。 .NET中有一个名为BitArray的类,其中包含执行按位运算的方法。
'Create bit array to store white rooks
Dim whiteRooks As New BitArray(64)
'Set white rooks at initial position
whiteRooks(0) = True 'Corresponds to A1 on chess board
whiteRooks(56) = True 'Corresponds to H1 on chess board
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
Dim mArray(8,8) As Boolean
答案 4 :(得分:0)
如果您不想使用数组,另一个选项是简单地创建一个类/结构,其中包含您想要指定的许多“扇区”中的板或状态。例如,您可以指定4个long来表示128x128板,每个long代表一个“扇区”(假设32位处理器)。然后,您所要做的就是覆盖Equals方法(或==运算符)以运行直接比较以检查每个“section”IE this.Quadrant1 == that.Quadrant1
最终,位板的整个概念是您使用数据类型本身的位来表示环境的位置/状态(int = 32bits = 32位,long = 64bits = 64位等)。对于数值类型,这意味着您可以轻松地进行直接相等比较(x == y